Release Notes
Version 7.17.1
Resolved bugs
[PT-4859] Given allocation diagram with pool and within activity, if I delete pool, activity will be deleted, but not from main diagram
[PT-13524] Users export in the new admin ui is downloaded with “null” as filename for non default tenants
[PT-16394] Adding a search favorite doesn’t fill the star icon anymore
[PT-17326] Incorrect today marker position in expanded catalog details lifecycle chart
[PE-10497] Default variables do not behave as expected when used as role ID
[PE-11172] Change german translation for ‘generate form’ button in Form Editor
[PE-10926] Users not involved in a case can see it with direct link to the case flow
[PE-11117] Error 500 when accessing archived process instance
Version 7.17.0
Important note about the new user interface
The new user interface is now fully available. The transition phase from the old to the new interface has already begun.
We recommend preparing your users for the change in advance. To support you, a Quickstart Guide is available. Additionally, our Academy offers a free e-learning module and, if needed, paid e-learning modules and customized training sessions to ensure a smooth transition.
Flexible transition to the new user interface
Administrators can now flexibly control which user roles are restricted to using the new user interface only. Activated roles will be automatically redirected to the new interface upon their next login and will no longer have access to the old interface. Any links to the old interface will also lead directly to the new one. User roles that are not activated will retain access to both interfaces. Existing systems with the current configuration require no action, as the settings will be automatically applied and can be managed directly in the administration in the future.
New Features
Comparison for catalog variants with an integrated checklist
With the new comparison feature, users can efficiently compare and update catalog variants and their versions. An integrated checklist highlights differing attribute values, allowing targeted review, direct adoption, or reversal of changes. This streamlines quality assurance, ensures consistent data maintenance, and saves time during revisions.
How to use the feature:
Start the variant comparison: Select a variant.
Review changes: The comparison table only shows differences.
Apply changes: Apply values with one click or reset them.
Confirm and update: Save the changes to update the catalog variant.
New table view in the catalog
The previous simple list view in the catalog, which only displayed the name and description of an entry, has been completely replaced with a new, clear table view. This allows users to see all relevant attributes quickly and makes it easier to compare entries. Columns can be individually shown or hidden, enabling each user to display only the information that is important to them. The table view offers enhanced structure and flexibility, particularly for power users like editors and authors, but all other user roles also benefit from the ability to customize the catalog to their individual needs.
Dynamic guides for consistent spacing between objects
When modeling, dynamic guides now help you align objects precisely with consistent spacing between them. These guides appear automatically and assist with exact placement, resulting in a professional and structured layout with minimal effort.
Improved handling of edges in modeling
We have optimized edge selection, especially for narrow edge paths. Previously, waypoints were often selected instead of the actual start or end of an edge. Now, a visual hand symbol on the cursor makes it easier to select edges and indicates when the start or end of an edge is being captured. Additionally, when points are close together, the edge start or end is automatically prioritized. These improvements enable more precise and intuitive handling of edges.
Direct Object Filtering in the Public API
Previously, calling systems could only retrieve a complete list of all objects for a tenant and had to filter the data on the client side. This resulted in unnecessarily large data volumes and increased processing effort. With the new enhancement, queries can now be filtered directly by the object’s stereotype and catalog status. As a result, systems receive only the relevant objects without the need for additional selection. This improves performance, reduces data load, and simplifies integration with other applications.
Existing features available in the new user interface
Version comparison in the catalog
The new comparison feature allows users to specifically compare different versions of a catalog item and track changes transparently. Only differing attributes are displayed, categorized in a clearly structured comparison view.
Print preview for diagrams
When opening the print option in the options panel of a checked-in diagram, a preview of the diagram is displayed with margins and page layout, ensuring optimal display and formatting.
Additional features in the new modeler
The Right-to-Left (RTL) mode has been optimized for displaying languages with RTL scripts. Users can now directly add and manage comments and notes. Additionally, the new feature provides an overview of object usage, making it easier to identify dependencies. The direct opening of an object’s detail view in the catalog enhances navigation efficiency. Furthermore, the print format for diagrams can now be set directly, allowing for precise formatting for printing.
Improvements in the new user interface
Improved administration of object types
The object type view in catalog management has been switched to a tab-based structure to improve clarity and navigation. General settings (governance) and filter facet configuration are now housed in separate tabs. In the filter facets tab, attributes can be selected, filtered, and added or removed as chips through a multi-select field.
Integrated comparison table for object versions
In the old user interface, differences between object versions were displayed, but without a direct comparison. With this update, the version comparison in the catalog now features an integrated comparison table that presents object attributes in a structured dialog. This improves clarity, makes comparison easier, and provides quicker access to relevant information.
Improved comparison of diagram variants
The selection menu has been restructured, and the default settings have been improved. The selected variant now remains active when switching stages, as long as it exists in the new stage.
In the new main section “Insights”, which can be found as an independent menu item in the main menu, EAM analyses are now centrally consolidated. Predefined evaluations allow for quick and targeted analysis of EAM-relevant questions, such as the analysis of application costs, identification of redundancies, application strategy planning, or risk management.
Depending on the question, suitable EAM objects, such as applications, business capabilities, or risks, are displayed in a matrix based on their relationships with other EAM objects and are color-coded according to specific attribute values, such as lifecycle phases or technical fit. This allows for easy answers to questions like how application costs are distributed across organizational units and business capabilities, or which applications should be prioritized for further development or transformation. Depending on the types of objects used and the appropriate selection of attributes for coloring, clear and tailored evaluations can be created.
Integrations of external websites for catalog object types
Administrators can now configure the display of external websites in additional tabs in the catalog area of the administration for individual object types. This makes it easy to integrate relevant additional information, e.g. from external analytics platforms or ticket systems, directly and in the right place in BIC. By specifying user groups, the visibility of the relevant tab can be restricted so that user groups only see the integrations that are relevant to them.
Graphical visualization of the life cycle for catalog objects
To display the life cycle attributes in EAM objects, e.g. for applications, the corresponding date attributes of the individual life cycle phases are now displayed graphically as a timeline. The current date is marked separately for better orientation. This provides a simple and intuitive overview of the various life cycle phases.
Life Cycle Roadmap
A roadmap is now available in the catalog for EAM object types in which the individual life cycle phases can be maintained, for example for applications. This view provides a compact overview of which object is in which lifecycle phase at which point in time and thus represents a strategic planning tool for the long-term orientation, further development and transformation initiatives. The current date is marked separately for better orientation. For a better focus, the individual lifecycle phases can be highlighted individually, and the selection of the displayed objects can be restricted using the usual filter facets.
Form Generation with Arty
Arty can now generate forms during the initial form creation process. Based on activity names and descriptions, Arty suggests relevant form fields, reducing manual effort and accelerating the design. To generate a form with Arty, users need to click the ‘Generate form’ button in the Form Editor.
Embed Start Forms on External Websites
Users can now configure start forms directly at the start event and embed them into external websites. The embedding information can be copied directly from the settings in the Form Editor. This feature allows external visitors to trigger automated processes and create cases in Process Execution.
Improved Export of Cases and Tasks to Excel
The Excel export for cases has been enhanced, allowing users to export all cases and tasks to Excel, where they will be stored in separate tabs. This improvement facilitates data analysis and reporting outside the platform.
Easy Assignment of Group Tasks
Users can now claim group tasks directly from the task List, simplifying task management and delegation within teams. By clicking the ‘Assign to me’ link in the task assignment column, the task is immediately assigned to the user.
Seamless Switching Between Case and Task Lists
Users can now effortlessly switch between case and task lists within a ProcessApp, improving workflow efficiency and navigation. The lists are displayed as adjacent tabs within the respective ProcessApp.
Enhanced Case Monitoring and Summary
A dashboard summarizing cases from the past 12 months has been added to the Monitoring section. It provides insights into the number of cases created and completed per month, as well as their processing time over the course of the year. In addition to the axis labels of the bar chart, users can hover over the bars to display the corresponding values separately.
Improvements in the Form Editor
Extended Properties for Sections
Form sections now support the properties ‘Mandatory’, ‘Read-Only’, and ‘Hidden’. All fields within a section automatically inherit the configured property, making form management more efficient and consistent.
Enhanced Drag & Drop for Form Fields
Users can now intuitively rearrange sections and fields in the Form Editor using drag & drop functionality. Additionally, the drag & drop icons have been updated for better usability.
Introduction of a Formula Editor
A new Formula editor has been introduced to support dynamic calculations, data validation, and conditional logic within form fields. Users can review and test their inputs, allowing for greater flexibility in form design.
Advanced Filtering Options for Cases
Filtering in the ‘Monitoring’ Section for Ongoing Cases
In the Monitoring section, users can now filter cases based on their due status. By clicking one of the tiles ‘Overdue’, ‘On Track’, or ‘At Risk’, users are automatically redirected to the filtered case list. The new filter facets can also be used directly in the case list for data analysis. To do this, users need to expand the ‘Overdue State’ facet to see the available filters.
New Filters for Archived Cases
A new filtering facet has been introduced for archived cases, allowing users to filter cases from the past 12 months in the archive list. Users can now select a specific month or a range of months from the last year to filter completed cases accordingly.
Introduction of JSON Objects for Form Variables:
Form variables are now processed as complete JSON objects. This update ensures that structured data remains consistent, improving data integrity and usability. Script tasks that use user group fields must be adapted due to the new data structure. Further information can be found here.
Resolved bugs
[DES-5755] Audit event handling may be interrupted frequently due to memory issues
[DES-5862] Tenant creation with toolbox fails if the name of tenant consists of more than one word
[DES-6591] Security Improvements
[DES-6745] Replacing entities has no effect on checked-out entities (due to concurrent processing)
[DES-6766] Redirect to login page fails if the subdomain contains a dot
[DES-6843] Security improvements
[DES-7001] Security improvements
[DES-7029] Publishing a diagram is not possible when a replaced non-catalog-item has a relation
[DES-7047] Security improvements
[DES-7148] No messages will be send if attributes of an entity change through a replacement of an assigned entity
[DES-7214] Keycloak cannot encrypt configuration with metadata generated by an older version
[PT-3469] Item bar below BPMN activity symbol doe not update correctly after placing another node inside
[PT-12265] Help buttons in administration do not forward to correct sections
[PT-13462] Default value of assignment attributes assigned to an entity are not saved without any additional attribute update
[PT-13542] Incorrect translation in the German date range filter facets
[PT-13586] Banner informing about the validity of a diagram or catalog entry in publication is not displayed
[PT-13764] Color pickers in the Method Administration behave inconsistently
[PT-14409] No label displayed in edit mode for formatted text attributes
[PT-14565] Associations and edges are not recalculated when an element is moved inside or outside a pool using the alignment function
[PT-15467] User roles in the drop-downs are sorted alphabetically instead of being ordered by their privilege
[PT-16319] Alternative diagram views are missing in some diagram types
[PT-16351] Validation during entity publication fails for mandatory occurrence attributes
[PT-16499] Process Warehouse export can fail on data with formatted attributes
[PT-16510, PT-16512, PT-16831, PT-16832, PT-16833, PT-16834, PT-16835, PT-16836, PT-16837, PT-16938] Security Improvements
[PT-16600] Spaces between words with bold or underline formatting are missing in diagram graphic
[PT-16672, PT-16674] Documentation misses information
[PT-16706] Modelers get logged out even though they are constantly modeling
[PT-16707] Edge gets detached when moving the attach point in certain cases
[PT-16738] No documentation available why missing icons in SVG prints are expected behaviour
[PT-16755] Search-service operational improvements
[PT-16946] User role-restricted category and catalog reports are not available in Portal
[PT-17144] Variant option missing when variants exist in stages other than the current one
[PT-17246] Download button does not appear if a report is generated and the session is closed before it finishes
[PT-17284] Quick model import option is missing for Editors
[PT-17295] Pool can be removed via Assigned Objects attribute while activity and other content is inside
[PT-17333] Formatted texts are not displayed correctly in the catalog
[PT-17337] Create variant option available for rejected catalog items
[PT-17339] Removed activities in modeler version changes view still appear in list of changes
[PT-17345] Stage changes are not displayed correctly in the drop-down in Central Search when no search term is entered
[PT-17347] Profile settings are not saved correctly when the page has been reloaded
[PT-17350] No feedback when a search favorite has been created successfully
[PT-17354] When adding users to a user group on small resolutions, the ‘Add’ and ‘Cancel’ buttons are not visible
[PT-17366] When using the “Export to Excel,” “Export Diagram Archive,” or “Export BPMN File” features in an archived diagram version, the newest version is used instead of the archived version
[PT-17367] Dashboard does not match the name filter
[PT-17382] Removing newly added allocated objects via the details view does not persist on the first attempt
[PT-17396] Diagram list flickers and becomes unusable when scrolling (Firefox only)
[PT-17399] Attachment uploads for a single language will not be persisted to diagram or catalog entry
[PE-8000] Script task does not enter an error state when a failure occurs during variable initialization in the engine.
[PE-9975] When changing a signal event to a timer event, the timer event fails to work properly
[PE-10603] ProcessApp Collections with a name longer than 64 characters cause an error
[PE-10925] URL attachments title are not shown
[PE-11081] Wrong translations for ‘invalid user’ in ‘Edit team member’ dialog
[PE-11082] Wrong translation for ‘More ProcessApps’
[PE-11123] Inconsistent stage names in “Global Variable” form
Version 7.16.10
Resolved bugs
[PE-10497] Default variables do not behave as expected when used as role ID
[PE-11038] Form Editor must not allow duplicate IDs of fields within a Section
[PE-11081] Wrong translations for “invalid user” in “Edit team member” dialog
[PE-11082] Wrong german translations for “More Processapps”
[PE-10926] Users not involved in a case can see it with direct link to the case flow
[PE-11117] Error 500 when accessing archived process instance
Version 7.16.9
Resolved bugs
[PT-17287] Auto layouter does not work in the new UI
Version 7.16.8
Resolved bugs
[DES-7214] Keycloak cannot encrypt configuration with metadata generated by a older version
[PT-12300] Report generation is not terminated after service restarts
[PT-16499] Process Warehouse export can fail on data with formatted attributes
[PT-16783] Generated Process Warehouse export finished after user session cannot be downloaded
Version 7.16.7
Resolved bugs
[PT-13872] Cannot delete nodes from canvas under certain circumstances
[PT-16604] Security improvement
[PT-16755] Search-service operational improvements
[PT-16985] Save and checkin are not reachable in medium resolutions in Portal
[PT-17017] Depublishing the base entity removes the parent relationship with variant entities when searching
[PT-17209] BPMN import/export fails for diagrams containing a pool with lanes created in the new interface
[PE-10660] Parallel join gateway does not wait for branch
Version 7.16.6
Resolved bugs
[DES-6745] Replacing entities has no effect on checked-out entities (due to concurrent processing)
[DES-7029] Publishing a diagram is not possible when a replaced non-catalog-item has a relation
Version 7.16.5
Resolved bugs
[PT-16509] Security Improvements
[PT-16576] EAM entity profile reports are missing attributes
[PT-16741] Improve indexing
[PT-16902] URL in attachment attribute persisted in content language only (Portal Modeler)
[PT-16924] Reindex fails
[PT-16949] Links in new UI banner refer wrong resource
[PT-16987] Images can be pasted into description attribute
[PT-16991] Context palette for lanes does not get updated after usage (Portal Modeler)
Version 7.16.4
Resolved bugs
[DES-5755] Audit event handling may be interrupted frequently due to memory issues
[PE-9730] Clicking the “Complete” button does not complete the task if a text was entered before
[PE-10657] Incoming messages in a start event may prevent update
[PE-10719] Log empty email reminders for overdue tasks
[PE-10751] Manual DMN tasks don’t show in my task list
Version 7.16.3
Resolved bugs
[PT-13190] Custom attributes names are not displayed in profile view
[PT-14608] Unable to save or leave the diagram translation mode
[PT-14667] Lack of user feedback when the creation of an edge of a node added via a relationship attribute failed
[PT-15135] Depublishing the base diagram removes the parent relationship with variant diagrams when searching
[PT-15528] Zip upload of report template does not work
[PT-15532] Single-value attachment attributes cannot be persisted
[PT-16138] Inconsistent data created by data migration leads to infinitely repeating workflow steps
[PT-16175] Cannot enable notifications for favorite diagrams via toast
[PT-16234] Portal Modeler breadcrumb missing category path for newly created diagrams
[PT-16342] Save dialog appears after deleting a catalog entry
[PT-16410] Activities in allocation diagrams can be copied
[PT-16413] Deleting an activity with a shared relationship node removes values in other relationship attributes
[PT-16477] PE editor data is lost while editing in Portal Modeler
[PT-16491] Relationship attribute values are not saved when reloading the diagram in Portal Modeler
[PT-16498] No lock notification displayed for locked diagram when the locking user has been deleted
[PT-16742] Webclient unavailable due to internal error
[PT-16794] Layout Assistant does not correctly apply the configuration set in Portal Administration
[PT-16829] Users are logged out of the portal after an internal error and cannot login for some time
[PT-16830] Security improvement
[PT-16904] Name of newly created diagram is not always persisted in Portal Modeler
[DES-6864] Images part of HTML field are not loaded
[DES-6108] (PT-14278) Switch symbol does not correctly reset the SymbolType ID in domain data, which applies the wrong method color configuration to the graph item
[DES-6870] Security Improvements
[DES-6886] Depublication of a catalog entry is not possible in case there are published variants of it
[DES-6970] Archives are not created when doing a bulk update of diagrams
[PE-10488] Analyze inconsistencies between Camunda data and PE instances
[PE-10675] Send task with an input without any document fails
[PE-10799] Analysts cannot see the monitoring tab
[PE-10761] Wrong format in date picker
[PE-10784] When moving a field in the form editor an unwanted ‘disabled’ attribute is added
[PE-10798] Migrate unassigned send tasks blocked in the flow
Version 7.16.2
Resolved bugs
[PE-9991] User can complete a Task although mandatory text field was not filled
[PE-10117] The size property of form editor fields is removed when moving the field
[PE-10531] Placeholder for ‘upcomingTask.assigneeName’ is not shown in weekly reminder emails for upcoming group tasks
[PE-10533] Missing files in Service Tasks when the input document is coming from a parent process
[PE-10559] No scroll bar if Text Area contains a very long text
[PE-10561] Starting a process in App stage can cause a 409 error (Conflict) / process non-structural changes are not applied
[PE-10565] Images part of HTML field are not loaded
[PE-10595] Name of custom status column (“Status”) cannot be changed
Version 7.16.1
Resolved bugs
[PT-15531] Update EAM method
[PT-16279] Name of attribute used to store Process Execution related information is wrong
[PE-10500] Security Improvements
Version 7.16.0
Introducing the New User Interface
The new user interface is fully available starting with this release, which marks the beginning of the transition period from the old user interface to the new user interface. We recommend that you prepare your users early for the change. A Quick Start Guide is available. In addition, our Academy offers a free e-learning module and, if required, will support you with fee-based e-learning modules and individual training courses to ensure a smooth transition.
New Features
AI Supporter and AI Enterprise Expert
Arty now offers users interactive support. With the integrated chat, users can communicate with Arty in real time and get quick answers to their questions or navigate through the documented processes. Arty takes on two specialised roles that provide the following support:
AI Supporter: In this role, Arty supports the user in a direct dialogue with the online help. Users can ask questions about how to use the tool and receive specific answers that make it easier to navigate and use the software. The AI Supporter guides users through individual functions and explains specific steps without the need to refer to detailed manuals. This simplifies and accelerates the learning process for new and casual users, shortening the learning curve and reducing the need for support.
AI Enterprise Expert: In the role of AI Enterprise Expert, Arty acts as a virtual process consultant. Arty answers questions about the processes documented in the system and helps users find their way around the company’s process landscape. For example, users can call up specific information on process steps or responsibilities and receive precise information that will quickly help them in their daily work. Arty not only helps to maintain an overview, but also makes all process knowledge easily accessible and applicable. This role is particularly valuable when it comes to understanding complex processes or quickly accessing critical details, so that even the casual, non-specialist user can act with confidence.
These roles offer several benefits to users: they save time, make it easier to train new employees, and improve productivity for anyone who uses BIC Process Design occasionally. In addition, thanks to its integrated translation function, Arty can translate content into several languages in real time, which is particularly valuable when working in international teams. All information provided by Arty comes from the system itself or the online help - no external content is used, further ensuring the relevance and security of the answers.
Please note that the AI-enabled features of Arty are not included in the standard licence. Please contact your representative for more information.
Creating object variants in the catalog
The new user interface now allows you to create object variants directly in the catalog, in addition to process variants. This functionality creates a clear and understandable link between the base object and its variants. The clear display of dependencies between catalog items makes the relationship between the original object and object variants transparent and easy to understand.
Analyze views of governed catalog items
All user roles except Reader now can analyze the views of governed catalog items (catalog items that have their own governance lifecycle) in the publication. When you open the catalog in the publication in the new user interface, you can find the number of views in the system attributes on the details page of a catalog item.
: Only views in the new interface and from managed catalog records are counted. Views prior to the installation of this release are not counted A filter for the catalog list, with which only catalog items within a certain value range can be filtered, is currently not available for views.
Analyze the downloaded attachments of governed catalog items
All user roles except Reader now can analyze the number of downloads of attachments of a governed catalog item (catalog items that have their own governance lifecycle) in the new user interface. When opening a catalog item in the new UI, the details page displays a list of downloads per attachment in the current content language. Because attachments are language-dependent, different files may exist for each content language. Changing the content language will load the attachments in the new content language and display the downloads per attachment.
Only downloads in the new user interface and for attachments of governed catalog items are counted. Any downloads prior to the installation of this release are not counted. A filter for the catalog list, with which only catalog items within a certain value range can be filtered, is currently not available for downloads of attachments.
Reports on variants with all objects
In this version, all objects that appear both in the original diagram and in its variants are output in full in Word and Excel reports, which increases the precision of the reports. The ID or name of the respective diagram is used for differentiation in the reports. The structure and presentation of the reports remain unchanged. Previously, objects used in both the original and variant diagrams were listed only once.
Existing functions available in the new user interface
The new Modeler is here - faster, smarter, and more powerful
The new user interface makes creating and editing diagrams even more intuitive and efficient. The functionality of the previous Modeler has been almost completely transferred, so you can start working right away without any major changes. For a smooth start, there is a Quick Start Guide that explains the most important new and modified features.
Compare variants and decide on modifications
The new user interface allows the variant diagram to be compared to the base or source diagram, making it easier to identify required updates to the variant when changes have been made to the base or source diagram. Variant diagram modelers have access to a comprehensive change list to determine the applicability of each change to the variant diagram. This integrated change list supports decision making and simplifies the process of customizing variant diagrams.
Improvements in the new user interface
Transfer of individual attribute values for flexible variant modification
In the new Modeler user interface, users can now select individual attribute values of an object or diagram to be transferred to the displayed diagram, rather than having to transfer all attributes. This feature provides more flexibility and allows to make targeted adjustments. The feature can be used immediately on existing diagrams.
Application Profile Report
For EAM, we have extended the entity profile report for applications. It now focuses and highlights EAM related attributes and relationships for an application, especially regarding the usages in related context diagrams. This provides you with an EAM view on an application in a central, comprehensive report.
EAM Warehouse Report
The new EAM warehouse report collects attributes and information about related objects from context diagrams inside a repository in a dedicated report. By using groupings and filters you can easily concentrate on various EAM aspects across multiple context diagrams.
User Roles for Process Execution
The roles of ProcessApp User and ProcessApp Creator have been more clearly defined. ProcessApp Creators can create instances in the development and test environments but require the ProcessApp User role to do so in the production environment.
HTML Fields for User Guidance in Forms
ProcessApp Creators can now add HTML fields in forms to provide additional information. These fields allow for clear and relevant instructions to support users in completing the form, including options for text formatting, link embedding, and using basic HTML tags.
Source Code View for Form Editor
ProcessApp Creators can switch the form editor to a source code view to modify forms efficiently by copying, cutting, and pasting. This flexibility speeds up the editing process.
Central Task Management in Process Execution
ProcessApp Creators can use the ProcessExecution editors (e.g., Script Task, Send Task) for tasks stored in the catalog. This feature promotes consistency and saves time in creating new executable processes and maintaining existing ones.
Status Changes within the Process
ProcessApp Creators can define status changes for a process within the nodes of the diagram, making the current status of a case clearly visible to users. This feature improves understanding of process progress and enhances transparency.
Previewing DMN Table Results
Business rule tasks (DMN tasks) that still require input can now show a preview result before completing the task. This feature enables better control and input verification.
Filtering Process Instances by Instance Data
Users can now filter all instances of a process based on instance data once these data points have been added as columns in the case list. Columns can be configured as hidden, allowing filtering by these columns without displaying them in the table.
Searching for Instance Data in the Case List
Instance data configured as columns in the case list can now be searched, allowing users to quickly locate specific instances.
Conditional Formatting for Visual Data Highlighting in the Case List
ProcessApp Creators can set flexible rules for conditional formatting of table rows or cells in the case list, visually highlighting important cases. This improves clarity and makes it easier to identify relevant data.
Customizable Column Configuration in the ProcessApp Case List
ProcessApp Creators can now override the default column configuration in the case list. This offers customized adjustments to meet user needs for better clarity and relevance.
Marking Deviating Cases in the Case List
Cases with overdue tasks are now marked as “deviating”. This marking helps users recognize potential delays early and take timely action.
Displaying Deviating Cases in the Monitoring Dashboard
The monitoring dashboard now shows how many cases deviate from the schedule due to overdue tasks or are already overdue. This feature helps users focus on critical cases.
Visualization of End Status Trends for Completed Cases
The monitoring dashboard visualizes the distribution of end statuses for completed cases, enabling analysis of trends and outcomes over the past 12 months. This feature supports a comprehensive analysis of completed processes.
Introduction of Swagger UI Endpoints
External developers can now use the Swagger UI to understand how new instances of a ProcessApp can be created via API endpoints. The Swagger UI provides a clear, documented interface, allowing developers to test endpoints beforehand and seamlessly implement integration and automation of processes into external systems.
Enhanced Consistency for ProcessApp Forecasts
ProcessApp forecasts are only recalculated if the app’s structure has changed. Minor modifications to the app will no longer reset the forecast, ensuring reliable predictions of future instances remain consistent even with changes.
Modernized and Consistent Email Design
Emails now feature a modern and consistent design, enhancing trust in the content and improving the user experience when interacting with email notifications
Resolved bugs
[DES-5800] Security improvements
[DES-6301] Installation guide procedures refer to outdated package versions (RHEL only)
[DES-6347] Public API calls may respond unexpectedly on missing request parameters
[PT-4275] Process flow for certain diagrams breaks on path selection
[PT-10144] “Show more” is displayed although it is not necessary
[PT-11309] Copy and paste visual data from a diagram into another with an image doesn’t work
[PT-12366] Invalid retention periods can be entered in administration
[PT-13452] Decimal/Number field attribute values cannot be removed
[PT-13535] Workflow tasks report cannot be reached in options menu
[PT-13567] Profile configuration does not provide a default configuration (JSON) on first activation
[PT-14080] Profile view configuration is empty when enabled
[PT-14139] Custom report on catalog list uses incorrect filters
[PT-14210] Profile view in new UI cannot handle undefined attribute types
[PT-14380] Wrong header layout in diagram options for related object details (low resolution view)
[PT-14644] MyBIC favorites cannot be configured for contents of the new UI
[PT-14739] Diagrams remain selected when exiting and re-entering bulk editing
[PT-14853] Catalog facets not displayed on high number of facets
[PT-14967] Diagrams with access restrictions are displayed with an infinite loading spinner in gallery view
[PT-15213] Approve button not shown in preview stage
[PT-15214] [Not for release notes] Userflow - Error occurs when USERFLOW_ALLOWED_ROLES has an empty string
[PT-15219] Entity profile report does not show assigned objects
[PT-15464] Custom attributes with multi values are not shown in catalog
[PT-15561] Hint on bulk update in online help is unclear
[PT-15578] Variant comparison does not show changes in attributes when the diagram has more than one variant
[PT-15931] Switching repository does not update the category explorer
[PT-16244] Matrix view does not apply abbreviation in chips for customized role names and does not sort them correctly
[PT-16279] Name of attribute used to store Process Execution related information is wrong
[PT-16282] Display issue in new UI when the user is member of many user groups
[PT-16295] Adding a missing node in a variant diagram via a variant comparison violates the uniqueness of the entities
[PT-16336] Occurrences in catalog are not always shown
[PT-16375] Catalog and diagram options order is wrong in the main menu
[PT-16393] Translation suggestion for descriptions in translation mode cannot be triggered
[PE-8343] Start Timer Events cron expressions are not validated properly and cases may not be created automatically
[PE-9451] Exporting completed cases to Excel may fail on large number of tasks
[PE-10077] Overlapping text in mobile view when creating a new Case and German language is used
[PE-10097] Spelling mistake in Text Area element of Form Editor (German only)
[PE-10347] Report service task can fail on new tenants
Version 7.15.18
Resolved bugs
[PE-10497] Default variables do not behave as expected when used as role ID
[PE-10926] Users not involved in a case can see it with direct link to the case flow
[PE-11117] Error 500 when accessing archived process instance
Version 7.15.17
Resolved bugs
[PT-12300] Report generation is not terminated after service restarts
[PT-16499] Process Warehouse export can fail on data with formatted attributes
[PT-16783] Generated Process Warehouse export finished after user session cannot be downloaded
Version 7.15.16
Resolved bugs
[PT-13872] Cannot delete nodes from canvas under certain circumstances
[PE-10660] Parallel join gateway does not wait for branch
Version 7.15.15
Resolved bugs
[DES-6745] Replacing entities has no effect on checked-out entities (due to concurrent processing)
[DES-7026] Restart of keycloak necessary due to failing authentication of method-service
[DES-7029] Publishing a diagram is not possible when a replaced non-catalog-item has a relation
Version 7.15.14
Resolved bugs
[DES-5755] Audit event handling may be interrupted frequently due to memory issues
[DES-6870] Security Improvements
[PE-9730] Clicking the “Complete” button does not complete the task if a text was entered before
[PE-10657] Incoming messages in a start event may prevent update
[PE-10751] Manual DMN tasks don’t show in my task list
Version 7.15.13
Resolved bugs
[DES-6970] Archives are not created when doing a bulk update of diagrams
[PT-15135] Depublishing the base diagram removes the parent relationship with variant diagrams when searching
[PT-16794] Layout Assistant does not correctly apply the configuration set in Portal Administration
[PT-16829] Users are logged out of the portal after an internal error and cannot login for some time
[PE-10117] The size property of form editor fields is removed when moving the field
[PE-10488] Analyze inconsistencies between Camunda data and PE instances
[PE-10675] Send task with an input without any document fails
[PE-10761] Wrong format in date picker
[PE-10784] When moving a field in the form editor an unwanted ‘disabled’ attribute is added
[PE-10798] Migrate unassigned send tasks blocked in the flow
Version 7.15.12
Resolved bugs
[PT-14608] Unable to save or leave the translation view
[PT-15528] Zip upload of report template does not work
[PT-16410] Activities in allocation diagrams can be copied
[DES-6108] (PT-14278) Switch symbol does not correctly reset the SymbolType ID in domain data, which applies the wrong method color configuration to the graph item
Version 7.15.11
Resolved bugs
[PE-9991] User can complete a Task although mandatory text field was not filled
[PE-10533] Missing files in Service Tasks when the input document is coming from a parent process
Version 7.15.10
Resolved bugs
[PT-15531] Update EAM method
[PT-16279] Name of attribute used to store Process Execution related information is wrong
[PT-16413] Deleting an activity with a shared relationship node removes values in other relationship attributes
[PT-14667] Lack of user feedback when the creation of an edge of a node added via a relationship attribute failed
[PE-10500] Security Improvements
Version 7.15.9
Resolved bugs
[PE-10490] No user is assigned to a Task if a ProcessApp is started in the App stage
[PE-10455] Email attachments missing in automatic send tasks when the document comes from a parent case
Version 7.15.8
Resolved bugs
[PT-12129] Link titles are not shown correctly in reports when the link URL contains a fragment identifier (“#”)
[PT-14139] Filters are not updated correctly when executing a custom report on Catalog list
[PT-16282] Display issue in new UI when the user is member of many user groups
[PT-16295] Adding a missing node in a variant diagram via a variant comparison violates the uniqueness of the entities
Version 7.15.7
Resolved bugs
[PE-10003] Using smart variables as role identifier does not work
[PE-10116] Gateway choices without translations in the tenant default language are not rendered
[PE-10213] Action button in ‘insert link’ dialog of textarea fields is not visible
[PE-10388] Send task editor: html editor: sourcecode changes are not saved until sourcecode mode is switched
[PE-10459] Intermediate timer event does not show release date correctly
[PT-15520] Template handlings do not get considered in new UI report administration
[PT-16199] MyBIC Search Tiles do not show results
Version 7.15.6
Resolved bugs
[PE-10139] Process Design Play Button button does not work if ProcessApp name contains special characters
[PE-10305] Readonly url fields are not clickable until the CTRL key is pressed
[PE-10330] Checked status is not shown in multiple-choice checkboxes stored as string
[PT-15311] Bulk update in the new UI allows changes to readonly attributes in diagrams
[PT-16075] Search index is not updated for existing diagrams
Version 7.15.5
Resolved bugs
[PT-15745] Selected objects in an assignment attribute cannot be saved
Version 7.15.4
Resolved bugs
[PT-15014] No diagram options are displayed in new UI
[PT-15097] When creating entities in the catalog in new UI, defaults are not set correctly
[PT-15143] Incorrect toast appears when a change gets reverted in comparison view
[PT-15398] Nodes remain in diagram without symbol after deletion of pool with ‘Remove symbol only on modeling canvas’ option
[PT-15410] Search results displaying ‘[No content]’ in Central Search and Diagram Search in new UI
[PT-15479] Some readonly attributes can still be changed in new UI permanently
[PT-15513] Changes to base diagram attributes cannot be applied to variant diagram attributes
[PT-15527] When diagram name is only available in secondary language and a filter is applied, the name disappears in central search (new UI)
[PT-15580] Read-only attributes can be changed in translation mode in the new UI
Version 7.15.3
Resolved bugs
[PE-9673] Process variables not evaluated correctly in single/multiple choice with dynamic values using key/value pairs
[PE-9895] Dates information on steps is not consistent when case has set a due date
[DES-6346] Visibility of changes are delayed by assignment attribute cleanup
[DES-6350] Missing compatibility for custom services in find all repositories endpoint
[PT-15141] Check-in button missing after saving changes in Variant Comparison or Diagram Archives
Version 7.15.2
Resolved bugs
[PT-14966] Persons and organizational units are suggested in bulk editing
[PE-9729] Process App Editor validation message is not initialy shown
[DES-6343] Checkin fails after removing updated non catalog item
Version 7.15.1
Resolved bugs
[PT-5887] Favorite removed toast has a typo in German (Portal)
[PT-10177] As a base modeler in the web client, I want to compare a base process against its process variants to identify the differences
[PT-12129] Link titles are not shown correctly in reports when the link URL contains a fragment identifier (“#”)
[PT-12247] Message about expired items in a diagram cannot be reconfigured
[PT-12254] Resubmission email is not send if an examiner group is empty
[PT-13450] Notify userFlow about users screen size
[PT-13882] Chart favorite with no data in the current stage break the portal rendering
[PT-14591] When diagram name is only available in secondary language and a filter is applied, the name disappears
[PT-14606] Wrong error toast for catalog publications with unapproved entities
[PT-14606] Newly created catalog entries are not sorted alphabetically
[PT-14665] No error toast is shown when starting a diagram depublication workflow while another workflow was already started
[PT-14876] Context menu for nodes inside a pool is not appearing anymore after converting the pool to a suggestion and dropping new nodes to the pool
[PT-14938] Translation functionality is not working
[PT-15045] Catalog Index does not get updated on catalog item change, leading to outdated views & facet results in catalog
[PE-9638] Distinction of group names and email addresses as email recipients cannot handle upper case
[PE-9683] Multiple and Single fields are not displayed correctly when variables are not initialized
[PE-9687] Fields changes do not work correctly in the guest task interface
[PE-9696] In the guest task, sometimes the form is filled out when it is saved
[PE-9780] User form Single Choice Dropdown field is missing from Task Popup
[PE-9781] When a task is not assigned to anyone I cannot delegate it as case owner
[PE-9784] No sort parameter should be sent when entering search term in case list
[PE-9640] The case owner is not shown in form field when the task is not started yet
[PE-9682] Task assignment to case creator as fallback is not working in app stage
[PE-9782] Diagram changes in production are not transferred to ProcessApp when it has cases with instance attachments
Version 7.15.0
New Features
Enterprise Architecture Management with BIC EAM
We are happy to announce that we now offer you a way to model and document your enterprise architecture with BIC EAM. Build within BIC Process Design, BIC EAM lets you create an enterprise architecture comprised of business and IT elements which is easy to manage, provides you with insights for steering your digital transformation while being cost effective to create and keep up to date.
Document your IT landscape ranging from a portfolio to an individual architecture using e.g. business capabilities, applications or IT components. Graphical and dialog-based input methods provide a perfect user experience for the occasional modeler as well as for the enterprise architect. Use standard APIs to easily and automatically integrate data from external data sources.
Please note that BIC EAM is a separate module and license.
Create and manage process variants
Both the old and new user interfaces have been enhanced to allow the integrated creation of variants of a base process. A direct dependency is created between the base and variant diagrams, allowing you to easily visualize the relationship between the two diagrams.
The old user interface allows you to compare the variant process with the base process, making it easier to identify necessary updates to the variant when changes occur in the base process. This efficient change-tracking ensures that changes are quickly and accurately identified, saving time and reducing manual effort. Variant process modelers have access to a comprehensive change list to help determine the applicability of each change to the variant process. This integrated change list supports decision making and simplifies tailoring variant processes.
Please note that this feature will also be available in the new user interface as soon as the diagram editor is available
More bulk updating options for diagrams
We have enhanced the bulk updating options for diagrams in the new user interface. Editors and Administrators can now add a new assignment to a multi-value diagram assignment attribute and search for a specific assignment to remove. This streamlines the updating of multiple processes, saving time and effort while improving accuracy.
Direct bulk update of diagrams in Preview and Publication
We have also increased flexibility by allowing Administrators to apply bulk updates directly to diagrams in the Preview or Publication stages, ensuring timely and efficient changes. In addition, any update applied at the preview or publication stage is tracked in the governance cockpit, providing a comprehensive audit trail and ensuring accountability.
Please note that direct preview and publication updates are deactivated by default and must be activated for a client by GBTEC Software AG.
Merge version changes
The Version Compare view in the old user interface has been enhanced to allow you to review and decide on each change individually, and to revert if necessary. Newly added modeling objects can be removed, removed objects can be re-added, and attribute updates can be undone, providing greater flexibility and provides precise control over the changes.
Please note that this feature will also be available in the new user interface as soon as the diagram editor is available.
Object type “Entity” renamed to “Entity / Data object”
To better reflect the diverse applications of object type “Entity” (ET_ENTITY), we have updated the object type name from “Entity” to “Entity / Data Object”. This change is purely a label modification within the catalog. Existing objects themselves, along with their attributes, remain unchanged.
New position of the attribute group “Protection requirement”
For customers utilizing the “Protection Requirement” attribute group, please note that we have adjusted its position for improved usability. This attribute group is now located just before the “Governance” attribute group in the sequence.
Improvements in the new user interface
Most recent tasks on top of your task list
Tasks are now sorted in descending order of creation date. This improvement ensures that the most recent tasks appear at the top of your task list, making it easier for you to stay organized and prioritize your work effectively.
Additional Columns for ProcessApp Case List
ProcessApp Creators can configure additional columns for the ProcessApp case list, allowing users to see more detailed information. This improvement ensures that all relevant information is readily accessible, which provides greater visibility into the details of each case enhancing the ability to monitor and analyze cases effectively.
External User Task Form Access
External users can now work on task forms, enabling them to provide necessary information and complete tasks. This change facilitates collaboration with external stakeholders, such as clients or partners, by allowing them to participate directly in the workflow. It streamlines communication and ensures that all necessary data is collected efficiently.
Autocomplete for Single-Choice Drop-Down Fields
When typing in a single-choice drop-down field, users will now see a suggestion list, enhancing the user experience by providing autocomplete functionality. This change reduces the time spent scrolling through long lists and helps users find the desired option more quickly, improving overall efficiency and user satisfaction.
Email Notifications for Task Assignments
Users will receive email notifications for task assignments only when necessary, reducing unnecessary email clutter. If tasks are due within the next 24 hours and are not completed within an hour of assignment, an email notification will be sent. This improvement minimizes notifications, ensuring users are alerted only to important tasks that are not promptly completed.
Group Task Notification Emails
Notification emails now indicate the group to which a group task belongs, giving users better context when they receive the notifications. This change helps users understand the task’s relevance and identifies the responsible team, improving task assignment clarity and reducing confusion.
Administer Instance as Case Owner
Case owners now have the ability to administer an instance, enabling them to solve issues and manage cases more effectively. This feature gives case owners more control over their cases, allowing quicker resolution of problems and more efficient case management.
Enhanced Task List
The task list has been enhanced to provide users with a more streamlined and user-friendly interface. This update improves usability by making the task list more intuitive and easier to navigate, helping users to manage their tasks more effectively and efficiently.
Output Variable for Multi-Instance Activity
ProcessApp Creators can now define an output variable for multi-instance activities, providing more flexibility and control over process configurations. This enhancement allows for better handling of complex workflows, making it easier to manage and utilize the data generated by multiple instances within a single activity.
Unified Upload Fields
The same upload field can now be used to manage input and output documents add-form-field-attributes, simplifying document management within tasks. The upload field can provide an input document for download, which will then be overwritten with the output of the activity. This feature improves document handling, reduces complexity, and facilitates coherent file management.
Download Base64 Encoded Files
Users can download files sent as base64 encoded strings in a JSON response, simplifying the process of accessing encoded data. This improvement makes it possible to handle and retrieve data transmitted in base64 format, enhancing the user experience by providing a straightforward way to access files sent as part of a JSON response.
Configure Multipart/Form-Data REST Call
ProcessApp Creators can now configure multipart/form-data REST calls, allowing for more complex and flexible API interactions. This capability enhances the ability to handle different types of data within REST calls, providing more versatility in how applications can interact with external systems and services.
Smart Variable for Case URL
ProcessApp Creators can now access the URL for a case as a property of the _case smart variable, making it easier to reference and share specific cases. This feature simplifies navigation and communication, as ProcessApp Creators can quickly provide direct links to cases as a part of a send task, facilitating better collaboration and quicker access to relevant information.
My Cases List Involvement
Users can now view all cases where they are involved in the My Cases list, providing them with a comprehensive view of their responsibilities. This feature ensures that users have a clear overview of all the cases they are part of, enabling better tracking and management of their workload.
Filter and Search My Cases List
Users can filter and search the My Cases list with the same options available in the ProcessApp case list, enhancing usability and efficiency. This change ensures a consistent experience throughout the application, helping users quickly find the cases they need to work on.
Edit Global Variables
Admins now have the capability to edit global variables, allowing for adjustable process management. This feature provides greater control over the environment settings and configurations, making it easier to adapt processes to changing requirements.
Consistent Multi-Line Text Fields
Multi-line text fields now appear like standard text fields, providing a consistent and polished user interface. The formatting toolbar is visible only when the field is in edit mode. This update enhances the visual coherence of the application, ensuring a uniform look and feel across all text fields, significantly improving the user experience.
Resolved bugs
[DES-2368] Translations of some symbols for “milestone” node are missing
[DES-3589] Deleting a person object does not update the access restriction for diagrams
[DES-5344] If an uploaded file contains special characters, downloading the file again will show a wrong filename
[DES-5639] Entities which are not catalog items anymore and have no occurrences will not be cleaned up in “preview” and “published” stage
[DES-5681] Requesting user groups for a tenant leads to high database CPU usage, which may slow down the application
[DES-5807] Parallel modification of the same catalog entries through the catalog are not prevented by the system
[DES-5817] Deleting unused entities becomes very slow on systems with a lot of data
[DES-5910] Potential performance issue caused by messages being sent synchronously
[DES-5969] Wrong .gitignore entry prevents on premises customers to push custom configurations into their version control
[DES-5971] If logging is configured to debug level, the scheduled cleanup of temporary data fails, which may lead to high disk consumption
[DES-6007] Missing cleanup after BPMN export or import may lead to high disc consumption
[DES-6086] Auditing of user login and diagram access fails if the technical credentials used for the auditing module contain special characters
[PT-2533] Missing placeholder text for items without a value in active content language
[PT-4138] Special and Japanese characters are replaced with underscores in file names when publishing documents
[PT-4874] Missing placeholder text for items without a value in active content language
[PT-8926] Workflow export fails if workflows exists without stereotype
[PT-12331] Uploaded files with special characters will be downloaded with filename null
[PT-13145] Wrong Spanish translation in email template
[PT-13146] Layout of diagram bulk update is misaligned
[PT-13264] MyBIC search result tiles do not get displayed on small resolution devices with limited responsiveness
[PT-13372] Disabling all entity types for the publication catalog leads shows all entity types
[PT-14203] Back navigation is missing after clicking on an assignment chip in the attribute view
[PT-14306] Comparison does not detect changes, if a value was removed in the current version
[PT-14307] Comparison changes item does not always disappear, if attributes are aligned to previous version
[PT-14523] Diagram translation view displays approved catalog items for authors
[PT-14542] Unavailable categories in a target stage lead to an infinite loading indicator
[PT-14645] Attribute bar in the publication is always visible, even if it is switched off in the administration
[PT-14648] Governance lifecycle filters are not reset
[PT-14659] Filters in central search are not available if search gets performed with the same term again
[PT-14670] Some of suggested users offered by bulk updating cannot be selected
[PT-14674] Authors can start category or repository publication which fails
[PT-14689] Suggestions for diagram assignments are not filtered by stereotype range
[PT-14721] Recreating catalog index runs into error message
[PT-14722] After inserting a diagram, the target category displays all diagrams from the source category until page refresh
[PT-14729] Publication dialog for catalog entries misses name of catalog entry
[PT-14739] Diagrams remain selected when exiting and re-entering bulk updating
[PT-14741] Suggestions for assignment governance attributes are not filtered by range
[PE-2746] No variables will be stored in the process when a task with empty form fields is completed
[PE-8628] In some cases changes inside an object in parallel tasks are not identified properly so that values are overwritten
[PE-9101] Unnecessary scrollbar when creating a case
[PE-9112] Content disposition header is missing if the downloaded document’s filename contains special characters
[PE-9146] Service Reports cannot access string variables longer than 4000 characters
[PE-9187] Translation missing for instance attachment’s context menu
[PE-9333] Variables input into the script engine are not validated
[PE-9354] Cursor in text area automatically moves to beginning in form field
[PE-9369] Call Activity with active status after archiving the parent case is shown in MyTasks view
[PE-9371] Label “Export Completed Cases” in options is incorrect and should be Export Cases
[PE-9420] Menu icon styling and placement in global variables is incorrect
[PE-9528] Diagrams get split into one additional useless segment
[PE-9530] Group tasks are auto claimed even if the user is out of office and not assigned to the deputy or group
[PE-9531] Cannot complete a task when a variable associated with the identifier of a role is set to empty string
[PE-9566] Play button after completing a signature task does not create the case
[PE-9588] Owners of cases with tasks due today may get empty reminder emails
[PE-9616] When in app stage, task assignee follows assignation steps of test stages
[PE-9617] Invalid user configuration in the case creation dialog shows an empty chip
[PE-9626] The action buttons are not present in the “Create a new case” dialog box
Version 7.14.19
Resolved bugs
[DES-6108] (PT-14278) Switch symbol does not correctly reset the SymbolType ID in domain data, which applies the wrong method color configuration to the graph item
Version 7.14.18
Resolved bugs
[PE-10500] Security Improvements
Version 7.14.17
Resolved bugs
[PT-16413] Deleting an activity with a shared relationship node removes values in other relationship attributes
[PT-14667] Lack of user feedback when the creation of an edge of a node added via a relationship attribute failed
Version 7.14.16
Resolved bugs
[PE-10305] Readonly url fields are not clickable until the CTRL key is pressed
[PE-10330] Checked status is not shown in multiple-choice checkboxes stored as string
[PT-16075] Search index is not updated for existing diagrams
Version 7.14.15
Resolved bugs
[PT-15745] Selected objects in an assignment attribute cannot be saved
Version 7.14.14
Resolved bugs
[PT-15014] No diagram options are displayed in Portal
[PT-15479] Some readonly attributes can still be changed in new UI permanently
[PT-15580] Read-only attributes can be changed in translation mode in the portal
Version 7.14.13
Resolved bugs
[PT-15097] When creating entities in the Portal catalog, defaults are not set correctly
[PT-15398] Nodes remain in diagram without symbol after deletion of pool with ‘Remove symbol only on modeling canvas’ option
Version 7.14.12
Resolved bugs
[PE-9673] Process variables not evaluated correctly in single/multiple choice with dynamic values using key/value pairs
[DES-6346] Visibility of changes are delayed by assignment attribute cleanup
[PT-14966] Persons and organizational units are suggested in bulk editing
Version 7.14.11
Resolved bugs
[DES-6343] Checkin fails after removing updated non catalog item
Version 7.14.10
Resolved bugs
[PT-14549] When clicking on the options entry “Reports & Exports” in the diagram gallery view, the available reports are not listed
[PT-14640] Newly created catalog entries are not sorted alphabetically
[PT-14876] Context menu for nodes inside a pool is not appearing anymore after converting the pool to a suggestion and dropping new nodes to the pool
[PT-14928] Users are not suggested when adding user assignments to an attribute
[PT-15045] Catalog Index does not get updated on catalog item change, leading to outdated views & facet results in catalog
[PE-9640] The case owner is not shown in form field when the task is not started yet
[PE-9682] Task assignment to case creator as fallback is not working in app stage
[PE-9782] Diagram changes in production are not transferred to ProcessApp when it has cases with instance attachments
Version 7.14.9
Resolved bugs
[PT-14741] Suggestions for assignment governance attributes are not filtered by range
Version 7.14.8
Resolved bugs
[PT-14550] Opening files (PDF) directly in the integrated browser viewer behaves inconsistently throughout the application and opens file with uuid as name instead of the real file name
[PT-14619] Diagrams cannot be checked in when assigned entities are not available
[PT-14721] Recreating catalog index runs into error message due to missing revision information
[PE-9146] Service Reports can not access string variables longer than 4000 characters
[PE-9616] When in app stage, task assignee follows assignation steps of test stages
[PE-9369] Call Activity with active status after archiving the parent case is shown in MyTasks view
[PE-9530] When a second group task is started, it should be assigned back to the group if the previous user is out of office
[PE-9620] Email Template fails replacing variables longer than 4000 characters when parsing html content
[PE-9624] User Form’s multiple choice fields does not load correctly the key/value pairs
Version 7.14.7
Resolved bugs
[DES-2368] Translations of some symbols for “milestone” node are missing
[DES-3589] Deleting a person object does not update the access restriction for diagrams
[DES-5344] If an uploaded file contains special characters, downloading the file again will show a wrong filename
[DES-5639] Entities which are not catalog items anymore and have no occurrences will not be cleaned up in “preview” and “published” stage
[DES-5681] Requesting user groups for a tenant leads to high database CPU usage, which may slow down the application
[DES-5807] Parallel modification of the same catalog entries through the catalog are not prevented by the system
[DES-5817] Deleting unused entities becomes very slow on systems with a lot of data
[DES-5910] Potential performance issue caused by messages being sent synchronously
[DES-5969] Wrong .gitignore entry prevents on premises customers to push custom configurations into their version control
[DES-5971] If logging is configured to debug level, the scheduled cleanup of temporary data fails, which may lead to high disk consumption
[DES-6007] Missing cleanup after BPMN export or import may lead to high disc consumption
[DES-6086] Auditing of user login and diagram access fails if the technical credentials used for the auditing module contain special characters
Version 7.14.6
Resolved bugs
[DES-5840] Users and groups with short names sometimes not reachable in attribute suggestion list
[PE-9531] Cannot complete a task when a variable associated with the identifier of a role is set to empty string
[PT-14136] Users and groups with short names sometimes not reachable in attribute suggestion list
[PT-14377] Diagram cannot be checked in when diagram assignment attributes contain inaccessible or circular references
[PT-14415] Potentially long running upgrade step does not indicate progress
Version 7.14.5
Resolved bugs
[DES-5859] Changing symbol type of a node does not apply on related processwarehouse export (fix for new symbol assignments)
[PT-12924] Key value is displayed instead of title in diagram and catalog dashboard
[PT-13564] Reduce the amount of calls and loaded data when validating a diagram
[PT-13641] Cursor focus disappears on Catalog/Diagram edit page when typing in a value on an empty formatted text field
[PT-13750] Opening an attachment opens a file with a uuid as name instead of the real file name
[PT-13896] Checking in a diagram is not possible when using Firefox browser
[PT-13965] Display of edit button for catalog entries is inconsistent for authors
[PT-13987] Filter facets cannot be opened on mobile devices
[PT-13988] Mobile touch scrolling not working on catalog filter facets
[PT-14145] Re-indexing of catalog-search fails instead of appropriate error handling
[PT-14165] Inconsistent data can cause publication steps to be repeated
[PT-14183] Catalog entries with assignments are reindexed multiple times during bulk index
[PE-9360] Claimed group tasks cannot be delegated by group members
[PE-9194] Several diagram updated message in a short period cause loss of updates
[PE-9372] Deputy: Task is reassigned when the person responsible does not have an assigned status
[PE-9447] Formula for conditional hidden field not working properly
[PE-9448] User Form Editor’s details section scrolls the whole editor out of view
Version 7.14.4
Resolved bugs
[DES-5926] UpdateMessages sent after the bulk update of diagrams don’t have the correct priority
[DES-5974] No archives are created for bulk updates
[PE-9178] Files used in a JSON body of a REST service task include line breaks
[PE-9278] Multi-line text fields link option is displayed incorrectly
[PE-9300] ProcessApp Analyst has not access to the process app monitoring tab
Version 7.14.3
Resolved bugs
[PT-14095] Workflow execution may result in endless loop
Version 7.14.2
Resolved bugs
[PE-9115] Option labels are too long and oversize the fields in forms
[PE-9124] Case progress calculation is inconsistent with the displayed flow
[PE-9213] Call Activity Editor dialog is not centered and lacks a background
[PE-9093] A text area in the form causes task completion to fail in the “My Tasks” view
[PE-9135] The German translation of “Creator” in instance facets is incorrect
Version 7.14.1
Resolved bugs
[DES-5888] Wrong thread pool configuration in some services
Version 7.14.0
New Features
Setting new standards in process modeling with Arty
In our effort to further revolutionize business process modeling and management, we are pleased to introduce Arty, our intelligent AI-based modeler and editor. Arty integrates the latest AI technologies to save you time while improving the accuracy and consistency of your modeling. By using Arty, you can ensure that your processes are modeled and documented not only faster and more accurately, but also with fewer resources.
Please note that the AI-powered features of Arty are not included in the standard license. Please contact your sales representative for more information.
Automatic BPMN process modeling
Arty provides the ability to automatically generate complete BPMN processes, including all associated resources. This feature is ideal for teams that need to create high-quality process diagrams quickly and without prior knowledge. By minimizing human error and accelerating the entire modeling process, you can be confident that your processes will be created not only faster, but with higher quality
Smart name suggestions during modeling
With the ability to generate naming suggestions for the next process flow elements as you model, Arty helps you maintain clear and consistent naming that seamlessly integrates with existing process structures.
Automatic generation of descriptions
In addition to modeling, Arty also supports the generation of descriptions for processes and process elements. This automated creation of clear and concise text facilitates documentation and improves accessibility and understanding of your process landscape.
Generation of catalog items
With Arty, you can now quickly and efficiently create new catalog items, such as documents or applications, from which you can directly select and create the appropriate items. Arty allows you to quickly expand your catalog without manual effort, greatly increasing efficiency.
With these advanced features, Arty sets a new standard for efficiency in business process modeling. We are confident that these innovations will significantly increase your productivity and help you efficiently meet the demands of modern business.
Filters for the governance lifecycle of diagrams and catalog entries
In the new user interface, we have introduced the ability to filter diagrams and catalog entries in the public workspace by their governance lifecycle.
Not published: Filters content that has not yet been published.
Published: Filters content that has been published.
Depublished: Filters content that was previously published and then depublished.
Unmodified: Filters content that has not been changed since it was published.
Modified: Filters content that has been modified since it was published.
Publication: Filters content that is in the process of being published.
Resubmission: Filters content that has been resubmitted for review.
Depublication: Filters content that is in the process of being depublished.
These new filters help you keep track of the status and lifecycle of your diagrams and catalog items, enabling more efficient management in the public workspace.
The filter options were introduced with this version and cannot reflect the life cycle before the update. For example, diagrams or catalog elements that have already been published only appear in the “Published” filter category once they have been edited in the public workspace. The “Revision” filter category also only shows changes when the diagram or catalog item is published again. Until then, the value is “unknown”.
Quick access to recently visited diagrams
We have introduced quick access to recently visited diagrams in the new user interface. When you open a diagram, you now see a list of your five most recently viewed diagrams in the diagram header. This list allows you to quickly and easily switch between your most recently viewed diagrams. Simply click on one of the diagrams in the list to open it directly and continue working seamlessly.
Gallery view for diagrams
A new “Gallery” tab is now available when navigating to the “Diagrams” section on large screens. This tab displays all diagrams in a selected category as gallery tiles, enhancing visual navigation and interaction.
Set access to archives in the publication
Administrators now have the ability to specify whether readers can access archived versions within the new user interface. This setting provides more granular control over what historical data is available to readers. If readers are allowed to access archives in the publication, they can now select all archived versions in the change view and compare them to the current version. This setting only applies to the new user interface.
Export of the current diagram version in the publication
With the new user interface, it is now possible to directly export the current version of a diagram in the publication. This removes the previous limitation that only archived versions could be exported.
Improved usability in the new user interface
We have significantly improved the interaction with the category explorer: You can now minimize the explorer further and resize it more easily using drag-and-drop, with a preview of the new size.
We have simplified catalog navigation: On the details page of a catalog entry, you can now navigate directly to a linked object, such as a diagram or another catalog entry, by simply clicking on the chip.
The height of all list entries has been optimized to take up less space, allowing more list entries to be visible at once.
Other optimizations have been made for low-resolution devices: In the Diagram list, Catalog, and Governance Cockpit, options are now available in context menus instead of on the bottom panes. When opening a category, diagrams are now displayed first, followed by categories.
Finally, the RACI matrix in the new user interface now displays all modeled RACI relationships between a role and an activity. Previously, only one relationship was shown.
Based on your feedback, we have renamed the “Properties” tab back to “Details” in the new UI to make it easier to find attributes and profiles. In the old interface, these views were called “Details”.
Statement of Accessibility
We are constantly working to remove barriers in BIC Process Design. On the login page and in the help section, you can now view our Statement of Accessibility to learn about known barriers.
Existing administration functions available in the new user interface
The new user interface gives you access to familiar administrative functions. You can now easily manage and configure the following areas:
In future versions, we will integrate the remaining administration functions into the new user interface.
Instance Progress Tracking
You can now easily monitor the progress of your instances directly from the case list. This feature provides real-time insights into the status of each instance in your workflow, enabling better decision-making.
Reports with Access to Tasks
Access all executed tasks of a case when generating reports, allowing for comprehensive and detailed insights into case activities. With this feature, users can generate more detailed reports.
Parallel Multi-Instance Activity
You can now define parallel Multi-Instance Activities within processes, enhancing workflow efficiency and scalability. This feature allows multiple tasks to be executed simultaneously based on a collection of data.
Group Emails
It is now possible to address user groups in send tasks. This enables effective communication by sending email notifications to all group members set as recipients, facilitating seamless collaboration and information sharing.
End Events Inside the Instance View
Enjoy improved process transparency with end events that are now visible to users within the process flow. This feature provides users with a clear understanding of process completion points, facilitating better process monitoring.
Overdue Task Notifications for Case Owners
Stay on top of task deadlines with notifications of overdue tasks within your cases. This feature empowers case owners to take timely action, reducing the risk of delays and ensuring smooth case execution.
Simplified Multiline Field View
Experience an enhanced user interface by viewing the value of multiline fields without the toolbar when not in editing mode. This feature provides a clutter-free view, allowing users to focus on content without distractions.
Multi Column User Forms
You can now customize user forms with multiple columns, offering greater flexibility and compactness. This feature enables users to design forms tailored to their specific needs, enhancing usability and efficiency.
Case Ownership Management
Improve accountability and ownership with the introduction of case owners. This feature assigns responsibility for case management, ensuring clear ownership and streamlined collaboration.
Analyst Case Visibility
Analysts can now easily view all cases to which they are assigned as the analyst for the ProcessApp. This feature provides analysts with quick access to relevant cases, streamlining their workflow and enhancing productivity.
Studio Stage Email Testing
Test emails from send tasks executed in the studio stage or test stage are now sent to the case creator only. This feature enables thorough testing of processes without disrupting other users, ensuring smooth process development.
Unified Handling of Results with the Collect Hit Policy
To have a consist handling of output variables with DMN tables using the hit policy “Collect”, the result is now also an array if there is only one result. This feature simplifies data handling and processing.
REST API Signal Events
You can now trigger signal events via the REST API to allow waiting processes to continue. This feature provides greater flexibility and control over process execution, enabling seamless interaction with external systems.
Consistent Field Hinting
Maintain consistency in UI design with read-only fields now displaying hints in the same font color. This feature enhances visual clarity, improves user experience, and reduces cognitive load.
Overdue Reminder Optimization
Reduce notification overload with overdue reminders that are no longer sent for successful automated tasks. This feature streamlines communication, ensuring that users receive relevant notifications.
HTML Code Visibility in Email Templates
Users can now opt to see the HTML code to resolve issues, providing greater transparency and control over their content. This feature allows users to troubleshoot formatting issues more effectively and make precise adjustments directly in the HTML code.
Call Activity Subcase Management
Subcases started by a call activity now have a system creator as the case creator. However, the case owner remains the task owner of the call activity. This feature enhances traceability and accountability, ensuring clear ownership of subcases.
Usability Improvement
Enjoy improved usability with the increased size of the Task Dialog opened from the task list. For multi-column forms, the task form popup is 75% of the browser width, and for simple forms, the popup is 50% of the browser width. This feature enhances user interaction, makes it easier to work with large user forms, and improves the overall user experience.
Resolved bugs
[DES-4826] User export does not work for customer with large number of users (>90k)
[DES-5449] Security Improvements
[DES-5778] The configuration for the max header size for the bpm-service uses the wrong property key in docker-client
[DES-5853] Docker health check for proxy return always unhealthy if extra domain names are configured
[PT-1580] Invalid characters in formatted text attribute blocks process warehouse export
[PT-4375] Attachment not downloadable from chip with a cut name
[PT-4872] Entity profile performance issue
[PT-5614] Simulation of business rule fails when DMN contains date and time function
[PT-6262] Document stamping fails if file ending is not all lower case
[PT-6692] Empty examiner 2 and 3 get stamped
[PT-6766] Comment emails will be sent to more recipients than the configured limit
[PT-6982] Wrong styling of filters of Governance Cockpit
[PT-12136] Placeholder texts exceed input field size
[PT-12168] Catalog edit mode design issues
[PT-12267] Tooltips are missing for administration cards
[PT-12324] Stage switch does not get updated correctly
[PT-12362] Help link in administration redirects to wrong section in online help
[PT-12386] Catalog archives will be displayed in enabled edit mode
[PT-12420] Input limit does not work for user group names in Portal
[PT-12434] Some OCL rules lead to errors leading to an empty validation
[PT-12531] Debug tool does not work correctly with relationship attributes
[PT-12598] User group administration issues in Portal
[PT-12667] User administration issues in Portal
[PT-12683] Buttons on click (hold) have too strong color
[PT-12711] Security improvement
[PT-12804] Changed file upload limit is not respected in Portal
[PT-12819] Top bar badge font color is wrong
[PT-12832] User group members are not filtered out in add dialog
[PT-12927] Request token does not get updated
[PT-12960] Delete file in all languages dialog does not get displayed
[PT-12962] Attachment attribute label gets display without a value
[PT-12979] Direct link to an attachment leads to errors
[PT-13023] Central search URL misses parameters
[PT-13057] SVG does not get updated on language switch
[PT-13082] Radio buttons on touch devices behave incorrectly
[PT-13084] Catalog facet does not show custom attribute name changed in a object context
[PT-13091] Printing does not work with a SVG logo set as footer or header
[PT-13191] Missing tool tip for cut attachment names in Portal
[PT-13205] Pasting a selection with free form elements or big images can cause errors
[PT-13280] Label in quick modeler dialog is incorrect
[PT-13281] Entity profile report availability is not taken from report descriptor
[PT-13413] Error toasts get displayed to all users
[PT-13440] Deleting assigned objects in catalog details page is not persisted
[PT-13456] Diagram dashboard not displayed in Portal
[PT-13463] Generate smart description tooltip is incorrect
[PT-13465] Generated smart description gets inserted in wrong attribute
[PT-13496] BPMN quick model import does not work with associations without edge symbols
[PT-13540] Wrong error handling in central search
[PT-13546] Validity expiration banner does get updated when switching stages
[PT-13548] Invalid archive retention period values can get persisted
[PT-13558] Archive export does not work on repository level
[PE-1356] If a column in a DMN table contains prefilled values, not only strings are presented as dropdowns.
[PE-1468] When delegating to a group, the instance is permanently listed.
[PE-4135] A new tab created from the run link is not being updated if it is changed.
[PE-7622] Dragging the scrollbar of the process flow view is not working and shows a not allowed icon.
[PE-7791] The “My cases” list does not update the process name when a new case is created and a second tab is open.
[PE-8059] Elastic is rejecting write operations due to the flood stage watermark being reached
[PE-8153] The regexmatch formula returns the matching expression by default.
[PE-8331] Sorting by status on the “My tasks” view is not working as expected.
[PE-8399] Attachment names are not shown correctly.
[PE-8513] The ordering arrow for columns in the case list is not shown if there is not enough space.
[PE-8562] Fetching users from a group only returns the first 20 users.
[PE-8566] The user form loads slowly.
[PE-8663] Terminate end events are not archiving the case when the fragment where the event belongs is not completed.
[PE-8749] German translations are incorrect in some places across the application.
[PE-8896] Line breaks within the ProcessApp titles do not consider proper hyphenation.
[PE-8906] Attachment URL is shown instead of the title of the attachment.
[PE-8908] DMN evaluation filters variables with null values and makes the evaluation fail because there is no value for the corresponding input.
[PE-8924] DMN tasks in error status do not show the error icon.
[PE-8925] The attribute labels in the form inside the process flow view are not shown after refreshing the page.
[PE-8978] The autocomplete suggestion list for formular fields in the form editor is not working in the form preview and default value
[PE-8979] A ProcessApp beginning with a parallel gateway gets stuck.
[PE-8983] Inclusive gateways at the beginning of a ProcessApp are failing.
[PE-9048] Script/REST service task is stuck when it is not possible to add variables.
Version 7.13.25
Resolved bugs
[PT-15014] No diagram options are displayed in Portal
[PT-14966] Persons and organizational units are suggested in bulk editing
Version 7.13.24
Resolved bugs
[PT-14876] When a pool as approved catalog item gets converted into a suggestion and activities will be dropped inside you cannot get the menu of the activity by right clicking
Version 7.13.23
Resolved bugs
[PE-9624] User Form’s multiple choice fields does not load correctly the key/value pairs
[PE-9369] Call Activity with active status after archiving the parent case is shown in MyTasks view
[PT-14741] Suggestions for assignment governance attributes are not filtered by range
Version 7.13.22
Resolved bugs
[PT-14550] Opening files (PDF) directly in the integrated browser viewer behaves inconsistently throughout the application and opens file with uuid as name instead of the real file name
[PT-14619] Diagrams cannot be checked in when assigned entities are not available
Version 7.13.21
Resolved bugs
[DES-5840] Users and groups with short names sometimes not reachable in attribute suggestion list
[PE-9447] Formula for conditional hidden field not working properly
[PT-14136] Users and groups with short names sometimes not reachable in attribute suggestion list
[PT-14377] Diagram cannot be checked in when diagram assignment attributes contain inaccessible or circular references
Version 7.13.20
Resolved bugs
[PT-13750] Opening an attachment opens a file with a uuid as name instead of the real file name
[PE-9194] Several diagram updated message in a short period cause loss of updates
[PE-9372] Deputy: Task is reassigned when the person responsible does not have an assigned status
Version 7.13.19
Resolved bugs
[PT-14145] Re-indexing of catalog-search fails instead of appropriate error handling
[PT-14165] Inconsistent data can cause publication steps to be repeated
[PT-14183] Catalog entries with assignments are reindexed multiple times during bulk index
Version 7.13.18
Resolved bugs
[DES-5926] UpdateMessages sent after the bulk update of diagrams don’t have the correct priority
[DES-5974] No archives are created for bulk updates
Version 7.13.17
Resolved bugs
[PE-9178] Files used in a JSON body of a REST service task include line breaks
[PE-9278] Multi-line text fields link option is displayed incorrectly
[PT-14008] Delete file in all languages dialog does not get displayed
Version 7.13.16
Resolved bugs
[PT-13896] Checking in a diagram is not possible when using Firefox browser
[PT-13754] Deleting user-assignment values is not possible in Portal
Version 7.13.15
Resolved bugs
[PT-13564] Reduce the amount of calls and loaded data when validating a diagram
[PT-13641] Cursor focus disappears on Catalog/Diagram edit page when typing in a value on an empty formatted text field
Version 7.13.14
Resolved bugs
[PE-9084] Forms which are too big for the available screen size cannot be completed from the MyTasks view
[PE-9093] Text area in form makes completion of task from My Tasks view fail
Version 7.13.13
Resolved bugs
[DES-5888] Wrong thread pool configuration in some services
Version 7.13.12
Resolved bugs
[PE-9029] Javascript Script Task do not have access to Java classes anymore
Version 7.13.11
Resolved bugs
[PE-8952] Process Instance Monitoring View is partially hidden
[PE-8979] A ProcessApp beginning by a parallel gateway get stuck
[PE-8983] Inclusive gateways at beginning of ProcessApp are failing
[PE-8993] Page layout incorrect when user lands on Mytasks page from a link - App stage
[PE-8046] Elasticsearch is overload due to many request
[PE-8955] Boolean fields with default value true are not working properly
Version 7.13.10
Resolved bugs
[PE-8907] Disable Nashorn compatibility mode in the script engine to support JavaScript ECMA version 13
[PE-8919] Breadcrumb is not shown in flow view when the page is refreshed
[PT-13376] Notify UserFlow about enabled AI features
[PT-13434] Default attribute values are not applied when creating a new entity
[PT-12305] Default attribute values are not applied when an entity is created in the catalog
Version 7.13.9
Resolved bugs
[PE-8796] Process variables of type Array are not available in reports
[PE-8804] Diagram without a start behaves erroneous
[PE-8811] ProcessApp is not checked in when it has multiple starting points and one of the paths is a single node
[PE-8824] Logout button gets redirect to login page
[PE-8826] Form data is lost when the application tokens expire because of inactivity
[PE-8838] Formula Field producing values NaN causes a Bad Request when saving variables
Version 7.13.8
Resolved bugs
[PT-12919] Update gpt-api version
[PT-12927] Render-service runs into infinite request loop when request token is expired
[PT-13257] Non-localized multi-value link attributes are not shown in the Catalog Details view in the new UI
Version 7.13.7
Resolved bugs
[PT-12374] Attachment titles get double encoded
[PT-13077] Object attribute icons will not be removed anymore after removing the node and undo the change
[PT-13148] When opening or using an approved catalog item with a description that is missing a surrounding <p> tag, a suggestion is created without any user interaction
Version 7.13.6
Resolved bugs
[PT-13078] Selecting an entity in a relationship attribute does not update symbol condition (Portal designer)
[PT-13079] Removing an activity with entities in relationship attribute can cause inconsistent diagram data
Version 7.13.5
Resolved bugs
[PT-13025] Chromium update centers the catalog list vertically, making half of the list inaccessible
[PE-8699] Smart variables are mapped from sub case to parent case
Version 7.13.4
Resolved bugs
[PE-8672] The placeholder replacement with text empty values make formulas fail
[PE-8678] User Task’s Boolean Fields are not initialized when starting the task
Version 7.13.3
Resolved bugs
[PT-6076] Disabled content language gets set as alternative language on first login
[PE-8443] Due date value does not work bidirectionally with process variables
[PE-8480] REST, Report and Script tasks are being executed inside a transaction
[PE-8539] User Form Default values are applied when the variable has a falsy value but not null nor undefined
[PE-8566] User form is loaded slowly
Version 7.13.2
Resolved bugs
[PT-12833] Reports execution fails when using a client token
Version 7.13.1
Resolved bugs
[PT-7872] Cursor jumps to beginning of HTML attributes
[PT-10599] Workflow-service sometimes does not restart automatically
[PT-12409] Autocomplete list shows less than 5 results when potential results are already used
[PT-12413] Enumeration values of 0 aren’t displayed and cannot be validated
[PT-12495] Removal of an internal allocation diagram generates broken visual data
[PT-12550] Wrong context menu functions for approved catalog items in diagram editor
[PT-12589] Disable process draft feature in UI
[PT-12827] Copy pasting does not work anymore
Version 7.13.0
New features
Receive translation suggestions via DeepL connector (separate licensing)
In the public workspace of the new user interface, translation suggestions for language-dependent text attributes can be requested via the DeepL API. This enables even faster translation of multilingual content from diagrams and catalog entries. The feature is available in diagram and catalog translation modes and requires a connection to a DeepL account. Administrators can easily link their company’s DeepL account in the new BIC Process Design administration to connect their system to the DeepL API.
Please note that DeepL integration is separately licensed and needs to be activated for your account. Before linking a DeepL account, ensure your company policies allow data exchange with DeepL.
Bulk editing of diagram attributes in the public workspace
In the new user interface, we have significantly simplified the management of existing diagrams. Administrators and Editors can now comfortably make bulk changes to the assignment attributes of diagrams in the public workspace. The bulk editing function allows for efficient updating of an attribute value for multiple diagrams simultaneously.
Creation of a BPMN Quick Model including resources
In the BPMN Quick Model Excel template, resources for an activity can now also be captured. When importing the completed Excel template, the associated resources are automatically included in the generated BPMN diagram.
Please note that importing resources may generate new catalog suggestions and does not rely on existing catalog entries.
Open PDF attachments directly in your browser’s integrated PDF viewer
PDF attachments in both the old and new user interfaces are now opened directly in the browser’s integrated PDF viewer. This allows you to easily view PDF documents even if you do not have a separate PDF viewer installed on your device or if you want to view the document before downloading it.
Existing functions available in the new user interface
Translate diagrams in the public workspace
We have improved the translation mode for diagrams. You can now access it in the public workspace without having to check out the diagram. The translation mode can be found in the diagram options.
Export repository
Administrators can export a repository via the category tree to download the data from the public workspace, preview, or publication.
Publish repository
Administrators and Editors can now publish repositories from the public workspace. To avoid unintended publications, we have implemented an additional security measure: Before publishing a repository, a confirmation dialog is displayed. This ensures users that the publication is intentional.
Improvements in the new user interface
Display diagram and object type
The type of a diagram or selected object is now displayed in the properties.
Property view for relationship attributes
You can now also open and display the properties of relationship attributes in diagrams and objects. This feature was already available for assignments and has been extended to relationship attributes.
Marking objects with comments in the diagram
We have improved interaction with object comments. Users can now select commented objects directly from the comment area to mark them in the diagram and move them into the visible area.
Displaying occurrence attributes in all diagram views
The values of occurrence attributes are now displayed in all diagram views. Please note that you may need to customize the profile view of objects to display the desired attribute.
Existing administration functions available in the new user interface
The new user interface provides access to familiar administration functions. You can now easily:
Adjust archiving settings
Set standard configuration of header and footer for print outputs
Customize BIC Process Design to match your company’s corporate design
Select filters for central search
In upcoming versions, we will integrate additional missing administration functions into the new user interface.
Timestamp in case overview
Users can now see in the case overview when a task was started and completed. Intermediate timer events are also displayed in the process flow view of a case. The trigger time of the intermediate event is also displayed. This promotes the transparency and traceability of your work processes.
Event-based process control
From now on, a message with the event ID is sent for throwing events such as end events or certain intermediate events. A corresponding catching event such as start events or certain intermediate events with the same identifier are automatically triggered by this message. This function enables a more transparent and precise control over your work processes.
Immediate process termination by end event
Cases can now be instantly terminated by terminating end events. This is useful whenever the process contains parallel paths, and the parallel activities no longer need to be executed when a certain end event is reached.
Configuration of output document reports
With Service Tasks, documents can now be created based on templates, like BIC Process Design. Users have the option to fill a Word template with data from the case and to flexibly choose between output formats Word and PDF. This extension enables efficient document creation and opens a wide range of application options for individual process requirements.
Defining multiple expected HTTP status codes
Users now have the option to specify multiple expected HTTP status codes when configuring REST requests. This new feature provides enhanced flexibility in API usage, allowing you to make your applications more robust and reliable. This is important, for example, if a particular endpoint sometimes responds with 200 and sometimes with 201. With the introduction of a new variable, “_response”, you can access to the status code, enabling you to control the further course of the case.
Summary of case information in a variable
Until now, various pieces of information about the case were available in individual variables (e.g., creatorName). With the introduction of the new smart variable “_case”, we have now summarised this information for all newly created processes. With the “_case” variable, customers can easily access case information.
Improved task and case search
Users now can search the task and case list using advanced filtering options, enabling efficient management and prioritization. These features allow you to quickly sort the lists by a specific column and order, as well as filter by due date to identify and focus on important tasks or cases. Additionally, you can search for tasks by name.
Input documents in subprocess
As a user, you now have the option to provide documents in the case for a subprocess. To do this, you simply need to model the document as input in the main process for the subprocess, and the file will be automatically made available in the subprocess.
Corporate Design and Redesign
The color configurations from BIC Process Design are now also adopted in BIC Process Execution to ensure a consistent design of the application. Additionally, we have further optimized the UI in BIC Process Execution and aligned it with the new UI from BIC Process Design.
Process variables for archived cases
From now on, ProcessApp Administrators can also access process variables for archived cases. For the ProcessApp Creator role, access to these variables remains limited to the Studio and testing environment.
Quick identification of signature tasks
Users can now identify which tasks are configured as signature tasks in their task list. This function allows for quickly identifying signature tasks and determining where additional authentication is required.
Notification for unsupported browsers
From now on, users will receive a notification when attempting to access the application using an unsupported browser. This notification aims to ensure that users have the best possible experience with the application and encounter no limitations due to their used browser.
Resolved bugs
[DES-2920] Wrong warning information regarding the SAML group mapper configuration in the installation documentation
[DES-4161] Security Improvement
[DES-4481] Security Improvement
[DES-4502] BPMN import fails if “<text>” section for an “textAnnotation” is missing
[DES-4507] API Documentation contains “unresolved directive” problems in domain-service
[DES-4983] SQL Statement to identify SSO-tenants in the toolbox does not collect all relevant tenants
[DES-5330] Public-apigateway is not part of the “docker-compose-64.yml”
[PT-1390] Examiner does not receive depublication mail
[PT-6552] Date input field doesn’t apply new value
[PT-7248] Tenant customized colors are not applied to previously unsaved entities
[PT-7504] AR and PL templates are not included in the template overview for manual reports in admin ui
[PT- 8216] Matrix View becomes unresponsive with bigger data sets (Portal)
[PT-8530] No search results default page will be displayed shortly
[PT-9238] Workflow task dialog is displayed incorrect
[PT-9844] Search facets in catalog change order
[PT-9969] Catalog Favorites are saved as an empty tile
[PT-9971] MyBIC Page in Portal reloads tiles when switching content language
[PT-10299] MyBIC tiles don’t work in high contrast mode
[PT-10301] Interaction with item bar reloads attribute view
[PT-10305] Check in warning dialog appears when using default values for access restriction
[PT-10406] Catalog headers differ in different screen sizes
[PT-10817] “Read more” button on long description is not reachable (Portal)
[PT-11005] Renaming favorite fails (Portal)
[PT-11198] Main diagram cannot be saved
[PT-11256] Catalog resubmission isn’t automatically closed after the depublication
[PT-11359] Arabic, Japanese, and other supported languages text not displaying when printing a PDF
[PT-11364] System attribute are displayed in profile view (Portal)
[PT-11458, PT-11659] Security improvement
[PT-11459] Report executions do not work for certain timezones
[PT-11476] Empty mandatory attribute value prevents checkin
[PT-11550] “Show more” option of description disappears (Portal)
[PT-11562] Diagrams with allocation diagrams stuck in the loading screen
[PT-11602] Export to excel only works by clicking the icon (Portal)
[PT-11662] Suggestion list for assignment attributes is not usable
[PT-11689] Character limit will be ignored in translation mode
[PT-11701] Missing toast when modifing a catalog item within a diagram
[PT-11709] [Firefox] Catalog list loses scroll position when navigating back from details
[PT-11751] Incorrect behavior of long names (Portal)
[PT-11932] Diagram navigation bar is not shown correctly for certain window sizes
[PT-11943] Catalog edit button is displayed in Publication
[PT-12066] Add user to group dialog is blank
[PT-12068] Latest version option for a selected stage is disabled (Portal)
[PT-12075] Design error
[PT-12081] Occurrence attributes do not show up on attribute profile view (Portal)
[PT-12082] Switching content/alternative language does not update columns in catalog translation mode
[PT-12087] Commentator name is not visible in the comment hub (Portal)
[PT-12108] Process Warehouse export shows disabled attribute types
[PT-12186] Edit link dialog in rich text field freezes diagram editor
[PT-12262] Catalog translation mode can be left without dialog (Portal)
[PT-12266] Catalog translation button is visible in Publication (Portal)
[PT-12289] Incorrect visual feedback for unavailable assignments in Profile View (Portal)
[PT-12292] Removing a description in diagram does not delete the value
[PT-12348] Subcategories are displayed duplicated in category tree (Portal)
[PT-12355] [Firefox] Customer logo is sized incorrectly (Webclient)
[PT-12376] Back button does not work after opening a diagram through Governance cockpit
[PE-2297] Field Size in form field editor doesn’t change width
[PE-4635] Mobile View: Background fails to scroll to last element while scrolling the menu
[PE-5753] Group icon missing in process flow and in form in responsible chip when group is assigned
[PE-7774] Service Task “OAuth2” error message will not go away, after we change the authentication type
[PE-7859] Edit Process Variable and Archive Instance Button are shown after an Instance is completed
[PE-7884] Prometheus endpoints are not installed
[PE-7905] Subcases and cases with attachments with expired retention period are not removed
[PE-7939] Sonar test coverage is not calculated
[PE-7965] Many threads crash the system with an OOM Exception
[PE-8001] Date picker input fields do not allow manual date entry
[PE-8159] Email reminders are notifying for tasks with due date today a day before the expected one
[PE-8175] “Show more” button of the form description is not displayed when description is long
[PE-8311] Conditional text area loses content when hiding and un-hiding (visual issue)
[PE-8316] Sort by task name is not working properly
[PE-8318] Mandatory validation of form fields is not enforced when claiming and completing tasks very quickly
[PE-8347] Exporting report does not work
[PE-8357] Insufficient error logging for deletion of non-execution users or groups
[PE-8358] Out of memory is thrown when a process definition with many cases is updated
[PE-8382] Tasks list columns are not aligned with their headers
[PE-8392] Inconsistent update of assigned role in cases across database
Version 7.12.21
Resolved bugs
[PT-13896] Checking in a diagram is not possible when using Firefox browser
Version 7.12.20
Resolved bugs
[PT-13564] Reduce the amount of calls and loaded data when validating a diagram
Version 7.12.19
Resolved bugs
[PE-9029] Javascript Script Tasks do not have access to Java classes anymore
Version 7.12.18
Resolved bugs
[PE-8955] Boolean fields with default value true are not working properly
[PE-8979] A ProcessApp beginning by a parallel gateway get stuck
[PE-8983] Inclusive gateways at beginning of ProcessApp are failing
[PE-8046] Elasticsearch is overload due to many request
Version 7.12.17
Resolved bugs
[PE-8907] Disable Nashorn compatibility mode in the script engine to support JavaScript ECMA version 13
[PE-8919] Breadcrumb is not shown in flow view when the page is refreshed
Version 7.12.16
Resolved bugs
[PE-8804] Diagram without a start behaves erroneous
[PE-8811] ProcessApp is not checked in when it has multiple starting points and one of the paths is a single node
[PE-8824] Logout button gets redirect to login page
[PE-8826] Form data is lost when the application tokens expire because of inactivity
[PE-8838] Formula Field producing values NaN causes a Bad Request when saving variables
[PE-8897] Entire reindexing fails, if single document update throws an exception
Version 7.12.15
Resolved bugs
[PT-13077] Object attribute icons will not be removed anymore after removing the node and undo the change
[PT-13148] When opening or using an approved catalog item with a description that is missing a surrounding <p> tag, a suggestion is created without any user interaction
Version 7.12.14
Resolved bugs
[PT-13078] Selecting an entity in a relationship attribute does not update symbol condition (Portal designer)
[PT-13079] Removing an activity with entities in relationship attribute can cause inconsistent diagram data
Version 7.12.13
Resolved bugs
[PT-13025] Chromium update centers the catalog list vertically, making half of the list inaccessible
Version 7.12.12
Resolved bugs
[PE-8672] The placeholder replacement with text empty values make formulas fail
[PE-8678] User Task’s Boolean Fields are not initialized when starting the task
Version 7.12.11
Resolved bugs
[PE-8568] Blank values in the process variables form for certain data types gives an error
[PE-8566] User form is loaded slowly
Version 7.12.10
Resolved bugs
[PT-7872] Cursor jumps to beginning of HTML attributes
[PT-12409] Autocomplete list shows less than 5 results when potential results are already used
[PT-12413] Enumeration values of 0 aren’t displayed and cannot be validated
[PT-12495] Removal of an internal allocation diagram generates broken visual data
Version 7.12.9
Resolved bugs
[PE-8539] User Form Default values are applied when the variable has a falsy value but not null nor undefined
[PE-8448] User Form does not activate after starting a step manually
[PT-10599] Workflow-service sometimes does not restart automatically
Version 7.12.8
Resolved bugs
[PT-11659] Security improvement
[PT-12287] Internal allocation diagrams cannot be opened in new UI
Version 7.12.7
Resolved bugs
[PE-8341] Performance issues updating ProcessApp definitions
[PE-8364] Tasks with only attachment form fields cannot be completed
[PE-8390] Signature tasks cannot be completed
Version 7.12.6
Resolved bugs
[PT-12270] Improve SVG compressing
Version 7.12.5
Resolved bugs
[PT-12223] SVG image compression is performed on every request and blocks following requests
[PT-12231] Fit SVG to screen is always enabled in new UI
Version 7.12.4
New features
[PE-8297] Delete instances not found in Camunda for studio/test stage and notify for app
Resolved bugs
[PE-8311] Conditional text area loses content when hiding and un-hiding
[PE-8318] Mandatory validation of form fields is not enforced when claiming and completing tasks very quickly
[PE-8324] Postgres error resizing shared memory because no space left on device
Version 7.12.3
Resolved bugs
[PT-8786] Manual report shows tables in description attribute with minimal width
[PT-11601] Content language changes unexpectedly in Portal
[PT-11657] Change comparison only works when an archive is already existing in Portal
[PT-11704] Attribute hub does not update data after deleting name and switching between nodes of the same type
[PT-11752] Blocking OCL rule violations do not prevent the user from check in
[PT-11783] Cross stage diagram comparison doesn’t work in Portal when there is no archived version yet
[PT-11930] Long text attribute values are not cut and make ‘Show changes’ button unreachable in Portal
[PT-12022] Relationship attributes for input and output create wrong edge direction
Version 7.12.2
Resolved bugs
[PT-9229] Description of catalog items is missing on catalog list in Portal
[PE-7982] Text variables which represent a ISO date values are always saved like date but only is needed for Service tasks and external cases creation
Version 7.12.1
Resolved bugs
[PT-10139] “Open in new window” attribute gets changed after checking a diagram / catalog item out
[PT-11140] Switching the suggestion filter on hides entity type filter
[PT-11305] Pool generated by the excel import can not be copied
[PT-7251] Responsible gets logged in audit trail and mail instead of responsible (resubmission)
[PT-10582] Document links created via “Copy URL” are not valid hyperlinks
[PT-10803] Diagrams sorted incorrectly when filtering
[PT-10816] Role restrictions are incorrectly applied in Portal
[PT-10964] Attachment containing special characters cannot be downloaded in Portal
[PT-11232] Hidden attributes are getting exported in process warehouse
[PT-11272] You cannot delete free form lines from the canvas
[DES-4809] Deletion of tenant data for tenants with a huge amount of documents/archives could fail
[DES-4847] User export is not working for tenants with thousands of users
[DES-4934] Repository export may fail in case of a complex category structure
Version 7.12.0
New features
Automatically create a BPMN diagram via Excel import
Administrators and editors can now download an Excel template for BPMN diagrams from the online help and easily, consistently, and efficiently capture their processes in Excel. Add activities and responsible roles and import the Excel file into the public workspace of the new user interface. A graphical BPMN diagram is automatically generated with the specified responsible roles as pools and lanes. Activities are connected by a continuous sequence flow.
Please note that this feature is only available in the new user interface. If further editing of the graphical BPMN diagram is required, users need to switch to the old user interface. In future versions, we plan to add support for satellites.
Restructured occurrence list and extended evaluation for assignment attributes
We have made significant optimizations to the occurrence list in the catalog and diagram options for modeled objects to enhance clarity and detail.
The structure of the occurrence list has been reorganized to include a dedicated entry for each diagram. Instead of a long list of uses, you will now find separate entries for each diagram in which the object is used. These entries are easily accessible and give you a detailed view of how the object is used in that diagram. With just one click, you can seamlessly navigate to the precise usage and quickly visualize connections.
Additionally, we have extended the occurrence list to display the usage of assignment attributes. This means that you can easily review all instances of an object’s usage, allowing you to navigate to specific use cases effortlessly.
New sorting for multivalued attribute values
We have improved the search for specific attribute values when dealing with multiple entries in the new user interface. The user’s current content language is now automatically used to sort the values of assignment attributes, text attributes, links, and files alphabetically. Examples of such attributes are standard attributes like ‘author’, ‘reviewer’, ‘keyword’ and ‘attachment (URL)’. Custom attributes are sorted similarly. The sort order is applied in the matrix view, in the properties, in the quick access under an icon in a diagram, and on the details page of a catalog entry.
Please note that alphabetical sorting is currently not supported in reports and exports. We are actively working to remove this limitation in future updates. This sorting is not available in the old user interface.
Execute reports on archived diagram versions
The new user interface now allows you to run reports on archived process versions. You can simply open the archive of a diagram version and execute a report on that version without the need to manually restore the diagram version. This saves time and greatly simplifies your work. You can run reports at any time, which is important for long-term projects that started with an archived process version.
Please note that reports do not explicitly indicate whether the version is archived.
Change of report templates for add-ons
Administrators now have full control over the change of add-on-provided report templates.
Please be aware that the customization options for add-on templates may differ from the standard ones. Refer to the according add-on documentation for details. Changing templates can impact the functionality of these reports.
Converting timestamps for reporting and exporting
The time zone of a logged-in user is now considered when creating reports and exports to ensure that the timestamps refer to the same reference time zone as in the user interface.
Additional content language
Persian can now be enabled as a content language in the administration.
Method for modeling in attributes
The standard method has been updated to faciliate the transition to modeling resources and satellites within attributes, if you are considering this innovative approach. The default method now includes predefined relationship attributes that can be activated in activities. Additionally, an alternative symbol has been added to indicate that there are resources that are not graphically visible on the modeling interface.
The following attributes are available in the standard method:
· A - Responsible role(s)
· C - Contributing role(s)
· I - Role(s) to be informed
· Supporting application(s)
· Required input(s)
· Produced output(s)
· Risk(s) Occurring
When these relationship attributes have a value, an icon is displayed within the alternate activity symbol, drawing attention to the specific attribute.
Please note that we recommend making any necessary changes to the method either after training or by requesting us to make the customization. The configuration may not be suitable for inexperienced users. To customize your method, access to the BIC Method Editor is necessary.
Validation of properties of assigned objects
The properties of objects within a diagram can now be validated using OCL in validation.
Please note that the default validation does not contain a rule that uses this possibility. To customize the validation rules, you need access to the BIC Methods Editor.
Existing functions available in the new user interface
Manage repositories in the administration of the new user interface
In the new user interface, repository management has been moved to Administration. You can find all existing repositories there and edit and delete them. Deleting a repository has been provided with an additional security confirmation prompt to minimize the risk of accidentally deleting it and losing valuable data.
Currently, the list of repositories does not include repositories that have access restrictions set that exclude the administrator. In future versions, administrators will be able to view all repositories. However, they will not have access to the contents of a repository if access restrictions prohibit it.
Printing with individual print settings
The print settings can now be customized in the diagram options. All print options that were available in the old user interface are still available.
Intermediate Timer-Events
Designers can now define intermediate timer events, enabling fine-tuned control over case progression. This feature allows you to specify a waiting time, ensuring that your cases pause for the defined duration. This precision enhances process orchestration and helps you optimize your case management.
Data Mapping in Service Task
When configuring a service task, you can now set it to ignore the response. This additional control prevents the automatic mapping of response bodies to process variables, enabling you to customize the handling of service task responses according to your specific needs.
Service Task Response Handling
When using a service task , the response is now automatically stored in a process variable named “_response.”. This variable provides access to the header of the response, allowing for greater flexibility in handling and utilizing the data in subsequent process steps.
Enhanced Task Monitoring
In this release, we’ve made it easier for case managers to track the tasks by introducing the ability to view open tasks organized by assignee. This feature simplifies task management and provides clear visibility into assignments, making it more convenient to manage and prioritize work.
File Fields in Form Editor
When configuring forms, you can now add a file field, providing you with additional customization options for handling files within your processes. This enhancement empowers you to tailor file-related configurations to meet your specific requirements, making form design more versatile.
Enhanced File Upload Experience
When interacting with file uploads in forms, users will now see a visual representation of the uploaded file’s name. This feature enhances the user experience by making it easier to identify and manage uploaded files.
Integrated Browser Viewer
You can now open PDF files directly in the integrated browser viewer, allowing you to quickly view file content without the need to download. This feature saves time and improves accessibility, making it easier to access and review files within your processes.
Full Text Search for Case Names
Users can now perform comprehensive full-text searches in the case list, enhancing your ability to find and access specific cases quickly. This feature streamlines case discovery, saving you time and effort in navigating your cases.
Case and Task List Sorting
Users now have the option to sort the task list and the case list, enabling efficient management and prioritization. With this feature, you can quickly identify and focus on the most critical tasks or cases at hand.
Access Control
Access control has been refined in this release to provide more tailored permissions. Please note that with Version 7.12, it’s essential to assign the specific ProcessApp roles to your users. These roles are now checked for compliance, and proper role assignment is crucial to ensure a seamless and secure experience with BIC Process Execution:
ProcessApp Creators now have exclusive access to execution editors, granting greater control over process execution and refinement. In previous versions, all authors had the ability to configure tasks in Process Execution Editors.
ProcessApp Creators can seamlessly view and edit process variables directly in the studio stage, streamlining ProcessApp development and customization.
Creating new instances now requires the ProcessApp User role, giving you greater control over different stages in your processes.
Task assignment and work can only be carried out by ProcessApp Participants. This helps maintain clear responsibilities and ensures that only authorized users can interact with tasks.
The admin area is now exclusively accessible to ProcessApp Administrators, ensuring the secure and efficient administration. It’s worth noting that a BIC Design Administrator can no longer access the administration area in BIC Process Execution.
Gateway Task Assignment
Tasks created at gateways are now automatically assigned to the corresponding lane, providing more effective responsibility allocation. This feature simplifies task management, ensuring that tasks are consistently assigned to the right team or individual.
Resolved bugs
[DES-3483] Security improvement
[DES-4036] Caching of method failed because of serialization issues
[DES-4132] BPMN file can’t be imported if it contains xsi:type=”dc:Point”
[DES-4139] Missing migration for entities that have AT_NAME as node attributes
[DES-4152] The system does not prevent users from creating domain objects in stage Preview and Publish
[DES-4153] When importing BPMN files, for some edges the import uses outdated edge-symbol stereotypes
[DES-4541] Deleting a single document does not remove the data properly
[PT-10035] Failed workflows are not correctly aborted
[PT-10285] Edit option for catalog item is displayed in preview in Portal
[PT-10978] Add-on reports are incorrectly listed in catalog in Portal
[PT-10994] Relationship attributes are not displayed in the publication and preview
[PT-10999] New user group gets displayed in list only after refreshing the page
[PT-11014] Diagram gets duplicated after cut and paste in category panel in Portal
[PT-11034] Phrase search cannot be saved as search favorite in Portal
[PT-11058] Missing spacing to the right for default favorite badges on small resolution devices in Portal
[PT-11080] Properties panel can be opened in audit trail on small resolution devices in Portal
[PT-11101] Filter of diagram view not working reliable in Portal
[PT-1754] Switching the role from Reviewer to Reader does not switch stage to Publication in Portal
[PT-4481] Some special characters in a comment are shown in unicode in emails
[PT-4918] Attachments cannot be downloaded in catalog in Portal
[PT-8106, PT-8342, PT-9322] Security improvements
[PT-8663] Users in user groups are sorted incorrectly and duplicate entries will be shown while scrolling through the list
[PT-9033] Diagram editor logs misleading error message
[PT-9547] Multi-value attributes are not testable via OCL
[PE-1108] The option “Add team member” is not completely displayed in the German version within the case’s details
[PE-2698] Boolean fields should default to false in DMN Tasks
[PE-2779] Gateway Evaluation fails when checked string variable is null
[PE-2975] Progress bar does not differ between completed and running tasks on overdue
[PE-3667] Formating applied on email editor is not set in Execution email preview
[PE-4170] Process with multiple gateways does not start first task
[PE-4504] ProcessApp Icon Color is not consistent across the application
[PE-4821] When deputy is delegated an error task, task counter is not update immediately
[PE-4998] Ng-hal-forms not setting default header
[PE-5060] Collection cards do not have ellipsis overflow
[PE-5113] Process Apps in favourites tile show randomly in the wrong order
[PE-5838] User Picker errors when User/Group begin with the same substring
[PE-5908] Role assignment is not set in sub case
[PE-7165] My task/Group task list don’t upgrade correctly when task list is empty
[PE-7178] Forms Editor fails to detect circular dependencies in in formulas when changed in the field list
[PE-7313] Instances of deleted diagrams can still be created in app stage
[PE-7319] Gateways whose execution result in no decision being made end up in state completed, instead of error
[PE-7324] In certain situations there is a problem with the forecast where a case is not able to show the flow
[PE-7343] Error creating instance in ElasticSearch for instances created from a timer start event
[PE-7370] Date Input fields are not editable on smaller screens or when zoomed in
[PE-7404] Instance is not archived in ElasticSearch
[PE-7438] Textbox is not alligned with checkbox on Editor Service
[PE-7514] In the list of fields, you cannot select a field if you click inside the input.
[PE-7527] Reduce the attributes information of the flow steps to avoid performance issues getting the flow of case
[PE-7629] Initial readonly and mandatory expression evaluation is failing
[PE-7707] Update and remove Process Collections templates are sent to NO Admin users in ProcessApp view
[PE-3272] Process flow calculation breaks on loops with non-exclusive gateways
[PE-6058] Performance issues on ProcessApp Collections view
[PE-6148] Script tasks with float variables fails
[PE-7326] Some Material Icons are missing
[PE-7344] Can not open link of Disabled URL Field in Firefox
[PE-7362] Too many variables makes URL too long when requesting variables leading to 414
[PE-7363] Error evaluating formulas in field conditions
[PE-7410] Pending task reminder mails are sent without pending tasks
[PE-7513] Not all Owner are shown as filters in the case list view of a ProcessApp
Version 7.11.15
Resolved bugs
[PT-13148] When opening or using an approved catalog item with a description that is missing a surrounding <p> tag, a suggestion is created without any user interaction
Version 7.11.14
Resolved bugs
[PT-13025] Chromium update centers the catalog list vertically, making half of the list inaccessible
Version 7.11.13
Resolved bugs
[PT-7872] Cursor jumps to beginning of HTML attributes
[PT-10599] Workflow-service sometimes does not restart automatically
[PT-12409] Autocomplete list shows less than 5 results when potential results are already used
[PT-12495] Removal of an internal allocation diagram generates broken visual data
Version 7.11.12
Resolved bugs
[PE-8390] Signature tasks cannot be completed
[PE-8448] User Form does not activate after starting a step manually
Version 7.11.11
Resolved bugs
[PT-11659] Security improvement
Version 7.11.10
Resolved bugs
[PT-11783] Cross stage diagram comparison doesn’t work when there is no archived version yet
Version 7.11.9
Resolved bugs
[PT-11657] Change comparison only works when an archive is already existing in Portal
Version 7.11.8
Resolved bugs
[PE-7946] A String variable with date format ‘DD-MM-YYYY’ is converting into date and the generated date is not correct
[PE-7982] Text variables which represent a ISO date values are always saved like date but only is needed for Service tasks and external cases creation
Version 7.11.7
Resolved bugs
[DES-4934] Repository export may fail in case of a complex category structure
[PT-11580] Move activities to other lanes is not possible
Version 7.11.6
New Features
[PE-7495] As a process designer, I want to store the response of a service task as a process variable, so that I can access and utilize various parts of the response in subsequent steps of the process
[PE-7699] Prepare services so that quay labeling for legacy releases is easy possible
Resolved bugs
[PE-7598] Long automatic tasks could block all database connections
[PE-7629] Initial readonly and mandatory expression evaluation is failing
Version 7.11.5
New Features
[PT-9819] As a user, I want to see changes in relationship attributes in version comparison so that I can identify the differences of two versions
[PT-10264] As a user, I want to use OCL for relationship attributes
[PT-9916] As a symbol editor, I want to use association types as conditions for formatting symbols
Resolved bugs
[PT-10694] When deleting a node that has Relationship Attributes maintained, the Relationship nodes do not get deleted and produce ghost nodes
[PT-10626] Catalog items are created without default assignment in Portal
Version 7.11.4
Resolved bugs
[DES-4550] Wrong max-http-header size configuration for some services
[DES-4053] Elasticsearch frequently restarts due to memory problems
[PE-7586] In a JSON body, when utilizing placeholders for string arrays, the quotation marks are missing
[PE-7607] Hyperlinks in disabled/readonly fields are not functional in Firefox
Version 7.11.3
Resolved bugs
[PE-7457] Migration of gatewaypoints fails
Version 7.11.2
Resolved bugs
[DES-4447] SQL Statement to identify SSO-tenants in the for version 7.11.0 does not collect all relevant tenants
[PT-10321] Categories cannot be reached on small resolution devices
[PT-10477] Associations of relationship attributes are created in the wrong direction
Version 7.11.1
Resolved bugs
[PT-9944] Scrolling diagram filters does not work on small screens (e. g. mobile devices)
[PT-10063] Unable to search in categories for diagrams after the category or diagram was moved
[PT-10302] Process cost analysis report does not calculate resources
[PE-7342] ObjectOptimisticLockException when calculating the path with gateway expressions
[PE-7391] Task details view does not open on mobile
Version 7.11.0
New Features
Set validation scope of languages for mandatory attributes
Administrators now have more control over the validation of mandatory language-dependent text attributes during publishing workflows. With this update, administrators can now specify whether these attributes should contain a value in any content language, a value in the enabled default content language, or a value in all enabled content languages. These settings apply to new workflows from the beginning, while ongoing workflows keep their existing settings. This configuration can only be set in the new user interface administration.
Improved notifications for editorial releases and favorites
In this release, we have made adjustments to the default behavior for scope e-mails in editorial releases and notifications for updated favorites. By default, the scope will no longer receive notifications about changes when an editorial workflow is initiated. However, users still have the option to send scope e-mails by selecting the mail sending feature in the workflow start dialog.
Similarly, in the new user interface, we have updated the default behavior for change notifications related to newly marked favorites. By default, we will no longer send change e-mails for newly marked favorites. Instead, users are now required to actively subscribe to receive change notifications for their favorites. Change e-mails will continue to be sent for favorites marked in the old user interface.
It is important to note that we will continue to send change notifications for existing favorites to facilitate a smooth transition to the new default behavior. Users can manage their change mail subscriptions, including subscribing and unsubscribing, on their myBIC page within the new user interface.
Favorite catalog lists
In the new user interface, we have introduced a new feature that allows users to mark lists in the catalog as favorites. Once marked a catalog list as favorite, this lists will conveniently appear as tiles on the user’s myBIC page, providing easy access to their preferred catalog items. We do not send change notification e-mails when a favorite catalog list is updated. Additionally, at present, there is no explicit subscription option available for these updates.
It is important to note that the catalog favorites feature is exclusively available in the new user interface. If you are using the old user interface, you will not find the Catalog Favorite tile on your myBIC page, and you will not be able to mark a catalog list as a favorite in the catalog of the old user interface. Furthermore, Administrators cannot set a catalog favorite as a myBIC configuration for their organization.
Alternative to the graphical modeling of resources
We have introduced a new feature that allows you to model the relation between resources and activities within the activity attributes. Once you have prepared your method accordingly, you can select a catalog entry in the corresponding activity attribute or directly create a catalog proposal from the suggestion list. This automatically establishes the configured relationship between the selected catalog entry and its activity.
This alternative approach to graphical modeling offers many advantages. For example, the resources of an activity no longer need to be arranged graphically, and existing processes can be more easily maintained throughout their lifecycle. Readers see the resources in a more natural representation and do not need to learn a specific notation to understand the process.
Please note that this new capability needs to be activated in your method and is not available automatically. Before enabling this feature, we recommend checking its impact on your modeling conventions. Currently, the functionality of this new modeling option is still limited. Version comparison is not yet optimized for this new approach, and validation needs to be extended. However, these limitations will be improved shortly.
Save simulation parameters and continue working with them
We have optimized the simulation to enhance usability. From now on, you can assign individual names to simulation scenarios, enabling better navigation among different scenarios. Additionally, you can now save the entered parameters of a scenario and continue working on them later if needed. These saved scenarios are also visible to other simulation users, promoting collaboration.
Please note that scenario names cannot be changed afterwards and that scenarios saved in new diagram versions will no longer be available if the previous diagram version has been archived.
Existing features available in new user interface
Print diagram graphic with default print settings
In the new user interface, you now have the option to print the diagram graphic of a checked-in diagram through the options panel. Currently, you have access to default standard print settings that cannot be customized individually. Nevertheless, enhancements in this aspect are scheduled for the near future.
Rename personal favorites on myBIC
On your myBIC page, you can now rename diagram, catalog list, and search result favorites using the context menu of each respective tile. Renaming does not affect the content of the personal favorite but exclusively contributes to better user clarity. The changes made apply only to the active content language.
Please note that standard favorites defined by the administrator cannot be renamed.
Process Execution
Filter Facet Date Range Options
We are excited to introduce a brand-new feature that enhances your task and case management experience. As a user, you now have the power to conveniently filter your lists of tasks and cases based on specific date ranges for due dates. This means you can easily narrow down your workload and focus on the tasks that matter most within your desired timeframe.
Task Status Monitoring
We have added a task status monitoring feature that displays the status of your open tasks. This means you will have quick and easy access to see how your tasks are progressing without having to dig through details. Stay informed and in control with this new addition.
Global Variable Management
We are thrilled to announce that users can now use global variables in their processes. This powerful addition allows you to create more dynamic and adaptable workflows, utilizing variables that can be accessed throughout your processes.
We have also rolled out a handy enhancement that gives you more control over your application’s configuration. You now have the ability to delete global variables that are no longer needed. This helps keep your application clutter-free and ensures you’re utilizing resources efficiently.
Process Enhancement - Task Start Restrictions
Authors and users working with ProcessApps, this one is for you. We’ve added a feature that allows authors to define restrictions on manually starting tasks. This means you can have better control over your process flow, ensuring tasks are initiated only when appropriate. This enhancement provides a more streamlined and efficient process.
Process Enhancement - Skip Case Creation Start Form
We are all about optimizing your workflow. Authors, we heard you! You can now define that the case creation start form will be skipped. By skipping this form, you gain the advantage of creating a specific form as the first task in a process. This opens up possibilities for delivering a tailored and engaging user experience right from the start.
Base64 Encoded File Transfer
Need to send files as part of your JSON request? We have got you covered. With this new feature, users can now send files as base64 encoded strings in JSON request bodies. This simplifies the process of sharing files and streamlines data integration across your systems.
Starting Timer Event Option
We have tidied things up to ensure a clean and user-friendly experience. You will notice that when a process has a starting timer event, this event will not appear as an option during manual process initiation. This design decision emphasizes the automatic triggering nature of timer events, ensuring a more intuitive and efficient user experience. This subtle adjustment helps maintain clarity in your process options.
Resolved bugs
[DES-3793] Missing logging configuration for elasticsearch and audit-logstash in docker-compose-local.yml(.example)
[DES-4040] domain-data-archive-service creates error logs for repository exports
[DES-4054] BPMN import seems to run indefinitely if an internal error occurs
[DES-4151] Metrics configuration for spring services are not correct
[DES-4276] Logout is not possible when user token size is above 4KB
[DES-4439] Some modules do not support SCRAM authentication for database connectivity
[PT-1859, PT-1951, PT-2355, PT-4104, PT-9724, PT-9725, PT-9726] Navigating to a different repository does not update repository switch
[PT-1860] Custom name for catalog item profile is not displayed correctly (Portal)
[PT-6871] File title is HTML encoded in title edit dialog
[PT-7585] Sanitizing HTML attributes is too strict
[PT-7818, PT-9089, PT-9312] Security improvements
[PT-8743] Header of catalog item details page is not sticky
[PT-9255] Pasting content into HTML attribute takes over unsupported HTML tags
[PT-9265] Search field clearing fails to clear filter facets in diagrams, catalog, governance, and central search
[PT-9436] Publish option is missing for categories (Portal)
[PT-9442] User login count is capped to 10000
[PT-9467] Catalog item profile report cannot be triggered (Portal)
[PT-9489] Indexing attachments causes memory errors
[PT-9703] Administration tiles in Portal are not colored
[PT-9729] Misleading description of process warehouse report
[PT-9753] Favorite update mail has wrong reference
[PT-9843] Applicable documents cannot be downloaded (Portal)
[PT-9999] Catalog item profile report has wrong page break
[PT-10063] Unable to search in categories for diagrams after the category was moved
[PT-10134] Changing to suggestion a catalog element doesn’t update publish button properly
[PT-10140] Approve/Reject button is briefly shown when opening catalog details view in publication
[PE-6883] Exporting in the DMN Editor does not work on Firefox
[PE-6888] Update a task takes to long
[PE-6898] Improve Flow View loading screen when creating a case of an empty diagram
[PE-6919] XS/S version: Filter Design is incorrect
[PE-7056] Error when case name exceeds 100 characters
[PE-7057] Non-Admin users see the Process Monitoring tab
[PE-7096] Null token is allowed on root API end-point
[PE-7152] Visual error because scroll overlay doesn’t work
[PE-7167] Visual error to enter name with space when create a case
[PE-7187] Details section inside the form field doesn’t show the ‘Show more’ button
[PE-7240] When we have multiple starting timer events and one of those events is triggered we see a manual decision at the beginning of the flow
[PE-7263] Recreated User groups do not work properly
[PE-7268] Wrong font in attachment link
[PE-7299] ProcessApp Collection color bug after resizing
[PE-7301] Case stuck waiting on a gateway
[PE-7314] ProcessApps Search box is moving when clicking on “Toggle Sidebar” button
[PE-7315] Variables cannot be updated when form field changes from single choice type to multiple choice
[PE-7345] User Tasks with FormulaJs are not executed in the Task Popup View
Version 7.10.17
Resolved bugs
[PT-11783] Cross stage diagram comparison doesn’t work when there is no archived version yet
Version 7.10.16
Resolved bugs
[PT-11657] Change comparison only works when an archive is already existing in Portal
Version 7.10.15
Resolved bugs
[PE-7629] Initial readonly and mandatory expression evaluation is failing
Version 7.10.14
Resolved bugs
[PT-10626] Catalog items are created without default assignment in Portal
Version 7.10.13
Resolved bugs
[PE-7482] Step with mandatory text area can be completed without value inside in mobile view
[PE-7457] Migration of gatewaypoints fails
Version 7.10.12
Resolved bugs
[PT-10321] Categories cannot be reached on small resolution devices
Version 7.10.11
Resolved bugs
[PE-7342] ObjectOptimisticLockException when calculating the path with gateway expressions
[PE-7391] Task details view does not open on mobile
Version 7.10.10
Resolved bugs
[PT-9944] You cannot scroll correctly through the diagram filter list on small screens (e.g. mobile devices)
[PT-10302] When I use process cost analysis report, it does not calculate resources
Version 7.10.9
Resolved bugs
[PT-9753] Favorite update mail has wrong reference
Version 7.10.8
Resolved bugs
[PT-10240] First entity type is not displayed in publication catalog
[PT-10245] Some modules do not support SCRAM authentication for database connectivity
[DES-4439] Some modules do not support SCRAM authentication for database connectivity
Version 7.10.7
Resolved bugs
[PT-10130] Catalog search sends wrong locale for facet request
Version 7.10.6
Resolved bugs
[PT-9321] Configure time zone for date values in stamped attachments
Version 7.10.5
[PT-9347] As administrator, I want that the creation option for catalog items in an assignment attribute depends on the administration settings for catalog items
Version 7.10.4
Resolved bugs
[PE-7144] Execution Apigateway does not manage HTTP headers larger than 8192 bytes
[PE-7146] Parallel gateway starts next fragment before finishing all of incoming fragments
[PT-7901] As simulation user, I want to save my entered simulation parameters so that I can continue working on it later
Version 7.10.3
Resolved bugs
[PT-9258] Simulation parameters for lanes of imported BPMN diagrams cannot be maintained
[PT-9298] Editing link title of a catalog item opens maintained URL
[PT-9314] Security improvement
[PT-9320] Security improvement
[PT-9470] Dynamic valid from date is not set in PDF on publication
Version 7.10.2
Resolved bugs
[PE-6661] Process-execution-service gets killed several times a day, because it consumes too much memory
[PE-7035] Restore missing attachment relations
[PE-7058] Mishandled NPE when completing a task with formulas or default values
[PE-7060] Flow Step Skeleton Screen does not hide on User Tasks without any field
Version 7.10.1
Resolved bugs
[PT-9234] A catalog item can added in wrong stage when you change your role
[PT-9258] Simulation parameters for lanes of imported BPMN diagrams cannot be maintained
[PT-9298] Editing link title of a catalog item opens maintained URL
[DES-4134] After a BPMN import from Signavio the renaming of entities in the diagram does not work properly
Version 7.10.0
New Features
Relationships between catalog items
We’ve enhanced the analysis capabilities for catalog items by adding relationships to other catalog items in the occurrences lists of the catalog. The new user interface catalog now includes a comprehensive list of all assignments of a catalog item to other catalog items, making it easier to analyze relationships between items. In a separate panel, you can view all catalog items to which the selected item has been assigned. By clicking on a listed catalog item, you can access more details about that item.
If you’ve already assigned a catalog item to another item (e.g., you’ve assigned a person as the author of a document), you can immediately see the assigned item in the occurrences list.
Switch stage and repository in top bar
We have added two new features that make it easy for you to switch between different stages and repositories while working in the new user interface. The active stage and repository you are working on are now always displayed at the top of your screen. This allows you to quickly switch between the different stages and repositories, navigate between them, view the contents, and keep track of the stage and repository you are currently working in. Both features are available in the stage- and repository-specific areas, such as diagram list, catalog, or central search.
Users can only select stages that they have access to. Since Readers have access only to the Publication stage, they do not see the stage switch at all.
Reassign the connection between symbols
We’ve made modeling easier by enabling the reassignment of connections between two symbols. To reassign a connection, simply drag it from the original symbol and drop it onto the desired new symbol. It’s important to note, however, that the new symbol must allow the connection for the edge to be successfully reassigned.
This new feature streamlines the modeling process and allows for more efficient editing and updating of diagrams. With the ability to reassign connections quickly and easily, users can make changes to their diagrams with ease without the need to redraw entire connections of the diagram.
Session lifetime reminder
In the new user interface, users now receive a session lifetime reminder 5 minutes before they are automatically logged out. This feature allows users to refresh their session without the need to log in again, ensuring uninterrupted work.
Improvements in process simulation
We have added new functionalities for customers who have licensed our simulation component. They can now view the resource utilization of a simulation run as a bar chart in the Charts tab, in addition to the Heatmap tab. Furthermore, simulation results can be exported as a CSV file, allowing for easy analysis of the results in other applications. Please note that all KPIs are listed in the CSV file with varying levels of granularity, which may require adjustments to fit your specific needs.
Furthermore, it is now possible to enable the simulation component in Public Cloud systems. If you are interested in utilizing the simulation component and your system is hosted in a Public Cloud environment, you can now benefit from this functionality. However, please note that an additional license is required for the simulation component.
Additional validation rules for governance attributes
We’ve added new validation rules to the validation hub that help you keep track of the maintenance of governance attributes. The validation hub will show you if a diagram has no assigned responsible person, if the diagram’s scope hasn’t been maintained, if the valid-to date is earlier than the valid-from date, or if the valid-to or valid-from date is in the past. You can customize the rules that are applied or deactivate them entirely, according to your preferences. Note that this is done in the BIC Method Editor.
Additional resubmission decision “End task and inform Governance participants”
The resubmission task has received an additional decision option called “End task and inform Governance participants”. This option is designed to streamline the resubmission process and make it easier to manage tasks. When a task assignee selects the “End task and inform Governance participants” option, they’ll be prompted to enter a comment explaining why the task is being closed. Furthermore, the governance group will be automatically notified of the decision, ensuring that all parties involved are kept up to date with the task’s progress. This feature is particularly useful in cases where a decision may not be required or if a task can be closed without further action.
Switch currency in process costs/simulation report
The Excel-based process costs/simulation report now includes support for Dollar as a currency. Users can conveniently switch between currencies within the Activities worksheet. Please be aware that the default currency in your method is Euro, but it can be easily modified in the BIC Method Editor.
Existing features available in new user interface
Select any diagram version for comparison to see changes
The version of a diagram open in the content area in a stage can now be compared with any version from different stages to see the changes between them. Administrators, Editors, and Authors can choose between the Public Workspace, Preview, and Publication, and select a diagram version from these stages for comparison with the version currently opened in the content area. Readers can only see the comparison with the latest version in the Publication and cannot select any other stage or chart version. Reviewers have only access to diagram versions in Preview and Publication.
Import and export diagram archives, BPMN files, and categories
Diagram archives, BPMN diagrams, and categories can now be imported from the context menu of the repository and category, as well as from the options panel of an opened category. To export a diagram, you can access it from the diagram list via the context menu of the diagram or from the options panel of the diagram’s details page. Category import and export options can only be accessed from the context menu of a category.
Please note that the repository import and export options are only available to Administrators and will be located in the administration area of the new user interface. This functionality is currently not available and will be added in upcoming versions.
Depublish catalog items and diagrams
We’ve added the depublication feature, which allows published catalog items and diagrams to be removed from the Publication. The depublish option can be found in the options panel on the details page of the catalog item and diagram, as well as on the list view.
Both Administrators and Editors have the ability to initiate an editorial depublication as well as a depublication that requires approval. Authors, on the other hand, are only able to depublish diagrams and catalog items using an approval workflow.
Publish a category
Administrators and Editors can now publish categories from the Public Workspace. This option is available in the context menu of a category and triggers the publication workflow for all subordinated diagrams, including those in sub-categories. We’ve added a confirmation dialog that requires the user to enter the category name before the publication can be confirmed. This ensures that the user is intentionally publishing the correct category and prevents accidental publication.
Create, rename, and delete a category
Categories can be created, renamed, or deleted by Administrators, Editors, and Authors in Public Workspace.
Cut and paste categories and diagrams
Diagrams and categories in Public workspace can now be cut and pasted into a different category in the same repository. Please note that a cut diagram or category cannot be pasted to a different repository.
Import and update catalog items
Administrators and Editors can now import and update catalog items using the process warehouse report for catalog items. To import items, simply filter the catalog by entity type and set the content language to the language of the items being imported. This will automatically determine the entity type and language for the import.
Translate catalog items
We’ve introduced a new translation mode for catalog items in the Public Workspace catalog. This feature is activated after applying a filter for a specific entity type, and you can further refine the list of catalog items to be translated by applying additional filters or a search term. The translation mode displays all language-dependent attributes of a catalog item and provides a column for each content language defined in your tenant. The first column in the translation mode represents the active content language and remains visible as you scroll through other language columns. Administrators and Editors can translate all catalog items, while Authors are only permitted to translate catalog items to which they have been assigned as an Author.
This feature is not available on small resolution devices.
Reorganize unused catalog items
Administrators and Editors can reorganize the Public Workspace catalog to delete catalog items that are no longer needed (not referenced in diagrams or attributes). This feature is activated after applying a filter for a specific entity type. We have improved this feature by adding a confirmation dialog that requires the user to enter the entity type name before the reorganization dialog can be confirmed. This ensures that the user is intentionally deleting the correct entity types and prevents accidental deletion.
This feature is not available on small resolution devices.
Approve or reject catalog suggestions
Administrators and Editors can now make decisions about catalog items either directly from the catalog list or by accessing the options on the details page of a catalog item. You can use the “Only show suggested” filter to view catalog suggestions and determine which items need a decision. Once a catalog suggestion is approved, it can no longer be modified during the modeling process. Conversely, if a suggestion is rejected, the object will remain in the diagram or attribute as a standalone object without any connection to the catalog.
Publish catalog item from catalog list
In addition to the option to publish a catalog item in the options panel on the details page, catalog items can now also be published from the context menu of a catalog item in the catalog list.
Process Execution
Monitoring dashboard now available for running cases
We have added a monitoring dashboard next to the case list. This dashboard provides first metrics of all running cases, including those that are on time, overdue, and have no due date. This is the first step towards providing various metrics for instances.
Export feature enables quick and easy process data analysis in BIC Process Mining
The application now supports exporting an event stream as an Excel file. This file can be easily used for analyzing instances in process mining tools, such as our own product, BIC Process Mining. Exporting event streams as an Excel file allows administrators to quickly and easily analyze process data and identify areas for improvement. It also makes it easier to share process information with other stakeholders, such as process owners or auditors.
Improved form fields with dynamic options using process variables for flexible choices
Previously, single and multiple-choice fields in forms could only provide static values. Now, you can use a process variable to provide dynamic options. The ability to use process variables for dynamic choices in forms makes it easier to maintain and update forms as business needs change. It also allows greater flexibility in the types of choices that can be offered to users.
Skeleton screens added for improved user experience
Using skeleton screens helps to improve the perceived performance of the application by providing users with visual feedback that content is loading. This can help to reduce a users frustration and improve the overall user experience.
Dynamic due dates for process tasks
We have renamed the “Process time in days” attribute to “Due Date” attribute for activities. You can still use numbers to provide the number of days for performing an activity. Additionally, you can use date variables from the process to set the due date for a task. The ability to use date variables from the process to set due dates for tasks makes it easier to manage and track task deadlines. It also provides greater flexibility for users, as they can set due dates based on the specific needs of their process.
Get notified about new tasks in your reminder emails
The reminder emails that inform users about due tasks now include tasks that were assigned within the last day. This helps users organize their work more efficiently. Including newly assigned tasks in reminder emails helps users stay on top of their work and prioritize their tasks more effectively. It also helps to reduce the risk of tasks being missed, which can improve process efficiency.
Prediction of upcoming tasks based on previous completed cases
The application now displays an automatic forecast for instance if historical data is available. Based on past instances for a process version, the application shows the most likely next steps in an instance. The automatic forecast feature helps users anticipate upcoming tasks and plan their work more effectively. This can help to reduce delays and bottlenecks in the process and improve overall process efficiency.
Restriction of task completion for synchronous call activities to administrators only
Previously, users could finish call activity tasks manually before the subprocess was finished, which could cause problems. Restricting the complete action to administrators for synchronously started call activities helps to prevent users from inadvertently causing problems in the process by prematurely completing tasks. This will help to improve process accuracy and reduce the risk of errors.
Resolved bugs
[DES-4046] Method-service has less memory configured in the 64GB configuration than in the default 32GB configuration
[DES-4124] Exporting in the DMN Editor does not work on Firefox
[PT-510] Boolean facets in central search show true or false
[PT-4355] Suggestion list overlaps input label in diagram editor
[PT-4415] Missing scrollbar in process flow view (Portal)
[PT-5367] Facet count of catalog item has wrong value when using suggested filter
[PT-5369] Facet count of catalog item has wrong value when using search term
[PT-5874] Description preview in catalog will not displayed when text contains HTML formatting [Customer action required]
[PT-6385] Set start diagram prevents Readers to switch repository
[PT-6480, PT-6481] Security improvement
[PT-6845] Pasted image cannot be moved in diagram editor
[PT-7031] Default value for enumeration attributes cannot be defined in BIC Method Editor
[PT-7258] Overlapping dashed or dotted edges result in a solid edge
[PT-7265] Dynamic valid from date is not set in PDF on publication
[PT-7333] Catalog list and dashboard tab is not displayed on small screens
[PT-7418] Diagram changes get lost during checkin attempt
[PT-7513] Scroll bar disappears when searching or filtering in workflow list (Portal)
[PT-7530] Catalog does not respect the time zone in date filters
[PT-7531] Language switch does not change the translations in favorites page
[PT-7534] Language switch does not change the translations in the matrix of a diagram
[PT-7535] Language switch does not change the translations in workflow list
[PT-7766] Diagram changes default value for archived assignments
[PT-8063] Admin set background colors of a symbol cannot be overwritten by format options in a diagram
[PT-8150] MyBIC favorites are not sorted in alphabetically (Portal)
[PT-8175] Accessibility improvement
[PT-8245] Activities in manual report for VCD are sorted incorrectly
[PT-8451] “Show changes” button has wrong tool tip (Portal)
[PT-8529] System attributes are displayed wrong when clicking in a specific order
[PT-8542] Option entry for simulation is available in read-only stages (Portal)
[PT-8616] Boolean facets in catalog show true or false
[PT-8666] Undo / redo breaks visual diagram data in allocation diagrams
[PT-8685] Mimetype is displayed for attachment titles with special characters (Portal)
[PT-8740] Templates for “Manual with Assignments” report cannot be downloaded after modification of report descriptor
[PT-8797] Attachment titles with special characters have wrong name after PDF conversion
[PT-8915] Special characters in name of catalog item lead to wrong representation in breadcrumb
[PT-9027] Publication dialog shows domain object name in random locale
[PT-9064] Role-rights table is incorrect in documentation
[PT-9095] Access permissions of Readers miss detailed information in documentation
[PT-9215] Non smooth scrolling through the search result list and entity type name is missing
[PE-5992] Corrupted data in Camunda causes process to be irresponsive
[PE-6057] Inconsistency on number of processes
[PE-6358] Task join gateways behave differently depending on order of execution
[PE-6400] The user picker is displayed incorrectly
[PE-6445] Rest Editor OAuth2 Client Authentication Dropdown does not save
[PE-6532] Exception is thrown when having multiple last fragments
[PE-6544] Concurrently changing variables leads to org.camunda.bpm.engine.OptimisticLockingException
[PE-6616] As a user I can see group task without belong to any group
[PE-6635] Error toasts in the Process Cases View persist into the Flow View after creating a new case and navigating to it
[PE-6636] Process Instances List receives the Instance Created Message before the Instance is available in the BE’s datasource
[PE-6638] Diagram modification are not applied to ProcessApp in studio stage
[PE-6639] Mail are not sent when a overdue task is assigned or delegated to other user/group
[PE-6649] User Task’s Multiple Selection Dropdown Form Field is not showing it’s current value
[PE-6660] Performance issues on Flow and Step detail views
[PE-6682] Problem with attachment on automatic task
[PE-6695] Variables that include dots are not assigned when doing a REST call
[PE-6720] Enhance 2.2.0 sql scripts using white spaces
[PE-6722] Create instance using the external API fails with text variables bigger than 4000 characters
[PE-6736] User Task Formulas aren’t evaluated correctly when a value is an empty List
[PE-6742] I/O takes place on subprocesses when call activities are asynchronous
[PE-6851] Wrong redirection on Collections view
[PE-6883] Exporting in the DMN Editor does not work on Firefox
[PE-6886] Gateway waits unnecessarily for token from loop
[PE-6887] An error toast is shown when a user starts a task which is already started
[PE-6890] Overdue due date in “my cases” is not shown in red on mobile view
[PE-6896] Subcases are not archived when main case is archived
Version 7.9.12
[PE-6643] Attachment cannot be accessible after upgrading to 7.9.*
Version 7.9.11
Resolved bugs
[DES-4070] The maintenance mode fails because of wrong certificate locations
Version 7.9.10
[SRE-157] / [DES-3875]: Proxy recognizes changes in certificate
Version 7.9.9
[PE-6717] Remove “No forecast possible” message from process flow view
Version 7.9.8
[PE-6696] Create a feature flag to control error messages in UI
Resolved bugs
[DES-3701] LDAPs configuration is outdated with Keycloak 20.0.3
Version 7.9.7
Resolved bugs
[PT-8329] Tenant default language overwrites user’s content language in the webclient on reload when userflow is enabled
[DES-3927] The cleanup of temp files in the domain-data-transfer-service does not run
[DES-3911] Diagram archive contains documents
Version 7.9.6
Resolved bugs
[DES-3876] In some cases it is not possible to select a user in the attributes, when there are multiple users with a similar name
[DES-3891] Missing update of the configuration for upload limits
[PT-7415 | PE-6598] Enhance data provisioning for onboarding tool
[PT-7910] Enable font replacement mapping in workflow-service
Version 7.9.5
Resolved bugs
[PE-6516] Security Improvements
[PE-6541] Script to clean up process execution Elasticsearch data causes process execution service not to start
[DES-3821] Security improvements
[PT-7747] Apigateway memory configuration is insufficient
Version 7.9.4
Resolved bugs
[PE-6472] Process execution not responding, all database connections blocked
Version 7.9.3
Resolved bugs
[PT-6438] Security improvements
[PT-6482] Security improvements
[PT-6630] Adding missing translations for AR, IT, FR
[PT-6732] Sync entity messages don’t contain the repository ID
[PT-7623] Default values for diagram attributes are not applied on diagram creation
[PT-7706] Method editor does not allow the user to set attributes as mandatory for specific domain object types
[PT-7709] Incorrect default configuration for the onboarding tool
[PT-7754] Lists use wrong enumeration symbols in generated PDF reports
Version 7.9.2
[PE-6416] Security improvement
Resolved bugs
[PE-6418] In progress tasks of archived cases are shown on task list
[PE-6437] Expired cases cannot be removed
Version 7.9.1
Resolved bugs
[PE-6418] Process gets stuck because of loop
[PE-6437] Reindex of tasks results in an OOM
Version 7.9.0
New Features
Analyze views of published diagrams
All user roles, except Reader, can now analyze views of published diagrams. When you open the publication in the new user interface, you will find the “Diagram views” filter in the filter area to filter a range of values of views. If you want to see the number of views of a particular diagram, you can find the exact number of views in the system attributes of the diagram.
Evaluation starts after installation of this version. Logins before installation cannot be evaluated.
Views in the old and in the new user interface are all counted.
Analyze user logins in the administration
In the administration of the new user interface you now have the possibility to analyze user logins. The logins are summarized per month and are listed for the past 12 months.
Evaluation starts after installation of this version. A login before installation cannot be evaluated.
Currently you will find only this entry in the administration of the new user interface. In upcoming versions, you will be able to access other administration options as well.
Export workflow tasks to Excel
In the Governance Cockpit of the new user interface, users with the appropriate user role (Administrator or Editor) can now export all workflow tasks to Excel. You can use the search or the filters to determine the workflows that should be exported to Excel.
If you do not filter the workflow list and thus export all workflows including their tasks, then the generation of the Excel file may take a long time.
Waypoint of edge trajectories can be set while dragging
If you want to create the sequence flow between two symbols on the modeling interface, then you can set the waypoints directly when dragging to define the flow. To do this, click once on the edge in the mini symbol palette at the output symbol to be able to set the manual sequence flow. If you want to set a waypoint, click with the left mouse button on the desired position. The manual flow will end when you click on the target symbol. The manually drawn sequence flow is considered by the layout assistant and is not changed.
Create catalog proposals in assigned attributes
You can now create a catalog suggestion directly in an assigned attribute if the desired catalog entry does not exist yet. The configuration of the attribute determines for which object type you can create a catalog suggestion. If several object types are provided for an attribute, you can choose between these object types.
Automatically check language-dependent mandatory attributes on publication
If a language-dependent mandatory attribute is assigned to a diagram, then it is checked whether the mandatory attribute has a value in the default language of your system (can be configured by the administrator), when the publication is started. If the standard language does not contain a value, the publication will be rejected. All other languages of your system will not be checked.
Automatically check mandatory attributes when publishing catalog entries
When the publication workflow for a catalog entry is started, it is checked whether all mandatory attributes have a value. Please consider for language-dependent mandatory attributes that only the set standard language is checked (analogous to the publication of diagrams).
Classification as a mandatory attribute is applied to the attribute definition and is not dependent on the context (diagram or object attribute). For example, if you have classified the description as a mandatory attribute, then it will now check for diagrams and objects if a value exists in the default language of their system.
Publishing of governed catalog entries in diagrams during diagram publishing
If you use a governed catalog entry in a diagram that is not yet published, the governed catalog entry is published as a draft with the diagram so that the diagram publication can continue without releasing the approving catalog entry first. The maintained attribute values of the catalog entry are not available in the publication until it is released.
Switch analysis data in the Governance Cockpit
In the Analysis tab of the Governance Cockpit of the new user interface, you can now easily switch between your repositories to change the data basis of the evaluations. If you have only created one repository in your system, the selection option is deactivated.
Create your own Word-based reports in administration
Administrators can now create their own reports and define Word-based report templates for them. With this feature, you can create your own reporting scenarios or offer existing report templates in different variations.
Change report templates for the manual with assignments report
In the administration area all report templates of the manual with assignments can be downloaded as a ZIP file to adapt the report templates to your needs. After adjusting the templates, you have to save all report templates again in a ZIP file to be able to upload the customized report templates. Please read the corresponding chapter in our documentation beforehand and keep the downloaded ZIP file, because the default templates cannot be restored.
Monitor licensing status in user report
The user report has been revised and now keeps the group and role membership of users in separate spreadsheets. In addition, you will now find an overview of purchased and used licenses in the user report. On the first spreadsheet you will find an aggregated overview as table and diagram.
Manage BIC Process Execution Roles in administration
In the user management, you can assign BIC Process Execution roles to users. Users can have multiple roles at the same time.
Extension of the Customer Journey Map
In the Customer Journey Map (CJM), you will now find alternative symbols for the Touchpoint, Customer Step and Journey Stage. Additionally, the Document, Application and Backstage Process symbols have been added so that you can model the Customer Journey in more detail and do not have to maintain this information in attributes.
“Decomposition” is now called “Subprocess” for activities
The “Decomposition” attribute on activities has been renamed to “Subprocess”.
Existing features available in new user interface
Central search
The central search can be used to search for catalog entries, diagrams, or modeling objects in diagrams at the same time. You can use the expert search or save a search query as a favorite. After the search shows results, you can use the filters to further narrow down the search results. When you save a search query as a favorite, it is saved on your MyBIC page and you can navigate directly to your search query from the MyBIC.
Category tree
On the diagram list, the category tree is now available for navigation. If you use filters on the diagram list, then the selected category is also used as a filter so that you only see hits that are in the category or subcategories.
With the introduction of the category tree, the appearance of subcategories in the diagram list has been removed for high screen resolutions.
If you are accessing from an end device with a small screen resolution, then the embedded categories are still available for navigation. The category tree, though, will then not be offered for navigation.
Comparison of the current version with the direct predecessor version
In the new user interface, you can compare the active version in a stage with the direct previous version. Removed and added symbols are shown, as well as objects whose attributes have been changed. If the attributes of an object have changed, then you can compare the difference in tabular form.
You can currently run the version comparison only on the previous version. In future versions, you will be able to select another version of the diagram for comparison
Deputies can take over tasks from the task owner
In the task management of the new user interface, you can take over and execute deputy and group tasks.
Perform tasks directly on the diagram or catalog entry
If you click on a task in your tasks, you will be directed to the diagram or catalog entry where you can perform your task.
Diagrams can be published
Users with the appropriate user role can start publication of a diagram on the diagram list and detail page of a diagram in public workspace.
Catalog entries can be deleted
In the catalog of the new user interface, you can now delete catalog entries and suggestions from corresponding user roles.
Labeling of catalog proposals in proposal lists
Non-accepted catalog entries are marked as catalog suggestions in suggestion lists.
Automatic search for keywords
You can click on a keyword to perform a search for the keyword.
Process Execution
New development of the process execution
With the version 7.9 the calculation of the process execution was substantially revised and accelerated. This has resulted in a higher reliability of process execution. Unfortunately, this improvement made it necessary to temporarily remove the forecast of future tasks. The forecast will be available again in the next version of BIC Process Execution.
BIC Process Execution also allows the execution of processes where no conditions were specified at sequence flows after gateways. Until now, the decision of these gateways was integrated into the task immediately before the gateway. This procedure was not always reliable and predictable for the user. With the new version, gateways where no conditions were specified now become active tasks for the task creator. The user is thus prompted by an explicit task to make a decision for the further process flow.
In processes that have multiple start events, it was previously necessary to start the case after creation. With the new version the creator of the process gets a task to decide with which event the case should be started. In this way, the process can no longer be simply overlooked.
Running cases must be terminated before updating to version 7.9. Unfortunately, it is not possible to migrate running cases to the new version 7.9. All processes that have not yet been finished will be automatically archived when updating to version 7.9.
Enhancements in the form editor
The form editor now provides a field that supports the selection of users and user groups during process execution. This makes it even easier to dynamically assign roles in the process to users or user groups.
Selection fields in the form editor were previously simple texts. These now optionally support a key. So you have the possibility to use the key e.g. in formulas and don’t have to use the display text.
Enhancements in the REST editor
The REST editor now allows to send configuration files as binary. This form of REST call is necessary e.g. when using MS-Sharepoint to upload a file.
In addition, more HTTP methods (e.g. HEAD, PATCH) are now available in the REST configuration. This allows to cover a wider range of API calls for external systems.
CI configuration in BIC Process Execution
BIC Process Execution now also adopts the CI configuration from BIC Process Design to achieve a consistent web presence of both products in the organization.
Filter in the case and task list
The case list of a ProcessApp and the task list can now be filtered. The first filter available here is the owner or creator of the case and the ProcessApp to which a task belongs. More filters will follow in the next version.
Group tasks in the process
Group tasks can now also be claimed directly within the case. If the group task is not assigned to anyone yet, a button “Assign to me” is displayed. This eliminates the need to navigate to the task list to take ownership of the task there.
More compact task list
The task list has been redesigned to provide a more compact view that allows you to see more tasks on one page.
Changed display of tabs
The tabs in different areas of the application have been unified and show the name of the tab in addition to an icon.
Resolved bugs
[DES-3023] Improve content security policy
[DES-3359] Users cannot login via SAML from time to time
[DES-3363] Inconsistencies prevent publication of diagram
[DES-3412] Security improvements
[DES-3435] Exception during the replacement of a used and connected entity
[DES-3467] Import fails and cause a “DataIntegrityViolationException”
[DES-3479] User report generation can run into timeouts
[DES-3481] Security improvement
[DES-3489] Failing export due to duplicate document id
[DES-3665] Setting standard attributes to read-only has no effect for diagrams
[PT-518] Users and User groups don’t get loaded in alphabetic order in Administration
[PT-1569] Audit trail is not visible anymore if the owner of an open task is deleted
[PT-2001] Wrong default page of deputy tasks
[PT-2997] Catalog has no default page (Portal)
[PT-4087] OverlayEdgeCreation has no alignment assistance
[PT-4467] Clicking on keyword always leads to a search in the public workspace
[PT-4468] Attribute view shows date values in different format than the profile view (Portal)
[PT-4844] Toasts are translated incorrectly (Portal)
[PT-5277] Formatting of lane edges differs in printed diagram
[PT-5416] Boolean conditional formatting is not triggered when a diagram gets freshly checked out after reloading page
[PT-5487] First task listed in the group task list cannot be revoked after claiming it
[PT-5688] Formatted text attributes not updated in edit mode when toggling languages
[PT-6116] Requesting diagrams causes unacceptable loading times
[PT-6211] Font loading produce wrong calculation
[PT-6248] Third Examiner doesn’t get a task (Portal)
[PT-6330] Once a BPMN event label contains a line break, its edge overlaps with the label
[PT-6352] Dates don’t respect the locale variant
[PT-6357] Governance analytics tab has options (Portal)
[PT-6431] Security improvement
[PT-6465] Missing ellipsis in MyBIC Titles
[PT-6479] Notification about a new task is missing when assigned as an examiner on a catalog item
[PT-6487] Task list shows only 50 items (Portal)
[PT-6567] An edge docked at bottom port covers node name
[PT-6579] Reports don’t respect locale variants
[PT-6580] Date filter in dashboards do not respect the filter values (Portal)
[PT-6589] Unused catalog items in publication are not cleaned up
[PT-6594] Break point of a sequence flow cannot be selected and moved
[PT-6595] Message edge cannot be drawn straight
[PT-6694] Freeform lines could not moved anymore after placing it on canvas
[PT-6777] User report generation can run into timeouts
[PT-6788] Attachment cannot be downloaded when filename has certain special characters (Portal)
[PT-6791] Mimetype will be shown for attachments with special characters in filename (Portal)
[PT-6792] Attachment that is published as PDF will be shown with its original file ending
[PT-6854] Tenant symbol type colors are sometimes overwritten
[PT-6880] Saved searches ignore set filters (Portal)
[PT-6899] Security improvement
[PT-7045] Workflow error toasts are displayed to all users (Portal)
[PT-7214] Layouting two pools doesn’t work correct
[PT-7219] Suggestion list does not find expected hits when using a space character (Portal)
[PT-7235] Disabled bulk publication option available in read-only stages (Portal)
[PT-7257] Center port will not be highlighted if the edge does not exactly hover over center port
[PT-7403] AUTHOR doesn’t see “Publish” button in the List page for catalog and diagram (Portal)
[PT-7404] AUTHOR doesn’t see “Depublish” button in the catalog list (Portal)
[PT-7420] Invalid diagram toast gets shown on last validity day already [User action required]
[PT-7515] You cannot set a title for a document in upload dialog
[PT-7519] Clicking on a validation item has a wrong behavior
[PT-7521] Title of uploads and links are not given in reports
[PT-7528] Date attributes are displayed differently depending on their attribute group
[PE-2285] Wrong icon when there are no favorites
[PE-4911] Unify Apidoc URL in all services
[PE-5199] User tasks with only formula fields cannot be completed
[PE-5540] A default value error message is displayed but there is no error on date type fields.
[PE-5632] Variables saved as String throw an exception with more than 4000 characters because a database restriction
[PE-5725] User form is not disabled if task is not assigned to me
[PE-5863] Role occupation defined in process variable is not set in sub case
[PE-5996] List created in a script task is not stored correctly
[PE-6049] The value in a formula field is not calculated when a value exist on task start
[PE-6072] Query parameters encoding is not needed on Service tasks
[PE-6073] Form values are not stored when the pattern for a text field is invalid
[PE-6088] When I claim a group task, I want to be assigned for all following tasks of the group in order to be responsible for the entire instance
[PE-6095] Performance issues in processes request
[PE-6098] End event with multiple incoming edges crashes execution
[PE-6099] Task can not be completed when optional field does not contain a value
[PE-6106] Empty cases message is not properly align
[PE-6107] The task counter doesn’t work as expected
[PE-6113] ACL for Elasticsearch Instance documents is not correctly populated
[PE-6114] Selecting a different step in the process flow view causes the view to fully reload
[PE-6114] Selecting a different step in the process flow view causes the view to fully reload
[PE-6115] Sub case icon is not shown when the call activity is synchronous
[PE-6116] How to remove process-execution elasticsearch data is missing in upgrade notes
[PE-6123] Updating a process variable does not update the corresponding Elasticsearch document
[PE-6130] Elastic Search throws timeout exceptions during re-indexing of Nightly
[PE-6153] Service task does not attach the result file in a Document entity
[PE-6162] Service Task fails if the URL is a place holder
[PE-6165] When a case was stuck because of multiple paths, the synchronization after check-in was not working
[PE-6168] Case creation restriction does not work when more than one identity is specified
[PE-6169] Text area value is not shown properly in the Email task preview
[PE-6186] When multiple paths are finish together, next fragments are not calculated and cases can be stuck
[PE-6222] Republishing a diagram in production stage breaks decisions of previous version cases
[PE-6224] The status of the first task of a new case is not shown properly when it was started automatically
[PE-6260] On systems with cgroup v2, memory management fails in some Java services
[PE-6270] New instances are added to the Archived Process’ Instances View
[PE-6273] Wrong german translation in the header of My Cases view.
[PE-6276] The labels of new user form fields are not localized
[PE-6306] Pagination of Collections view is broken
[PE-6310] Upload a file to output documents does not work on cases belonging to previous versions of a ProcessApp
[PE-6316] NullPointerException when republish a diagram
[PE-6346] When a user belongs to more than one Restricted Access group the ProcessApp is shown multiple times as a result of a search
[PE-6359] App url changes without view change should replace last navigation entry
[PE-6363] Tooltips block the selection on steps of the Flow View
[PE-6371] Form Editor Spanish translation misspellings
[PE-6377]Signature user task does not get completed in the Flow View
[PE-6380] Formatted Text Field with conditional hidden value fails to enable initially
[PE-6383] Field with default value fails to execute conditional formulas
[PE-6396] The list of cases is misaligned
[PE-6398] Long username and email does not display properly in the Profile view
Version 7.8.19
Resolved bugs
[PT-6997] Excel macros may not work after stamping
[PT-7177] Document conversion during publication has a delay
[PT-7178] Process Warehouse creation to fails
Version 7.8.18
Resolved bugs
[PT-6623, PT-6793, PT-6900] Security improvements
[PT-6809] Local files cannot be opened
[PE-6072] Query parameters encoding is not needed on Service tasks
[PE-6099] Task can not be completed when optional field does not contain a value
[PE-6125] Not count the default instances in the “count open instances endpoint”
Version 7.8.17
Resolved bugs
[PT-4234] The word file name is not correct, when the FileName field property in the word is being used
[PT-3977] Formatted text attributes get stamped with HTML tags
[PE-5752] Archive running instances to support the new flow calculation
Version 7.8.16
Resolved bugs
[PE-5886] Variables calculated in a script task have an unexpected result
[PE-5905] Rearranging columns in the dmn editor does not work as expected
[PT-6663] Security Improvement
Version 7.8.15
Resolved bugs
[DES-3419] Entities are replaced by different entities after re-opening a diagram
Version 7.8.14
Resolved bugs
[SRE-45] Reliability improvement
Version 7.8.13
Resolved bugs
[SRE-45] Reliability improvement
Version 7.8.12
Resolved bugs
[PT-6471] Date attributes can not be cleared on the attribute list
[PT-6575] Security improvements
[PT-6618] Mismatch between selected date and displayed date for datepickers in old UI
Version 7.8.11
Resolved bugs
[PE-5819] API key validity is not checked
[PE-5782] Properties on form fields do not work as expected
[PE-5773] When I move a column in a dmn task then only the column header is moved, not the rows with the values
[PE-5755] User Form’s Formatted Text field saves step variables on OnChanges instead of on OnBlur
[PE-5750] DMN tasks show outputs that should be hidden
[PE-5820] Optimize output mapping on call activity tasks
[PE-5756] Save only changed variables
[PE-5533] Run start timer only on production stage
Version 7.8.10
Resolved bugs
[DES-3343] Archive import does not update entities correctly
Version 7.8.9
Resolved bugs
[PT-6382] Workflow emails will be sent to more recipients than the configured limit
[PT-5184] Workflow fails with uninformative error if any governance related group does not exist
[PT-4119] Workflow related issue after temporary database connection failure
Version 7.8.8
Resolved bugs
[PT-6316] Governance dates should be shown with the locale time of the viewing user
[PT-6252] Images can be added to the description attribute which leads to unexpected behaviour
Version 7.8.7
Resolved bugs
[PE-5651] Task list is not updated automatically when I complete a task
[PE-5611] Request for task variables fails, if request gets to long, because of filters
[PE-5650] Input/output mapping fails on multiple choice fields marked as “Save selected options as string array”
Version 7.8.6
Resolved bugs
[DES-3323] User Export does not contain all users
[PT-5858] Switching the language while editing description attributes displays the same value in both languages instead of an empty field
[PT-6188] Replace unsupported list bullet characters during PDF conversion of MS Word documents
Version 7.8.5
Resolved bugs
[PE-5612] After deleting and recreating a user, the query to search by email address gets multiple search results
Version 7.8.4
Resolved bugs
[PT-6216] Add/Remove free space does not work if pools with multiple lanes are involved
Version 7.8.3
Resolved bugs
[PE-5568] Formula execution resulting in null values results in npe
[PE-5556] Default reminder schedule has wrong configuration
[PE-5554] Input fields for DMN are not shown in task
Version 7.8.2
Resolved bugs
[PT-6118] Diagrams with non-resolvable decompositions cannot be displayed in the webclient
[PT-6207] Documents without stamping properties are not converted to PDF on repeated entity publications
Version 7.8.1
Resolved bugs
[PT-3840] When using an occurrence assignment attribute to display a conditional formatting on the symbol, the format is not applied
[PT-5827] Date attribute values are not displayed in the local timezone
[PT-6005] SVG of diagram with over 2000 entities is not requestable and diagram cannot be displayed in portal or publication stage
[PT-6104] Changing color settings is not consistent for all stages
Version 7.8.0
New Features
Governance Analytics
We extended the Governance Cockpit of the new user interface with an analytics tab. There you can display the most important information aggregated in charts and get an even better overview of your diagrams and catalog items.
Various evaluations are available to analyze your governance:
All diagrams or catalog items of a repository
The two evaluations show you the number of diagrams or catalog items per stage and offer you the possibility of drilling down on the aggregated view to get to the detailed view.
Upcoming diagram or catalog item resubmissions
The evaluations give you an outlook of how many diagrams or catalog items become invalid in which month so that a check of their validity is necessary. The outlook covers the next 12 months. The reminder interval for resubmissions is not considered here.
Finished publications of diagrams or catalog items
The evaluations present the past publications of diagrams or catalog items within the last 12 months and summarizes them per month.
After updating to the current version, it may take some time until all the data is available in the evaluations.
Resubmission and repository filter in the Governance Cockpit
In the Governance Cockpit, you can now filter for diagram or object resubmissions as well as for workflows originating from certain repositories. Both filters are available in the new and old user interface.
Bulk publication of catalog items
In the new user interface, you now have the option of publishing several catalog items at the same time. The function is in the options panel if you are in the catalog on the catalog list. If you select bulk publication, BIC Process Design pre-filters the catalog list so that you can only select catalog entries that can be published. Each entry is displayed with a checkbox. As soon as you have selected several entries, you can start the bulk publication for these catalog entries.
Please note that for each selected catalog entry a publishing workflow is initiated, and tasks and notifications are triggered (depending on the release type).
Document stamping with language localized attribute values and dynamic date values
If you publish your documents in BIC Process Design, then you can use document stamping to include values from governance attributes in the document. We have extended the function so that you can now also use the values of language-dependent text and enumeration attributes. It is necessary that you configure the intended language in the document beforehand.
Furthermore, you can now leave the “Valid from” date empty and use it in the stamping. If you have subscribed to the Extended Approval Package, you have the possibility to use the date values in the stamping that are set when the workflow is executed.
Please note the necessary preparation to stamp attribute values in a published document.
Configure cut process image in Word reports
In Word-based reports it is now possible to include a process as a cut graphic instead of an uncut graphic. To do this, you must first adapt the corresponding template by exchanging the placeholder for the graphic. After that you need to set the number of pages to be used to cut the process in the print settings of the process. The print settings are also applied to the print function.
Additional validation possibilities via OCL
We extended the validation possibilities and give you the opportunity to …
… check the values of diagram attributes.
… double check date values against the current date.
… double check date values against defined intervals.
… classify rules as blocker to prevent the check-in in case of a violation.
Please note that OCL rules are configured in the method editor. Currently, none of these options is applied in a validation rule in the standard method.
Pre-configured report scenarios in the Process Matrix report
We have extended the Process Matrix report with common reporting scenarios and integrated the existing report as additional pivot matrices. The pre-configured reporting scenarios are:
Application usage (per activity and process)
Document usage (per activity and process)
RACI mapping (per activity and process)
Risk occurrence (per activity and process)
Diagram metrics (per process)
You specify the scope of the report, i.e., whether a diagram, the diagrams of a category or the entire repository should be included in the report, directly when generating the report. All processes listed in the content area are considered. If essential relationships or objects are not available in the report context, the affected report scenarios remain empty.
User overview as Excel report
Administrators can export a user overview as Excel report in the user administration. In the Excel file you can see the number of licenses used per user role, all users of your system and other details about a user such as name, email, user role, language, and stored user groups. If several user groups have been stored for a user, an entry is created for each user group.
Please note that activated filters or search terms are not considered for the export.
Existing features available in new user interface
Central search
The new user interface gained a central search which helps you to find diagrams, modeling objects and catalog entries.
Please note that the search does not yet include all functions and we will integrate them in the coming versions.
Set a deputy for tasks
Task owners can set a deputy in their profile. This setting could be made in the “My Tasks” area of the old user interface and has been moved to the user profile.
After a deputy has been chosen, all tasks also appear in the “Deputy tasks” list of the deputy and can be taken over, for example, if the task owner is absent.
Remove favorites
Favorite diagrams or search favorites can be removed from your MyBIC page at the corresponding tile. This option was available in the old user interface in the favorites panel above the current repository. Please note that you cannot remove favorites set for you by your administrators. Therefore, these tiles have no context menu.
Change catalog entry to suggestion
If you open the details view of an accepted catalog entry in the catalog of the public workspace, you have the possibility to change the catalog entry into a catalog suggestion in the options.
Please note that catalog suggestions, in contrast to catalog entries, can be changed in the modeling and the changes affect all occurrences.
Process Execution
Task form on your task list
Working on tasks is the main use case you will face in BIC Process Execution. Therefore, we have now enhanced the focus on your tasks and how to work on them. When opening your task list and clicking on one of them, the task form will open in this view as pop-up. You can then work on your task just in the same way as in the task form within the process flow view. When you complete the task, the pop-up closes, and the task is marked as completed in the task list. The option to provide a comment when completing a task is also integrated in the pop-up task form. In this way, it is now possible to edit all your tasks directly within the task list and no longer have to navigate into the process flow.
Remark: The pop-up task form will not include auto generated decisions for gateways without expressions! This is only a backup mechanism. You should always define expressions on the outgoing edges of a gateway. Please check the documentation for the pop-up task form to get more information.
E-Mail and URL as new inputs field for the user form
We have added two new input field types to the user form editor. As an author you can now add an email and an URL field to your user form. The fields provide built-in validation for emails and URLs. As an author you have the option to provide own definitions for the validation of the user inputs.
The URL field supports the URL functions of the browser, such as opening the URL when clicked. The email field also supports the mailto feature so that your local email client will be triggered to open the send email window.
Define default values on your input fields
There are some cases where it is necessary to have a default value on an input field. This can be a number, text, selection, or anything else. As an author you can define a default value that can be a fixed or calculated value and refer to process variables in the case. You can use the same formulas and options as on a formula field. The defined value will be calculated once the task is started. You are then able to change the value before completing the task.
Attachments in automatically sent emails
E-Mails can be sent automatically via send tasks in BIC Process Execution. You can provide all necessary information like the receiver, cc, bcc, subject, and body. Now also attachments will be included in automatically sent emails via send tasks. To add an attachment, you only need to model an input document on a send activity. When a document was uploaded in a step before, this document will be attached to the email. When you want to send multiple attachments, you simply need to model one input document for each attachment on the activity in BIC Process Design.
API key as dedicated authentication option for REST-Calls
We have improved the configuration for the API key authentication. You can now select the API key as authentication type in the connection section of the REST-Call configuration. When you have selected the API key authentication you can provide the name and the value of the API key and select whether to place it in the header or request parameters of the request.
OAuth2 as authentication for REST-Calls
Oauth2 is a common authentication method and provides various authentication workflows. BIC Process Execution now supports the OAuth2 client credentials flow for the REST-Calls in the service tasks. You can provide all necessary information in the editor when you select OAuth2 as authentication type.
Improved error messaging in user form editor
There are some conventions and mandatory fields to configure for a user form. When you try to save a form configuration that contains errors, the system will not allow you to save these settings and will give you feedback on the errors and where they occur. By that you can find and resolve the issues quickly.
Favorites as dedicated ProcessApp Collection
When you are using ProcessApp Collection, you now have a dedicated collection for your ProcessApp favorites. All ProcessApps that you marked as favorite are included in this collection automatically. This collection is shown by default when the ProcessApp Collections are configured. The favorites collection is always shown as the first collection in the ProcessApp Collections view.
“More ProcessApps” Collection to collect unassigned ProcessApps
When you are using ProcessApp Collection, you now have a dedicated collection for ProcessApps that are not assigned to any collection. This collection is shown by default when the ProcessApp Collections are configured. The “More ProcessApps” collection always appears as the last collection in the ProcessApp Collections view.
Edit ProcessApp Collection configuration
If you are an administrator, you can now edit the configured ProcessApp Collections. All settings except the collection ID can be adjusted. If you want to change the ID, you must delete and recreate the collection.
Improved usability in the header configuration of a REST-Call
We improved the usability in the header configuration of the REST configuration for service tasks. Adding new parameters to the header is now more intuitive and predictive. The provided fields are now also saved when not clicking explicitly on the plus icon.
New entry point for editors in the configuration panel of a diagram
When editing a diagram, you now have a new entry point for the BIC Process Execution editors of the different element types in a diagram. In the details section on the right side of the screen, you will find a new option for the editors. In the first step this is a place where you can open the existing editors. In the future, editors will be integrated into the sidebar so that you can do the configuration in this place without opening a pop-up.
Redesign of the process flow view
We have updated the process flow view that you see when you open a case. Like this, we provide a better overview of the different tasks and types of activities that have been completed, are active and will be relevant in the future.
Redesign of DMN editor
In the past the DMN editor did not fit the design of the other editors. Therefore, we updated the design to align it and have a consistent UX on overall BIC Process Execution editors. The changes bring a better readability, better UX and add explicit buttons to save and cancel the changes.
Automatic group task assignment
Some cases contain group tasks that can be claimed by a member of these groups. Usually, a user who takes over a task for a group should automatically be responsible for all tasks of the respective case. Therefore, when you claim a group task, the system now assigns all following tasks for this group to you. By that you do not have to claim the tasks on your own.
Only the responsible for a task can now complete this task
In the past, you could complete tasks that were not assigned to you. This was a comfort function that we changed in this release. If you are not the responsible of a task, you cannot work on a task and cannot complete it. The task form is disabled, and the complete button is not shown. When you want to complete the task, you must be the assignee.
Store multiple-choice selection in an array
Multiple choice fields save the user selection in a process variable with the data type string. To have an easy handling of the selection in expressions, evaluations, etc., this data can now be saved as data type array. As an author you can set the type of storing in the configuration for the multiple choice field. Each field can be configured separately.
Remark: The use of storing multiple choice selection as string is no longer recommended. This functionality is deprecated and will be removed in 2023. Please check your processes and update them in the next months.
Resolved bugs
[DES-526] Missing documentation for Advanced Approval / Execution Signing
[DES-1668] Administrator cannot filter SSO users using the role filter
[DES-2832] Installation instruction in SAML has incorrect screenshot
[DES-2893] Upload limits are incorrectly documented
[DES-2905] Configuration of open relay SMTP leads to warnings
[DES-2928] Nginx often crashes during the upload of a 1 GB file
[DES-2995, DES-2996] Security improvements
[DES-3022] Proxy does not work if more than one nameserver exists
[DES-3024] Unlocalized attachment attribute in imported objects are invisible
[DES-3039] GRC-Apigateway returns 500 by fetching big diagram
[PT-1598] Catalog list filter display enumeration value instead of the name (Portal)
[PT-2305, PT-5641, PT-5764] - Security improvements
[PT-2779] Invalid diagram warning toast gets displayed on the expiry day already
[PT-2786] Assignment is created in wrong stage when navigating from versions hub
[PT-4650] Charts show index of enumeration instead of related name (Portal)
[PT-4653] Tables are not inserted at cursor position in formatted text attributes
[PT-4655] Format buttons in formatted text attributes are not correctly highlighted
[PT-4914] Occurrence view does not show all occurrences (Portal)
[PT-5019] Publishing a workbook could hide spreadsheets
[PT-5148] Copied symbol format gets partially lost
[PT-5357] Extend option in resubmission can affect preview stage
[PT-5471] Undo function does not work properly
[PT-5557] Filtering catalog leads to an empty export (Portal)
[PT-5612] Entity release mail contains wrong language
[PT-5642] Default configuration can lead to out of memory
[PT-5822] Diagram layouter can break edges
[PT-5882] Catalog state will always set to ‘suggested’ when this column is missing in the import
[PT-5987] Removing free space on pools with nodes may prevent diagram check in
[PT-6001] Opening a diagram by link doesn’t switch to corresponding repository context
[PE-5472] Formula is recalculated after task completion
[PE-5471] Null comparison for null value in string variable does not work on sequence expression
[PE-5425] The DMN output is not shown properly when the variable matches the label
[PE-5347] The task following a DMN task shows the DMN form field
[PE-5345] DMN evaluation does not work for default instance
[PE-5342] Shown ProcessApps in Collection card do not fit the defined logic
[PE-5298] Placeholder in text area is not visible
[PE-5285] Retention period attribute missing on BPMN and EPC diagrams
[PE-5224] User task list does not show all tasks when the app starts in the group task list
[PE-5218] Security improvements
[PE-5200] DMN editor jumps to top when I delete or duplicate a row
[PE-4999] createdDate process variable only sends date without time in a service task
[PE-4996] Formatting text in textarea does not apply the format
[PE-4894] Setting a ProcessApp as favorite does not apply when switching to another site before the animation is not completed
[PE-4892] Case flow view does not appear after creation
[PE-4597] Warning toast pops up multiple times when starting process without clear entry point
[PE-4171] Boolean field not checkable after textarea input
Version 7.7.8
Resolved bugs
[PT-5270] Activities without name will sometimes be rendered with an undefined label
[PT-5558] Diagram search results cannot be opened via left click in the portal
[PT-5838] Images are displayed in wrong order when using “getImageWithPrintSettings” in report templates
[PT-5839] Image resolution of large diagrams is too low when using “getImageWithPrintSettings” in report templates
Version 7.7.7
Resolved bugs
[PT-5755] Signed PDF files cannot be published with stamping enabled
[PT-5819] SVG rendering fails with custom symbol formats for BPMN pools
[PT-5829] Catalog search in webclient incorrectly applies additional sorting
[PT-5828] Stamping in document publication removes unmaintained properties instead of leaving them empty
Version 7.7.6
Resolved bugs
[DES-2958] Message publishers will be blocked due to high watermark alarm
Version 7.7.5
[DES-2036] When the trial period has ended, the tenant should be deleted after a grace period
[DES-2035] When the trial period for a tenant is over, the tenant should be blocked
Resolved bugs
[PT-5529] Security Improvements
[PE-5068] Role occupation does not work when creating a case via run link
Version 7.7.4
Resolved bugs
[DES-2903] Serialization of domain data fails sporadically during field access via reflection
[DES-2894] The usage of the Method-Service leads to OutOfMemoryError on multi-tenant systems
[PT-5377] Donut charts does not get updated facet value counts
Version 7.7.3
Resolved bugs
[PT-5237] Facet view moves when a hidden value gets displayed again
[PT-4974] Multiple items get pasted from clipboard
[PT-5341] Edit catalog item attributes after creation saves data only partially
[PT-4642] Dynamic facet count does not work for catalog filter
Version 7.7.2
Resolved bugs
[DES-2866] Keycloak cause Bad Request 400 in Authentication Configuration when the flow name contains a space
[DES-2845] Username and other user attributes from Keycloak don’t fit user-service columns
[DES-2890] User cannot choose highest role when more than one role is assigned in Keycloak
Version 7.7.1
Resolved bugs
[DES-2843] Add missing hint in Upgrade notes
[DES-2785] Reindex cannot be triggered
Version 7.7.0
New features
Dashboards for diagrams
The new user interface provides a dashboard view for diagrams now. The dashboards evaluate the attributes of your diagrams in donut charts and since they are interactive, you can easily analyze your repository. The dashboard is an alternative view to the diagrams of your diagrams list. If you select pieces in a donut chart and navigate back to the list view, the list will contain exactly the diagrams which match your criteria.
To see dashboards for diagram attributes, you need to select those attributes in the administration. You can apply the same procedure to your self-configured attributes to evaluate them in the dashboards. In addition, these attributes are available as filter options in the diagrams list.
Process Warehouse export includes state of catalog entries
We added the column „Catalog state” in the Process Warehouse export for catalog entries. The values in the column indicate if the respecting entry is an accepted catalog entry or a catalog suggestion.
You can change the catalog state in a Process Warehouse export and import it to accept a large quantity of catalog suggestions or reset accepted entries to suggestions. If you create new catalog entries using a Process Warehouse import and change their catalog state to “APPROVED”, these new entries do not have to be accepted manually in the catalog.
Please note that you should only display the columns of the attributes you would like to update with an import.
Including of graphics to diagrams and modelling objects
You can include graphics as a background of a symbol. For example, this can be helpful if the graphic serves as a navigation element. To do so, you must model and format a navigable object first and then add the graphic.
The formatting options do not show yet that a graphic has been included as background.
Moreover, you have the possibility to paste graphics directly from your clipboard. In the past, the pasting of a graphic had to be done via drag and drop which meant that you had to save it locally to add it.
If you have several items in your clipboard, all items will be pasted.
New catalog design
The design of the catalog in the new user interface has been reworked and adapted to the diagrams view. The dashboards are displayed in a new design which matches the diagram dashboards. The bar charts have been removed in the new user interface since this form of evaluation was redundant.
List of expired catalog entries in publication stage
Until now, BIC Process Design informed about expired catalog entries (“Valid to” date in the past) contained in a diagram via a banner in the new user interface. From now on, those entries are listed in the validation. You can simply click on an entry in the validation to highlight the expired catalog entry in the diagram and easily identify the specific occurrences.
Process Execution
Group ProcessApps in ProcessApp Collections
You can now group your ProcessApps in ProcessApp Collections. You can define your Collections in the BIC Process Execution Administration and create Collections based on departments, areas, topics and any other structure you need. A ProcessApp then can be assigned to one or multiple Collections. The Collections let you group your ProcessApps so that you have a clear structure and can find your relevant ProcessApps even quicker.
Single- and multiple-choice fields as dropdowns
When creating a user form, you can now configure single-choice and multiple-choice fields to be shown as dropdown fields. You do not need to create new input fields to do so. You can simply update your existing input fields and change the radio buttons and checkboxes into dropdowns.
Introducing the user profile
We implemented a user profile area in the application. Here you find your user information, the selection for the content language, and new profile settings. The user profile will include even more features in the future.
Define your deputy who will get your tasks when you are out of office
In the new user profile area, you are now able to configure your deputy and your availability status. Both features in combination ensure that your tasks will be handled even if you are out of office. You can define another user as your deputy and when you set your availability status to “Out of office”, all new tasks assigned to you, will be delegated to your deputy.
When you are back in the office, you set your availability status back to “Available” and all new tasks will be again assigned to you.
Provide hint text for input fields
Some input fields need to provide more information to the user. We already have placeholders to provide information and from now on you can use hint texts for most of the input fields. The hint text will be shown right under the input field. In contrast to the placeholder, the hint text is visible even if there is a value in the input field.
Payload for case creation via REST API adjusted
In BIC Process Execution, you can create new cases for a process via REST call. You can include data for the case, like process variables, the case name, and roles in the payload of the REST call. The structure was a bit different to the structure we accept and the way we handle the payload in the REST calls of service activities. Therefore, we now have aligned this in the case creation API, so that creating the payload is more in common with the rest of the application.
You can use both variants, the old one and the new one. By that you do not need to adjust existing configurations.
Roles are included as process variable
Every case has some process variables that are created automatically when starting a case. Until now these process variables were the case name, creator name, creator email and creation date. We added the functionality that also roles are available when creating a case.
To have a role as a process variable, you must set an identifier on the role. By that the system creates a process variable with the defined identifier as name when creating a new case.
When you have defined a staffing for a role, the process variable contains either the email of the user or the name of the user group.
Resolved bugs
[PT-5216] - Check in of a favorite fails on different repository
[PT-5202] - Create new catalog item dialog has scroll bar on mobile view (Portal)
[PT-5189] - Facets for an entity type are not shown if set to hidden in the method
[PT-5119] - Automatic line break in description editor breaks lines within words
[PT-5112] - Catalog search misses sorting for equal scores
[PT-5109] - Titles are not properly removed from URLs
[PT-4864] - Language switch doesn’t work for diagrams (Portal)
[PT-4837] - Catalog list is not update after deselecting a facet (Portal)
[PT-4583] - Chart titles in catalog depend on content language (Portal)
[PT-4571] - Generating an entity profile report in catalog fails sporadically
[PT-2103] - Stamped attribute values are not updated after re-releasing a document
[PT-1222] - OCL fails to evaluate association attributes
[DES-2620] - GroupMapper should first try to use the groupId
[PE-4725] - Outline is crossing label in the preview area in the form editor
[PE-4724] - Drag and drop indicator line is too short in user form editor
[PE-4599] - Curly braces instead of correct error is shown when unrelated formula field gets updated
[PE-4525] - Long instance names overflow is disregarded
[PE-4483] - New empty instance flows are not updated once the flow has been calculated
[PE-4472] - Label fonts in form editor are blurred
[PE-4305] - Push notifications are not sent when tasks are delegated
[PE-3896] - JSON variables arraise an exception if has a field with an object value
Version 7.6.10
Resolved bugs
[PE-5329] Role occupation does not work when creating a case via run link
Version 7.6.9
Resolved bugs
[PT-5220] Adjust timeout for editor context menu items
Version 7.6.8
Resolved bugs
[PT-5033] “You are offline” hint gets triggered when opening modeling context menu on slow connection
Version 7.6.7
Resolved bugs
[PT-4834] As a user I want to confirm my identity in a single sign on environment so that the Advanced Approval works with SSO
Version 7.6.6
Resolved bugs
[DES-2677] Keycloak fails starting for systems with more than one LDAP provider
[PT-5110] Diagram cannot be rendered if it contains boolean attribute placements
[PT-5021] Cursor in description fields jumps to beginning while typing
Version 7.6.5
Resolved bugs
[DES-2472] Login with LDAP user fails when LDAP is set to read-only
[PT-5020] Define a max limit for email recipients
Version 7.6.4
Resolved bugs
[PT-4943] Allow check-in of catalog suggestions option in administration does not work
[PT-4908] Stamping certain file formats blocks catalog publication
Version 7.6.3
Resolved bugs
[PT-4450] Expired valid to dates are not shown in the validation hub
Version 7.6.2
Resolved bugs
[DES-2485] Entity replacement does not create update event
[DES-2482] Pagination is broken when fetching entity occurrences
[DES-2508] Retrieving all users with projection fails
[DES-2483] User groups with a stop word as name do not work in access restrictions
[PE-4460] Security improvement
[PE-4417] PWA on mobile devices is not working properly
Version 7.6.1
Resolved bugs
[DES-2512] When entering two different passwords while setting a new password no hint message is shown
[PE-4325] Case name is not changed when the Service or Script tasks change the caseName variable
[PE-4324] Reminder just after creating an instance doesn’t work
[PT-4925] Provide actual user role to Userflow
[PT-4861] Banners for validity period are not refreshed when changing stage
[PT-2153] Original file format is not always kept during publication
Version 7.6.0
New features
Add tables and links in the description attribute
In formattable text attributes (e.g., Description) you can now add tables to structure your information. With this change you can also add external links in a dialog, which allows easier editing and more configuration options. These functions are also available for custom attributes with the data type formatted text.
Please be aware of the limitations:
You can place the attribute on the modeling surface, but tables won’t be displayed.
The pop-up for the description in the mini bar can show tables but not their border lines.
The catalog process warehouse report does not show tables in cells. Please keep this in mind when re-importing a catalog process warehouse.
Copy and paste of symbols between different diagram types and automatic symbol conversion
You can copy single or multiple symbols and paste them into a different diagram type. We automatically change the symbols copied to your clipboard to match the notation of the targeted diagram type and transfer the modeling objects. The object types must be allowed in the target diagram to enable copying and symbol conversion. Prohibited objects will not be pasted and you will receive a note. You can manage object types in the method to allowed entity types in diagram types and set the default for symbol types.
Please be aware of the limitations:
The BPMN standard differentiates between start, intermediate, and end events. EPCs only have a generic event which can be used for all circumstances. Therefore, events will not be pasted.
When pasting into a BPMN diagram, pools will not be automatically created.
Special retention periods for diagrams and catalog entries
You can assign a special retention period to diagrams and catalog entries for the publication stage, which differs from the general setting in the administration area. Use the governance attribute “Special retention period (in years)” to configure a special retention period to assign an individual retention period in years.
Please be aware that the attribute “Special retention period (in years)” is disabled in the standard method. You need to enable it in your method for productive use.
Declaration for expired catalog entries in published diagrams
When a catalog item is used in a published diagram and its validity period is reached the user will see a banner which informs them about that.
The banner text can be customized if it does not fit your needs, but only for Private SaaS or on-premises installation. Please contact your GBTEC project team.
Exchange symbol color settings
Administrators have the possibility to change the symbol color settings to easily switch between different designs or use predefined symbol color settings. You have the option to download the current symbol color settings in the administration. At the same place you can upload your own symbol color settings for example to use predefined symbol color settings.
Distribution types in the simulation
You now have the possibility to use different types of distributions when using parameters for the simulation. This allows you, for example to specify more precisely the duration of an activity or the incoming of a process instance.
EPC Symbol classified by task type
The EPC symbol for activities now shows an icon to visually identify the task type of the activity. Before that you could choose a task type, but it was not visible in the modeling surface.
Please be aware that already modeled symbols will not automatically change. You need to reassign the symbol in that case.
EPC symbol classified as external
The EPC symbol for roles now switches its color to visualize external roles. Before that you could classify roles as external, but the symbol stayed in the same color.
Please be aware that already modeled symbols will not automatically change. You need to reassign the symbol in that case.
Process Execution
Introducing signature tasks
Some processes contain critical tasks where you, as the task owner, must confirm that you and not someone else performed the task. You can obtain this confirmation with signing tasks. To complete the task, you must first authenticate yourself with your credentials. If the authentication is successful, the task is completed, otherwise the system refuses to complete it. The authentication follows your company’s rules and is even requested when SSO is enabled by default.
Dynamic role assignment
Within a process flow, you can model different roles and store a default assignment for them. With our new feature, you can define which user or user group is responsible for a role during the runtime of a process. To achieve this, you can use different task types and methods. Roles can be assigned wherever process variables can be modified. This can occur, for example, within activities or also at the start when creating an operation from another system via the API interface.
Create cases automatically by timer
You can now define timers on start events. The system then automatically creates cases according to the defined timer. By that you can automate recurring processes and ensure that these processes will not be forgotten. When you have reached a state of full automation of a process, you will not even have to do one manual step.
Setting dynamic due dates on tasks
Tasks often need to be done in a specific time to keep projects and processes on track. Therefore, you can now define a processing time for each task in the processes. When reaching such a task during runtime, the due date will be calculated dynamically. You as assignee can see the due date on the task in the task list and in the case flow overview. By that, the tasks can be completed on time.
Getting reminders for due tasks
By having due dates on tasks, you can ensure that your cases will be handled in a proper time. To keep the task owners up to date and remind them about due and overdue tasks, the system sends reminder emails with a task overview. The tasks are grouped into pending, due today and overdue, so you can get the tasks listed by urgency and work through them.
If you are assigned a task that is already overdue or needs to be completed within the next 24 hours, the system sends a separate email for this task immediately after the assignment.
Every task mentioned in the reminder email contains a link to the task in BIC Process Execution so that you can directly access and work on it.
Perform subprocesses asynchronously
With release version 7.5 we introduced call activities that allow you to refer another process via call activity and by that create a subcase for that process automatically. In that version, the subcase will be processed synchronously. That means that the main case waits for the subcase to be completed to continue with the next steps.
Now you can mark a call activity as asynchronous. By doing so, the call activity task in the main process will be continued instantly when the case for the subprocess was created. The next task is started, and the main case can continue without waiting for the subcase to be completed.
Delete ProcessApp data in Studio and Test stage
When you create a ProcessApp, you usually test it intensively to make sure that everything works as defined. Some process designers duplicate ProcessApps and then work with that version. In the long run, this creates a lot of data that you will eventually no longer need. The Studio and Test environments are automatically cleared of ProcessApp operations when a new version of the process is checked in. Now you have the additional option of deleting the entire ProcessApp in the Studio and the Test environment in order to manually clean up the system.
JavaScript in script tasks
We introduced script tasks with release 7.5 where you can provide Groovy script to the ProcessApp and handle data in script tasks. Now BIC Process Execution is also supporting JavaScript as script language. You can switch between JavaScript and Groovy and will get syntax highlighting and code suggestions for both languages. With JavaScript, you have an easier access to script tasks.
Change case name
The case name is a specification that is also available as process variable within a case. There are use cases where you need to change the case name in a running case and see the change in the case list. We have improved the application there so that this change takes effect in all places where the case name is displayed.
Favourites within the ProcessApp list
The ProcessApp list was separated into “All ProcessApps” and “Favorites”. We have merged these views as a preparation for features that will be available in the next release. When you have marked a ProcessApp as favorite, then you will see the favorite icon on this ProcessApp.
Actions on a ProcessApp
We changed the icons and the access to the functions of a ProcessApp in the ProcessApp overview. Additionally, to the ProcessApp icon there is only the favorite icon left. Other actions like the create case action are now placed in a context menu that can be accessed on the ProcessApp.
Improved error handling on send tasks
Send tasks can be configured to be sent automatically. But there can be an issue e.g., with the email server so that the task cannot be sent and is in an error state. When this happens, this task now becomes a user human task, and you can handle this task manually. The error is shown on this task and you can decide whether to send the task manually or try to send it again automatically.
Automatic email sending when placeholders are missing
Email templates can contain placeholders for process variables. In a generic email, you sometimes add placeholders for variables that are not provided in all cases. For these cases you can now specify the option to set an empty string at this point. In manual send task, you will not be confused by the placeholder any longer. In automatic send task, the system will send the email with an empty string.
Redesigning the task list
We redesigned the task list to provide a better overview of the pending tasks. The task entries now show the information in a more structured way. It also shows the due date for a task if one is set. Additionally, status icons will be shown when a task is in error state or overdue.
Updated application name and favicon
To ensure a consistent look and feel for all products, we have updated the application name and the favicon. Both changes can be seen in the browser tab.
Resolved bugs
[DES-2376] - Service calls sometimes fail because of expired access token
[DES-2314] - The “visual-data” is not loaded lazy and can cause an OOM of the domain-service
[DES-2312] - Diagrams may be displayed in the wrong context
[DES-2161] - Misleading information in section “Configuration for automatic linking of SAML accounts” of installation documentation
[DES-2092] - It is not possible to trigger the endpoint for creating an user without sending an first-login-email
[DES-2017] - System requirements needs update
[DES-1967] - Database backup may cause unexpected high disk usage
[DES-1962] - Java Mail Properties set by environment variables have no effect
[PE-4259] - Attachments are being handled in memory
[PE-4178] - Form data is not saved when completing a task
[PE-4176] - Button text size on mobile devices is too big on case archive action
[PE-4169] - Hidden condition is not evaluated
[PE-4143] - The Process Execution Apigateway is killed in production due to too much memory consumption
[PE-4121] - Publishing of new process version aborted when creation case
[PE-4107] - Can not download an attachment on activity
[PE-4067] - Manual complete task is not possible for started task which does not have an assignee
[PE-3981] - Form focus jumps to top when updating the form
[PE-3975] - Menu is missing on mobile when accessing the application
[PE-3878] - Error message for mobile view has wrong format
[PE-3665] - NullPointerException on navigating to the default instance
[PT-4886] - Online help download as PDF broken
[PT-4841] - Special characters in link title breaks search when link is search facet
[PT-4806] - Delete attachment in all languages does not work without attachment title
[PT-4731] - Simulation parameters cannot be entered on custom symbols
[PT-4488] - Typo in info banner
[PT-4020] - Matrix view does not respect configuration
[PT-3945] - Some fonts are not displayed correctly
[PT-3710 | PT-3733 | PT-4455] - Security improvements
[PT-3263] - Catalog import removes link titles
[PT-3151] - Valid from date did not recognize UTC time zone in process warehouse report
[PT-2787] - Third examiners do not receive an email on diagram publication completion
[PT-2503] - Profile report for catalog items gets generated in browser language
[PT-2014] - PDFs with extended rights do not work after publication (see hint here)
[PT-1922] - Reports do not update Created / Last Saved property
Version 7.5.11
Resolved bugs
[DES-3024] When the attachment attribute is configured as unlocalized, the attachments from imported objects are invisible. Attention: This fix not included in 7.6.x and 7.7.x.
Version 7.5.10
Resolved bugs
[DES-2845] Username and other user attributes from Keycloak don’t fit user-service columns
Version 7.5.9
Resolved bugs
[PE-4762] Enhance how the JWT public key is loaded in Process Execution service
Version 7.5.8
Resolved bugs
[PT-5110] Diagram cannot be rendered if it contains boolean attribute placements
Version 7.5.7
Resolved bugs
[DES-2384] Improve “migrateToUserService” migration
Version 7.5.6
Resolved bugs
[PT-4265] Last changed date of search hit is not correct
[PT-4666] Sanitizing results in format differences
[PT-4671] Pasting a link in third-party applications breaks URL
Version 7.5.5
Resolved bugs
[PT-4632] Building search index is interrupted on uncommon office documents
Version 7.5.4
Resolved bugs
[DES-2277] No User and Group related messages are sent for LDAP and SAML configurations
Version 7.5.3
Resolved bugs
[PT-4557] - Security improvement
Version 7.5.2
Resolved bugs
[PT-3770] - Redirect roles in feature toggle
Version 7.5.1
Resolved bugs
[PT-4120] - Scale factor slider values in diagram print format settings are not correctly reproduced in print view
[PT-4388] - Active resubmission workflows started before version 7.4.8 that are manually aborted will be recreated once if they are still valid
[PT-4505] - Security improvement
Version 7.5.0
Key features
Easy inserting of a symbol in an existing sequence flow
Symbols can now be dropped on a sequence flow to automatically embed the new symbol in an existing sequence flow. You will see a visual feedback which signals that a symbol can be embedded in a sequence flow.
For example, you can drop an Activity or Gateway on the sequence flow between two other Activities and the new Activity is directly embedded in the sequence flow and connected to the other Activities.
Access to publication archives
Until now the archive export of depublished diagrams or catalog items were provided at the depublication workflow in Governance Cockpit. Users wanting to view an archived version in BIC Process Design needed to download the archive export and import it again.
The archived versions of diagrams and catalog items can now be accessed from the Governance Cockpit. When a diagram or catalog item was depublished, users can access the archived version from the audit trail of the depublication workflow. You will be informed that the diagram or catalog item has been depublished and have the option to open the archive. If you choose to open the archive you will directly see the diagram or catalog item and easily navigate through the different versions. Your Readers won’t be able to access archived versions in publication since the archive access is in the Governance Cockpit, but you can share the URL to the diagram or catalog item with them, if they need to access an archive.
Please note that this is only available in the new user interface.
Linking Governance Workflows to diagrams or catalog items
In the old user interface, it was not possible to navigate from a workflow to a diagram or catalog item which is subject of the workflow. We enabled this navigation in the new user interface where you can now easily navigate from the workflow. The accessing link is located on the audit trail of a governance workflow and leads to the diagram or catalog item in the corresponding stage depending on the current state of the workflow (whether it is pending, rework or closed).
Displaying effective time span of archives
Archives were declared with the time stamp of the archive generation in the old user interface. In the new user interface, archive entries of diagrams and catalog items now display the actual time span in which the archive entry was the active version. This time span may differ from the governance attributes “valid from” and “valid to” since it displays the effective time span and not the set values in those attributes.
With the new declaration it is now easily possible to e. g. identify gaps in publication archives.
Arabic and Polish user interface
BIC Process Design now speaks Arabic and Polish in the new user interface! Both languages could already be chosen as content languages, but our user interface did not support those languages. The language of the user interface is determined by the set browser language. Our online help remains in English when accessing from an Arabic or Polish browser.
Serbian added as content language
We implemented Serbian as content languages, so that processes or catalog entries can be maintained in Serbian. Please note that this does not count for the language of the user interface.
Optimized search in catalog
We deactivated the alphabetical order of search results in the catalog search so that the list of search results is sorted by the relevance of each item. The alphabetical sorting of catalog items is still possible but not on search result list.
Optimization of task summary mail
Delegated tasks are now included in the task summary mail once a day. The task is still directly assigned in BIC Process Design and a toast informs the new task owner about the delegation.
Additional customization capabilities
We extended our customization capabilities so that some attributes can be excluded from being transferred to preview and publication stage. This is helpful if some attributes should not be archived in those stages, e. g. when they are only used in modeling.
We also enabled customization projects to perform validation on the start of publication workflows, so that individual rules can be validated. The workflow continues if the rule evaluation is positive and will be aborted if the rule evaluation is negative. In this manner, we can implement a variety of validations for you, for example to check whether the assigned Author is not also assigned as Responsible or whether the validity period is set correctly according to your governance definition.
Please note that both capabilities are highly individual and that your requirements can only be implemented by customization projects.
Existing features available in new user interface
Declaration of expired content in publication stage
When the validity period of a catalog item or diagram is reached the user will see a banner in publication that the catalog item or diagram exceeds the set “valid to”-date in the governance attributes. If the standard banner text does not fit the wording of your organization, then it can be adjusted for Private SaaS or on-premises systems. Please talk to your GBTEC project team about it.
Abort workflows and delegate tasks
In Governance Cockpit
Administrators, Editors, and the initiator of a Governance Workflow can abort running workflows in Governance Cockpit. Simply open the audit trail of a Governance Workflow and you will find the option to abort in the option panel.
Administrators and Editors can delegate a pending task of a Governance Workflow to a user in BIC Process Design. Users only need to open the audit trail of a Governance Workflow and click on the Delegation-Button on the pending task to delegate it to another user.
Filter catalog suggestions and access archives
In Catalog, users can now
filter the catalog list in Public Workspace for catalog suggestions. Reviewers can filter the catalog list in Preview Stage for catalog items which need an approval.
distinguish catalog suggestions from approved catalog items on the catalog list and on the details page of a catalog item.
access archived versions of catalog items on the details page of a catalog item. Please note that a catalog item needs the Responsible being set to archive the version of a catalog item. You also need to set a Responsible to access the archived versions.
Process Execution
Introducing call activities in BIC Process Execution
Process designers are now able to include call activities in their processes. With call activities you can refer to other processes and create cases for them. During runtime a sub case will be created automatically when the call activity has been reached. All process variables and roles are transferred to the sub case and are available there. When the sub case is completed, the changes for the process variables will then be handed over to the main case.
Send emails from send tasks automatically
Process designers can already define email template for send tasks, so that users have predefined emails. With this release the designer can mark a send task, so that the email will be sent automatically by the system. The system completes the task when the mail was sent, so that no user interaction is needed in the case.
Write own scripts and run them within script task
It is sometimes necessary to do complex calculations or interactions with process data. Many things can be done with formula fields within user forms. But sometimes this is not sufficient, so designers can now use script tasks for this. As the name already says, designers can write scripts that will be executed during run time. You can use all available process variables within the script, change them and create new process variables that will be available in the following steps of the case.
Define a retention period for your cases
Due to data protection purposes and system cleanups designers can now define a retention period for their processes. The retention period for a case starts when it is completed. BIC Process Execution deletes the case and all its data automatically after the defined period.
Use basic authentication in REST calls
It is best practice to use authentications when running REST calls against other systems. We introduce the basic authentication to extend our REST functionality. Process designers can configure the authentication easily in the REST configuration.
Possibility to handle data objects within user forms
Service tasks and REST are a common and powerful way to get data from external systems. That data is mostly structured as objects. User forms now support data object handling, so that the process designer can directly address attributes in data objects.
Updated administration page as preparation for coming features
The administration only contained the API-key configuration. With the coming releases there will be more things that need to be configured in the administration. That’s why we’ve added a new page as overview of those things as administration entry page.
Mark a Boolean field as mandatory
Process designers can now mark a Boolean field in a user form as mandatory. As a result, a user must check this Boolean field to complete the task. By that you can force the user to actively accept or confirm data, information, etc.
User form editor design improvements
The design of the user form editor was improved. The preview section was increased, and the details section decreased in size. But both sections benefit from the change. The input fields in the details have now a row for their own. By that the size of the fields increases and the user can see even longer inputs.
Improve behavior of environments when deleting cases
User now get more detailed information when a case in the studio and test environment was deleted. Additionally, the user will be redirected to the instance when the case he/she had opened was deleted.
Use all output elements as document containers
By now it was only possible to use document objects as container for input- and output documents in BIC Process Execution. We improved the system so that business objects and other containers can be used. The user has now options to upload and download documents on those objects.
Show user error message on wrong REST response HTTP status code
Process designers usually define an expected HTTP status code for the response of their REST calls. When something goes wrong or the system simply returns an unexpected HTTP status code, then the user needs to know what happened. Therefore, BIC Process Execution now shows an error message to provide that information.
Show different start pages depending on user tasks
Different users have a different workload and a different type of work. Some have a lot of tasks in their task list, some have mostly group tasks, and some have most of their time no tasks and only create new cases. To match all those use cases and to improve the usability, we changed the behavior for the starting page when logging into BIC Process Execution. When the user has personal tasks to do, then he/she will see the task list. If there are no personal tasks but group tasks, the user will get the group tasks list. If there are no personal and no group tasks the user will be redirected to the ProcessApp overview to be able to create a new case quickly.
Resolved bugs
[PE-3752] - Very long diagram names (>100 characters) causes an exception when the user tries to create an case of the process
[PE-3698] - Task list in studio stage is not being updated after diagram update
[PE-3546] - The size of the steps’ icons in the instance flow view is not fitting with the design
[PE-3456] - Mark, unmark and mark again a process as a favourite doesn’t work as expected
[PE-3442] - Mandatory fields have no mandatory indicator
[PE-3376] - Updating a process in studio stage fails, if more than one user has marked it as favorite
[PE-3375] - Input/Output documents should be retrieved by their association type and not edge type
[PE-3342] - Alignment and line spacing in textarea for email editors are not being saved
[PE-3339] - Email editor and preview content are not displayed correctly
[PE-3184] - DMN task is not completed automatically
[PE-3051] - Flow is breaking when having two associations with expressions pointing to the same entity
[PE-2457] - Wrong warning message when trying to create an instance with creation restriction
[PT-4381] - Wrong redirect on catalog list when creating a catalog entry (new UI)
[PT-4172] - Switching between a main and allocation diagram can break visual data
[PT-4127] - Converting PPT to PDF might fail
[PT-4041] - Diagram editor allows selection of fonts not available for rendering, resulting in visual differences between stages and reports
[PT-3941] - Diagram publication is not working correctly when started from publication stage
[PT-3937] - Changing a title for an URL attachment decodes and breaks original link
[PT-3910] - Document selector not working for multivalue attachments in documents view
[PT-3892] - Local time zone is ignored after picking a date
[PT-3778] - Open an URL needs double click to reach the destination (new UI)
[PT-3771] - Updating numeric attribute values is not always possible
[PT-3634] - Generated PDF doesn’t display Cyrillic
[PT-3630] - Diagram cannot be copied with broken edges
[PT-3436] - Process flow calculation breaks on loops with non-exclusive gateways
[PT-3060] - Only english translation for resubmission task toast is displayed
[PT-2766] - “Share by email” is not working if the diagram name contains a special character
[PT-2543] - Security improvement
[PT-2529] - Reader see Tasks entry in navigation (new UI)
[PT-1805] - Entity Resubmission Reminders still get sent after entity was republished with empty “Valid To” value
[PT-1581] - Loss of image quality when creating a manual as a PDF
[PT-1570] - Second and third examiner tasks are not included in entity publication mail
[DES-1969] - Delete used catalog entries without replacement is not working
[DES-1928] - Deletion of archive entries fails
[DES-1919] - Repository archive entries are not properly removed
[DES-1900] - Archive cleanup misses one entry
[DES-1866] - Duplicated groups can be created by renaming
[DES-1864] - Updating a node attribute through GRC-Apigateway does not work correctly
[DES-1779] - Labels are broken after setting an attribute to hidden
[DES-1736] - Differences between stages and reports due to unavailable fonts in rendering
[DES-1275] - Layouter decreases pool size under specific circumstances
[DES-562] - BPMN “call activity” can be set by two distinct attributes
Version 7.4.8
Resolved bugs
[PT-3847] Resubmission data are incorrect
[PT-4009] Catalog item replacement blocks diagram check in
[PT-3949] Opening an allocation diagram from catalog can block check in
[PT-3948] Opening an allocation diagram from catalog can double the main diagram
[PT-3565] Saving larger diagram takes is not performant
Version 7.4.7
Resolved bugs
[PT-3911] Frontend does not work in Internet Explorer 11
[PT-3760] Role based UI selection is not reliable redirecting on first login
[PT-3654] Security improvement
Version 7.4.6
Resolved bugs
[PT-3517] Entity resubmission aborts on single failure
[PT-3611] Search can’t find assignment attribute values
[PT-3568] Deputy tasks are limited to EDITOR or ADMINISTRATOR
Version 7.4.5
Resolved bugs
[PE-3306] Uploaded documents are removed from cases when publishing new ProcessApp version
Version 7.4.4
Resolved bugs
[DES-1835] As a new User I want to reach the application after I initially set my credentials
Version 7.4.3
Resolved bugs
[PE-3297] Datepicker does not allow German inputs
[PT-3509] Search filters may show IDs instead of names
Version 7.4.2
New features
[PT-3273] As a user I want to see the KPIs when I hover over a node in heatmap view
[PT-3181] As a user I want to see simulation scenario statistics in order to analyze the run
[PT-2987] As a user I want to see the simulation results in a heatmap
[PT-2985] As a user I want to execute a simulation based on a locally filled out scenario
[PT-2511] As a user I want to specify scenario parameters in a simulation scenario
[PT-2508] As a user I want to specify gateway parameters in order to apply decision probabilities to a simulation scenario
[PT-2507] As a user I want to specify task parameters in order to apply these to a simulation scenario
[PT-2505] As a user I want to create a simulation scenario so that I can define the scenario
Resolved bugs
[PT-2262] Links on landingpage point to invalid URLs
Version 7.4.1
Resolved bugs
[PT-2615] BPMN export misses outgoing sequences of a gateway in BPMN XML
[PT-3250][DES-1804] Migration to find missing resubmission reminders fails to match e-mail addresses in different cases
[PT-3231][DES-1809] Workflow participants can delegate tasks
[PT-2962] Manual report doesn’t display role satellites of first activity
[PT-1586][DES-1821] Search filter based on assignments are not updated if the assigned object is changed
[PE-3159] Completing send task results in error
[PE-3149] Null comparison does not work in forms
Version 7.4.0
New features
Analyze repository with diagram filters
Up to now it was not possible to filter diagrams for diagram attributes and the only way to achieve filtered lists was to receive the process warehouse export and filter the diagrams in Excel or via the overall search. We now introduce filter for diagrams to analyze your repository. When you open the diagram view in the new user interface you will see the filter panel on the right side to tailor the diagram list. The feature enables you to quickly answer plenty of questions, like
What resubmission effort will come up next month?
Use Valid To filter and set time span to next month
Which processes are in my department?
Use Scope filter and set your department
Which diagrams are maintained by me?
Use Author filter and set yourself as author
Which diagrams are in responsibility of a colleague who leaves the company next month?
Use Responsible filter and set the leaving person as responsible
Which are currently in modelling or needs to be reviewed?
Use State filter and set the desired state
It is also possible to extend your method by custom attributes which then can be used to filter the diagrams. Just add them in the diagram type in your method, maintain the attribute in BIC Process Design and the filter will directly be available.
Apply custom colors to symbols
Administrators can change the symbol colors, namely border color, background color and font color, in the administration without changing the symbol definition in the method. A custom symbol code can be set for almost all symbols and can be directly applied to all diagrams in all stages.
Please note that changes to the symbol colors might have a huge impact on the appearance of the modeled processes in your organization. We recommend to carefully plan, coordinate, and communicate those changes.
Copy direct link to attached files
It is now possible to copy a direct link to an attached file into your clipboard so that you can easily share the URL to this attachment. Simply hover over an attached file at a catalog item, diagram or even a modeling object and copy the URL. The generated URL leads to the attachment in the corresponding stage and the file gets directly downloaded when a user follows the URL (depends on your browser configuration). We will check the user’s permissions to access the file (valid BIC Process Design account, access permission to stage, access restriction) and show the context of the attachment to the user. The shared URL is stable if you give the new version of a file the same title.
Please note that this feature is available for attached files, not for external links or links to local files. You can only copy the URL in the new user interface and user who follow the URL will be directed to the new user interface.
Editors are now Governance Cockpit administrators
Until now Administrators where the only ones who could see and manage all governance workflows. This gave them a heavy workload besides their system administration tasks. We enabled Editors to take over the administrative tasks for governance workflows to ease the situation for Administrators. Users with the Editor role now can see and manage all governance workflows. They have the same rights in governance cockpit like Administrators, e.g. delegating or aborting a workflow.
Please note that Editors did not receive any other administrator rights. This feature only allows them to administer workflows.
Resubmission tasks for catalog items
Until now, the responsible or responsible (resubmission) received only an e-mail notification about the upcoming resubmission of a catalog item. We now introduce the resubmission task for catalog items, which is already available for diagrams. When a catalog item is going to be invalid, then the responsible or responsible (resubmission) is assigned to the task. The resubmission workflow for the catalog item is listed in the governance cockpit and the task will appear directly in the user’s task list in BIC Process Design. We will also inform the task recipient in the task summary mail once a day. The resubmission task has the options to extend the validity for 1 year or depublish the catalog item (will be depublished when “valid to”-date is reached).
Please note that it is currently not possible to filter for resubmission workflows in the Governance Cockpit.
Participating Reviewer can access the Governance Cockpit
We introduced in version 7.3 that task owner can track progress of their governance workflows </a>. We kept on improving this feature so that Reviewers can also access the Governance Cockpit in BIC Process Design to track the progress of their governance workflows where they have or had a task.
Resubmission information mail for governance participants
All governance participants (persons assigned to governance attributes) can receive an information mail that a resubmission for a catalog item or diagram has been initiated. This mail serves only for their information and is independent to the resubmission workflows. We also introduced an additional governance attribute “Do not send information mail (resubmission)” to deactivate the mail for a diagram or catalog item so that you can decide whether you want to inform the governance participants or not. This mail gets send per default and the attribute can be configured in the method, e.g. if you do not want modelers to deactivate the mail or if you want this mail to be never send. Please contact us if you have questions regarding the right method configuration.
Please note that the information mail can only be send for diagrams or catalog items published after this version.
Configure granular retention period for archives
Administrators can set the retention period for the publication stage up to 30 years with a yearly interval. The retention period for the public workspace and preview stage can be set up to 365 days with a daily interval. Please consider that changes to the retention period only affect newly created archives and that a newly set retention period does not affect already created archives.
Please note that we limited the archive period for the public workspace and preview stage to 365 days, but we will not change your configuration. When you already configured a higher period before version 7.4, then we will retain this period and convert it to days. When you change the period after the update, then you can only set the new limit for the public workspace and preview stage.
Copy & paste between diagram types
Copying & pasting modelled objects was only possible between the same diagram type until now, e.g. copying an activity from a BPMN diagram and paste it into another BPMN diagram. From now on you can copy a selection of modeling elements and copy them to your clipboard to paste the elements in a different diagram type, e.g. copy a risk from a risk diagram and paste it into a BPMN diagram. The only precondition is that the modeled object (symbol type, entity type and association type) is allowed in the target diagram type. We will remove the modelled objects during pasting if you have modeled objects in your clipboard which are not allowed in the target diagram type while allowed modeling objects are pasted.
Please note that you can configure the diagram types in the method and thereby allow modeling objects in a diagram type which are not enabled in the standard method. Thereby you could extend the transfer of modelling objects between diagram types according to your requirements.
Existing functionalities available in the new user interface
Please note that not all functionalities of the old user interface are yet available in the new user interface. You might miss some functions but be sure that we will transfer all. The new user interface is a work in progress state. We offer you the possibility to get used to the new user interface and give us feedback on it, so that we can keep on improving it.
Adding and editing catalog items
Catalog items can now be added in the new user interface. You can also edit existing catalog items and maintain the attributes. Please note that some catalog features, e.g. deleting catalog items or the catalog re-organization, are not yet available. We are working on the catalog to enable the whole functionality!
Process Execution
Introducing studio, test and production environment
In order to create and test your ProcessApps, you now have two additional environments in BIC Process Execution. We added the studio and test environments to enable authors and reviews to test their ProcessApps without creating testing data on the production environment and mix production and testing data. A big bonus of studio and test environments is that the test cases and data will be deleted automatically when you check in a new version of your ProcessApp. By that you will always have a clean system.
Create case and access BIC Process Execution directly from BIC Portal
You are now able to access BIC Process Execution directly from BIC Portal. You will find a button in the top right corner of the documented processes. As an author in the common stage, you will create a test case in the studio environment and as a reviewer in the review stage, you will create a test case in the test environment of BIC Process Execution in order to test the process quickly. As a “normal” user in the publication stage you will create a case in the public/production stage in BIC Process Execution.
Assign task to case owner as fallback
There are several cases where a task needs to be assigned automatically to a user. That can be an error on a service task, a missing role assignment, etc. To avoid that these tasks will not be recognized, they now will be assigned to the case owner as fallback. The case owner then can see this task in the task list and decide what to do.
Define a conditional expression for the mandatory property of a form field
We have already introduced the conditional expression for the “readonly” and “hidden” property of input fields. You can now define a conditional expression for the “mandatory” property, too.
By that you are now able to create complete dynamic user forms that will react to the process and form data provided by the tasks and users.
Drag & drop form field from the field palette
You are now able to drag & drop a new form field directly from the field palette to the place of the form where you want it to be.
Default id for input fields in user form editor
When you are editing a user form in the designer and adding new input fields to your form, these input field will now get an automatic generated id. By that you are no longer forced to set an id by yourself. But you are still able to change the id to a more user friendly one.
Admins can start any task manually
It is sometimes necessary to start a task which is not the next one in flow of the documented process. Therefore, admins are able to start any task they want.
That function should only be used on an exceptional basis and only by admins who know what this action can lead to!
See datatype of process variables
When you are in the case flow view, you have the option to see all process variables in the “Edit process variables” dialog. In order to evaluate issues with these variables in the process, we added the datatype as information to each variable in this list.
Design improvement Text area
We improved the design of the text area input field to have a better look and feel in the user form.
Dates are shown in the format of your browser language
Dates will now be shown in your local format. The system evaluates the language and format from your browser settings. When you have set British English as language in your browser, the dates will be shown in British English format. When you have set American English as language in your browser, the dates will be shown in American English format. Same behavior for other languages.
Resolved bugs
[PT-3187] - Resubmission workflow does not work as intended if the responsible is a user group
[PT-3133] - Long names overlap dialogs
[PT-3021] - Errors in email sending during publication interfere with resubmission mechanism
[PT-2613] - Catalog Warehouse Export doesn’t show the entity type for not maintained languages
[PT-2304] - Fallback placeholder is missing in catalog list and detail page in new UI
[PT-2647] - Clicking on the attachment icon in the SVG view may lead to wrong content language
[PT-2151] - Entries in Matrix Report are duplicated
[PT-2131] - Search subfolder with enums are not shown correctly in new UI
[PT-2111] - Manual report in pdfa/pdfa2b format are missing icons
[PT-2017] - Process Warehouse report doesn’t show the content of certain rows for not maintained languages
[DES-1673] - Formatting for some symbol does not work as expected
[DES-1428] - When renaming a link, the title= parameter gets appended and not replaced, potentially leading to the display of the old title
[DES-1364] - It is not possible move an attribute to the main attribute group
[DES-1277] - If maintained attachments Urls are too long you cannot click the edit button
[DES-1231] - Typo in path for updating the user group
[DES-565] - Enumeration and indentation in description is wrong after check in
[PE-3071] - Bug when routing from selection directly to end event to path having tasks
[PE-3014] - Process is stuck after multiple gateways
[PE-3012] - Process is stuck after first task with a following loop
[PE-3011] - Space under Textarea is too small
[PE-3010] - Error when resetting default instance being in a gateway and trying to change the decision after reset
[PE-2970] - Drag & drop objects into textarea breaks forms
[PE-2944] - Task acting like a gateway before a Pararell is not started
[PE-2925] - Boolean value is saved as string
[PE-2913] - Evaluation of booleans does not work dynamically with calculated fields values
[PE-2912] - Checkbox in form show wrong value
[PE-2861] - Can not start task after two gateways
[PE-2860] - Manual gateway switch is missing on task
[PE-2846] - Last character in textarea is removed after completing a task (sometimes)
[PE-2797] - Gateway in one click ProcessApp does not work and destroys case
[PE-2791] - First task can not be completed
[PE-2763] - When completing a task the system starts overnext task, if next task is already started manually
[PE-2762] - Process with loop on XOR gateway fails to calculate the flow on decision selection
[PE-2734] - No step can be started after a GW
[PE-2409] - Initial method resource request has no tenantId specified
[PE-1678] - Fast typing deletes characters
[PE-2736] - Service Task may fail when request body content contains double quotes
Version 7.3.5
Resolved bugs
[PT-2947] - Values of occurrence attributes were duplicated to entity
[PT-2781] - Diagram resubmission do not start
Version 7.3.4
New features
Process Execution
Resolved bugs
[PE-2720] - Push notification links do not work
[PE-2685] - Rest editor offers Http Methods that are not implemented in the BE
Version 7.3.3
New features
Process Execution
REST Configuration editor to define the details of a REST call
As a process designer you are able to do the configuration for the REST call within a dialog. This dialog structures the configuration in three steps. The connection, the request and the response. With that changes the user has a better experience and overview. It is also the basis for more configuration options in order to use REST with all its features.
Configure the header of a REST call
One new feature that we provide in REST calls is the request header. As a process designer you can add additional data in the request header. You can either use static key value pairs, or use placeholders to provide dynamic data from a case as request parameters.
Define a file as request body for a REST call
Sometimes it is necessary to send files and document via REST call to other systems. Therefore you can now configure in the new REST configuration a file that will be send in the request of the REST call.
Receive a file as response in a REST call
When doing REST calls, you always get a response from the system you are calling. This response can contain different data and data types. You can now receive a file as response, map it to an modeled output document and use it in further steps of your process.
Set a conditional expression for the read only property of a form field
Like the dynamic configuration for the hidden property of a field in a user form, you have the same option for the read only property. A process designer can define an expression do decide during runtime if that field is read only or not.
Resolved bugs
[DES-1523] - Start diagram cannot be changed
[PE-2628] - System does not route to flow view while calculating a case
[PE-2591] - Initialize boolean variables as false if no value ist set
[PE-2545] - The flow of “old” cases are not shown after changing the way to calculate integrated decision options
[PE-2468] - Form calculation does not happen when using calculated values
[PE-2453] - When a task after a gateway is started some of previous gateways are not block
[PE-2377] - Wrong “Responsible” spelling for German language
[PE-2337] - Mark and unmark a process as favourite doesn’t work for processes listed in the search result
[PE-1762] - There is no reload button on a decision when the selected task is below the changed gateway
[PE-1715] - Localized content is not loaded on mobile when the tab is refreshed
[PE-2414] - Deleting a group used in a process’ “Create restriction” results in case list and process apps req failures
[PE-2399] - Request timeout when creating a case via run link
[PE-2379] - Flow is requested while in calculation leading to corrupted data
Version 7.3.2
Resolved bugs
[PT-2748] - Correction in domain service migration
[PT-2247] - Queries with two or more whitespaces break the catalog search
[DES-1521] - Catalog item suggestions don’t show entries when query contains umlauts
[DES-1517] - Role suggestion list in modeler is missing correct search results
Version 7.3.1
Resolved bugs
[PT-2736] - Workflow list is incorrect when user did not participate in any workflow
[PT-2605] - Catalog list cannot be loaded when catalog items have a huge amount of custom assignments
[DES-781] - Decomposition icon at nodes are not always highlighted
Version 7.3.0
New features
Archive access for depublished catalog entries
We introduced the archive access for depublished diagrams in version 7.1 and continued our improvements. You can now also access the archived version of a depublished catalog entry in the corresponding depublication workflow in governance cockpit. Like for depublished diagrams, the archive of the depublished catalog entry is stored in the audit trail of the depublication workflow and can be downloaded there. We also enabled the archive access of already depublished catalog entries before this version.
Please note that this feature is only available in the new user interface and that we will also improve this feature in future versions.
Option to delete attachments in all content languages
We introduced localized attachments in version 7.2 and continued to improve this feature. When you uploaded a file or maintained an URL in all content languages, then you can delete those attachments with one click instead of deleting each attachment in all content languages. This reduces the maintenance effort a lot.
Task owner can track progress of their governance workflows
Governance participants who have an open task or had completed a task in a governance workflow can access the workflow in governance cockpit to track the progress of the workflow. You can also see your workflows even though you delegate the task to another user to track the progress of your delegation. All functionalities of the governance cockpit, like searching for a workflow or filtering the list of workflows, can be used.
Please note that reviewers cannot access the Governance Cockpit at the moment.
Alignment of BIC Process Design standard method with BIC GRC
Attribute “Risk category” for Risks
We adjusted the standard method and changed the attribute context from occurrence to entity. This means that the set value now counts for the whole entity and no longer for an occurrence of this entity. We migrated the set values to the entity just in case the values of all occurrences were unique. For all other cases we discarded the value in modeling (public workspace). You might need to set a value again.
Please note that the migration was only executed in public workspace and does not affect the preview, publication, or archived versions.
“Obsolete” flag for Controls
The catalog entry “Risks” has already the option to maintain it as “Obsolete”. We adjusted the standard method so that you can also maintain Controls as “Obsolete”, e. g. when the corresponding Risk is obsolete.
Enhanced OCL custom validation
We enhanced our OCL (Object Constraint Language), so that it now uses the entity instead of its graphical nodes. For example, you can now create a validation rule (in method editor) to check weather an activity inside an application pool is typed as service task. You can also set a more specific validation context for an OCL rule (in method editor), modelling or validation, to define when the rule should be validated (during modelling or when a user check in a diagram).
Hindi and Indonesian added as content language
We implemented Hindi and Indonesian as content languages, so that processes or catalog entries can be maintained in those languages. Please note that this does not count for the language of the user interface.
Do you need to maintain your processes in a content language which is not yet available in BIC Process Design? Then please request the language at our Support team. We will give you a feedback whether we can provide your desired content language.
Administration in a new tab
When you open the administration in the application, then the administration gets opened in a new tab. You can then simply close the administration tab and all changes are saved.
Existing functionalities available in the new user interface
Identity validation for governance tasks
When you are working in the new user interface and your organization activated the re-validation of your identity for governance tasks, this feature is now also active in the new user interface. Task owner are directed to the login screen when deciding upon a governance task to validate their identity.
Process Execution
Create an API key in order to connect to BIC Execution
An API key can now be created in BIC Process Execution. This function enables you to securely connect external systems to BIC Process Execution so that only authenticated systems can access BIC Process Execution via REST call. API keys can be created and deleted in the administration area.
Create new cases via REST call
Cases can now be created from external systems. Therefore, a higher degree of automation can be reached for your processes. Technically speaking a HTTP POST request is sent to BIC Process Execution via a REST call. For a safe authentication, this call must contain an API key, which can be created in the administration area of BIC Process Execution. In addition, the case’s name and process variables can be specified within the request. As soon as the HTTP POST request has been processed, the new case is available in BIC Process Execution and can be worked on immediately.
Search for ProcessApps
If you have many different processes that are made available as executable ProcessApps in BIC Process Execution, it can sometimes be difficult to find the right ProcessApp quickly. To ease this task for you, we have implemented a search function. Simply type in the name or a part of the name of the ProcessApp in the search bar and press enter to filter the ProcessApps.
Mark ProcessApps as favourites
As a user you have usually a couple of ProcessApps you are working with. To have a quick access to these ProcessApps, you are now able to mark ProcessApps as favourites. You can can do this for every app in the ProcessApps view. There you can also switch to the favorites tab in the top right corner.
Calculate data in user forms
User forms are powerful tools to get relevant data from the user during the process flow. But sometimes it is necessary not only to collect the data, but also to do calculations, checks, transformations, etc. To this purpose we have introduced the “Formula” field in the form editor. With that field, you can use different formulas to access and process data within your process instance.
All available formulas can be checked in the documentation of Formula.js.
Create an e-mail template for a send task
You can now create and configure e-mail templates in send tasks via the “Email template editor” in BIC Process Design. Process variables will be replaced during runtime to provide data dynamically for defined placeholders in the e-mail template, such as the recipient of the e-mail. The users who have been assigned to such a task in BIC Process Execution can see the email template in the corresponding task’s form. With a simple click the e-mail template can then be transferred to their local email client for further editing, file attaching and sending.
Create a new case from the process’s case list
Through the usage of a new implemented button the process’s case list you can now create new cases directly for the corresponding process.
User form editor improvements
We implemented some improvements in the user form editor to provide a better user experience when creating a user form.
The field type icon is displayed at the right side of a form field to show the user which form fields are already included in the form.
The field type name is added to the details header on the right side of the user form editor.
The error messages have been updated to provide a clear and more understandable error message.
Resolved bugs
[PT-1352 | BC-14041] - User group assigned to scope and access restriction of same diagram is not shown as search facet in wildcard search
[PT-1535] - SVG of a diagram look different in portal and design
[PT-1621] - Fonts in reports differ in some user languages
[PT-1786] - Delegation entry is missing in mail notification
[PT-1793 | BC-14291] - Applicable documents are displayed twice in profile view
[PT-1869] - Check out button is still present when opening allocation diagram
[PT-1947] - Chips in catalog are not directly clickable because of overlaying tooltips
[PT-1991] - Links to online help in mails are outdated
[PT-2021] - Big imports bottleneck the messaging leading to unresponsive catalog usage
[PT-2064] - Governance search facets missing user when user was maintained in several governance attributes
[PT-2090] - Customized entity publication mails link to the entity in the common stage
[PT-2096] - Depublication of managed document aborts with failure when the document is still referred in preview stage
[PT-2261] - Indexing of documents with content length larger than 32KB is skipped
[PT-2358] - Wrong default language for release notes
[PT-2497] - Resubmission email templates cannot be changed for specific tenants
[PT-2504] - Occurrences view misses elements
[PT-2526] - Catalog import removes keyword in other languages
[PT-2531] - Indexing of documents with number of characters larger than 100000 is skipped completely
[DES-436 | BC-14482] - Methodeditor stores numerical default values as strings in the method file
[DES-550] - OCL check works not as expected when creating objects via mini symbol palette
[DES-645] - Security improvement
[DES-654 | PT-465| BC-3067] - The text formatting window of an Annotation does not work correctly
[DES-1107] - Parallel document downloads may lead to no response
[DES-1140] - Content language in diagram SVG is not always update when switching language
[DES-1176] - Context menu for attachment / decomposition link misses entries
[DES-1281] - Edited link title gets not updated correctly
[DES-1362] - Catalog creates occurrence attribute value for catalog item
[DES-1363 | DES-1277] - Edit button for attachments with long names is hidden in catalog view
[DES-1371] - Clicking on a keyword in catalog entry edit mode discards all unsaved changes
[DES-1395] - Suggestion list misses some items with special character in name
[PE-2278] - ProcessApps list not up to date on login or site reload
[PE-2265] - Administrator cannot modify case details
[PE-2264] - Gateway change causes error when form boolean switch is changed
[PE-2259] - Drag & Drop icon on input field is always visible in user form editor
[PE-2258] - When i create an instance via REST call, the first task should start automatically when it has a user or grouped assigned
[PE-2251] - When receiving an user deletion message, then we should ignore the message
[PE-2223] - DMN task can not be completed
[PE-2184] - Change info message for archive cases when there are no cases in the list
[PE-2183] - Typo in german no cases info text
[PE-2181] - Archived cases button must not be present on archived cases list
[PE-2177] - Missing error message and error is shown when unnecessary in user form editor
[PE-2154] - Archive confirmation dialog has a horizontal scrollbar
[PE-2112] - Readme has a typo in title
[PE-2109] - Drag and trash icons are always visible on each form field in form editor
[PE-2108] - German label name in form editor is wrong
[PE-2107] - Task can not be completed if all form fields are read only
[PE-2106] - Long formfield value texts are cut in user task view
[PE-2099] - Adjust icon size of ProcessApps on a desktop
[PE-2098] - Wrong color of active due date icon
[PE-1970] - Wrong deign for input field placeholder text
[PE-2224] - Gateway recalculation spinner is never removed when no input expression resolves to true
[PE-2220] - Customer cannot create new instances because unique[email,tenant] constraint
[PE-2216] - Escaping quotation marks in DMN Table attribute causes exception
Version 7.2.7
Resolved bugs
[DES-1236] - Migration Service view is broken
Version 7.2.6
Resolved bugs
[DES-1214] - Attachments are not migrated when checked out during upgrade across 7.2.0
[PT-2225] - Nodes are not listed in manual report with path sorting
[PT-2227] – Old and new user interface should handle non-localized attachments
Version 7.2.5
Process Execution
As an admin or instance owner, I want to set a due date for an instance
When you create a new instance of a process, you can add a due date. You can also add and edit the due date for an instance, when you go to the details of the instance. When you set a due date on an instance, it will be shown in the instance list. If the due date is expired, the entry for this instance will be shown with a red due date in the instance list.
As a user I want to see archived entries in the case list
You can move instances of a process into the archive. When you are on the instance list, you have the option to switch from your active instances to the archive by selecting the archive register at the top of the list. You can switch between the two available registers to show active or archived instances.
As a user I want to create a case with a run link from outside the application
As a user, you are now able to create a run link for a process to create a new instance from outside the application. You can use this link in other applications. By clicking on this link, you will be redirected to the create instance dialog in BIC Process Execution. If you are already logged in, the dialog will show up. Otherwise you will have to log in first. After logging in, you will be redirected to the create instance dialog.
When a DMN Task has all input it should be executed automatically
DMN tasks will now be executed automatically, if all input variables are available. The calculation will be done as soon as the task starts and the output will be shown directly.
Resolved bugs
[PE-1818] - Instance list is partial hidden when windows size is to small.
[PE-1854] - When a diagram is checked and for a while, form fields disappear if you close and open the form editor
[PE-1991] - Menu toggle button doesn’t work after some quick clicks
[PE-2010] - TenantId should be checked for Camunda rest API requests
[PE-2014] - DMN errors messages are always empty
Version 7.2.4
Resolved bugs
[PT-2192] - Attachments are localized during import when they are non-localized in method
[PT-2169 | PT-2187 | PT-2188] - Enumeration of process step path differs in matrix view and manual reports
[PT-2159] - Recreating the SOLR index breaks sometimes
Version 7.2.3
Process Execution
Separate section for the user task form on the right side
When a user task has a configured form, the form will now be shown on the right side of the task in the flow view. The form is only visible if the task is assigned to a user.
ProcessApps view as an icon view
“Processes” is renamed to “ProcessApps” and the view is changed to an icon view. You can change the color of the default icon, so this color will be shown instead of the default color (primary color). You can also change the process app icon by a custom icon. You can change both in the automation group settings of your diagram in the process designer.
Resolved bugs
[PE-1615] - Roles are shown under “Applications” section of task form
[PE-1623] - Automatic Start next task throws an exception when the next task after a parallel gateway is already started
[PE-1652] - Archived instances cannot access process variables
[PE-1898] - Automatic DMN evaluation sends null variables value if untouched
[PE-1925] - The process does not run correctly if the output is changed in a DMN task
[PT-2136] - Update search-index without deleting it
Version 7.2.2
Resolved bugs
[DES-948] – Changes to catalog items are not visible when switching between content languages in edit mode
[DES-949] – Newly created links are only available in current content language when a title was directly added
[DES-1025] - Assignments are limited to 100
[PT-1852] – Scheduled workflow steps are not performed correctly
[PT-1987] – Retrieving localized attribute values is not possible in report templates
[PT-2084] - Assigned entities with own lifecycle get directly published when source entity gets published
[PT-2092] – All entity assignments are not available when only one assignment is not available
Version 7.2.1
Resolved bugs
[PT-1970] - Security improvement
[PT-1997] - Error while sending task assignment emails
[DES-916] - Adding a new lane does not change the parent for elements that are already on the pool
Version 7.2.0
New features
View diagram archives directly
When a diagram has an archived version, then you can view the archive directly in BIC Process Design. Just select the intended stage (e.g. publication) of the diagram and click on the archive entry! The displayed archive can only be viewed and so some functionalities are not available for the diagram archive. You can still download the archive and import it to use all functionalities.
Please note that this feature is available only in the new user interface.
Language dependent attachments
Attachments are now language dependent. Therefore, uploaded files will be stored in a specific content language. This enables you to provide attachments to users in their language, like you provide process translation in every content language. You can use the translation mode for diagram and catalog items to maintain the attachments for each content language or to gain an overview about the maintained attachments in each content language.
When you do not want to provide attachments in each content language, then you can still maintain only one attachment for each content language. The procedure is then the same as before, just do not uncheck the option to Upload the attachment for all content languages. The option is active per default.
Please note that you might want to rework your attachments for language localization to provide your current attachments in only specific languages.
Support for browser extensions to link local files
Browsers have become more restrictive when it comes to access locally stored files to raise the security of your data. Several browser extensions can help to overcome those restrictions and we did our best to support those extensions. But it depends on your browser, your browser settings, and the used browser extension whether our improvements work for your configuration. Browser extensions are not part of our software.
Path sorting of activities in reports
Activities of a process are now ordered in accordance with their sequence flow in a process when they are enumerated in reports. If gateways or operators are modeled in a process, then we will rely on the maintained probability of the following activity to determine the order if the activities.
Resubmission workflows in workflow list
Resubmission workflows for diagrams and catalog entries now appear in the workflow list (and in governance cockpit of the nw user interface). You can now track the process of a resubmission workflow, delegate a task, or abort the workflow.
Please note that you are not yet able to filter for resubmission workflows.
Summary mail for new tasks
We optimized our task notification. Your task will be directly available in the application, but we will not send you one mail per task each time a new task was assigned to you. We gather all new tasks and summarize them in a single mail once a day (during night).
Edit mode without alternative language
We still provide the fallback language, when a process or catalog item is in public workspace, preview or publication stage. But we do not show the fallback language when you are editing a diagram or catalog item. This adjustment enables you to complete your translation tasks faster and have a clearer overview about missing translations.
Explicit editing of catalog items
We also introduced a check out mechanism to edit catalog items. This mechanism avoids unintended changes to catalog items and allows you to view the fallback language when you only want to view a catalog item in public workspace.
Adjustments of standard method
The customer journey map attribute Key performance indicator is now a multi value attribute, so that you can assign several KPI to this attribute.
Adjustment of layout settings
In the administration area, the list of configurable layouts was reduced so that only diagram types appear for which a process layout can be configured. Those diagram types are EPC, BPMN and VCD.
Quick start guide
When you click on the quick start guide, then you do not receive a file any longer. Instead, you are directing to the quick start guide section in our documentation. If you have replaced our quick start guide file with organization specific files, those files will still be provided, and the users can receive them.
Existing features available in new user interface
Working with workflow tasks
Your workflow tasks go an audit trail, so that you can see the previous workflow steps including all given comments. You can navigate from the task directly to the process or catalog entry or perform the task directly in the task list. If you navigate from a task to a process, you can also perform the task directly on the process.
Searching for diagrams
The diagram search was aligned with known search logic from the old user interface:
The list of search hits is no longer alphabetically ordered. The order is determined based on the ranking of a search hit so that more relevant hits are ranked higher.
When you search for diagrams, the content of all diagram attributes will be searched now. For example, when you search for a diagram of a certain author you can just type the name to find all related diagrams.
Further improvements
Catalog entries can be published from the catalog if you have maintained at least the responsible.
The RACI-Matrix can be filtered, e.g., when you want to see only your process role.
Process Execution
With the new version the user gets a push notification when a new task is assigned. Thus, each user stays informed about new events even if the application is not directly used at the moment.
When a decision in a case was changed, the new tasks are shown directly without the need to press the update button on the gateway. The update button is only shown, if the user current selected task would be vanished.
When the process flow is recalculated, the gateway shows a :loading indicator to make ot visible for the user, that the process flow is about to be updated.
Only administrators are now able to edit case variables.
Resolved bugs
[PT-110 | DES-224] - 2nd / 3rd examiner and resubmission responsible cannot see an access restricted diagram
[PT-370 | BC-13493 | PT-996] - Security improvements
[PT-915] - Workflow list may show non-existing workflows as active tht cannot be aborted
[PT-1056 | PT-1387 | BC-9323] - Depublication mail contains link to diagram
[PT-1344] - Wrong link to online help in workflow notification mails
[PT-1345] - GRC API Gateway only provides the first attribute value for multi value attributes
[PT-1391 | BC-10696] - The local time when a workflow was started is not correct in workflow e-mails
[PT-1398 | DES-490] - Misspelling in German mail template for resubmission tasks
[PT-1485] - Governance attributes are displayed in wrong order
[PT-1543] - Words get cut illogical in new UI
[PT-1673] - Portal and Design show different reports based on the same report descriptor configurations
[PT-1675] - Diagram Publication may fail if it’s using an entity with its own lifecycle and the same “Valid From” date
[PT-1741] - Link in entity release mail leads to common stage
[PT-1757 | PT-1206 | DES-566] - Missing documentation of font usage restrictions for pdf output formats (Note: Please check out our documentation for applicable fonts.)
[PT-1949] - Upgrade can cause workflow timer inconsistency
[PT-1964] - Upload limit for attachments is calculated incorrectly
[DES-246] - On MyBIC page images get overwritten
[DES-488] - Document list is not scrollable in Designer
[DES-527] - “Show more” for long attributes works properly only in 100% browser zoom
[DES-528] - The cropping of the description is not consistent
[DES-532] - Entity replacement for entities with associations
[DES-533] - Watermark broken on pools and lanes
[DES-537] - Line brakes in annotation are not consistent
[DES-570] - Attribute “Name” of gateways is emptied after the field has values inside
[DES-587 | BC-13505] - Methodeditor removes tooling after symbol definition changes or export
[DES-590] - Download the online help as pdf does not work
[DES-684] - Auto logout in “authenticateOnWorkflow” feature will break if the customer uses multiple tabs in browser
[PE-1394] - Process Instances counter is wrong
[PE-1587] - Mobile instances list update
[PE-1596] - Flow calculation produces NullpointerException for specific constellation
[PE-1616] - When a case is archived with new or assigned tasks. These are not disabled on the list and the hub shows the button to manual start or complete them
[PE-1617] - Custom symbol types result in filtering out an activity
[PE-1658] - Predecessor cannot be retrieved correctly, if gateway synchronizes and splits at the same time
Version 7.1.3
The following bugs have been fixed in this release
[PE-1477] - Performance issue, when evaluating expressions while calculating the flow
[PT-1713] - Resubmission workflow, that was initiated by the system, will be aborted with errors
[DES-665] - Authentication on approval continues even after interruption
Version 7.1.2
New features
Process Execution
In the main menu next to the “Tasks” menu item, the user can see how many tasks are assigned to him. This counter also changes immediately when a new task is assigned.
The task list is also automatically updated when the status of a task changes or a new task is assigned. This keeps the user up to date while the task list is open.
Application systems have a new attribute “Integration link”. Here you can enter one or more URLs that will be used to call other systems. Within these URLs, data from the current process can also be transferred to a third-party system as parameters.
The checklist for the process is now recalculated immediately if data changes within the process. Previously, data-based gateways were only calculated when the previous activity was completed. You can now see the consequences for the process after the data entry.
If a task has an output (usually a document), the user can now upload his work result to the task. This file is then made available to other users in the following tasks if they have this document as input for their task. Files no longer have to be sent back and forth between users via email. The current file is always available in the context of the task.
The following bugs have been fixed in this release
[PT-1584] - Depublished diagram archive cannot be downloaded (button inactive)
[PT-1596] - Administration and MyBIC only shows a maximum of twenty shared favorites even if more are configured
[PE-1015] - Group Tasks are not correctly updated
[PE-1017] - Team edition is not instantly reflected in flow
[PE-1250] - Showing default flow or creating instance fails, if staffing to an user group is defined, that is not existing
[PE-1272] - When a new case is created and the user presses the enter key, a new dialog appears
[PE-1302] - When I don’t have admin rights I should not see an instance of a process in which I am not involved in
[PE-1338] - DMN issues
Version 7.1.1
The following bugs have been fixed in this release
[DES-536] - Bugs in release notes are missing predecessor ID
Version 7.1.0
New features
Governance Cockpit
The Governance Cockpit is available in the user interface so that you can manage and analyze your workflows centrally.
- We implemented existing features in the new user interface:
You can access the complete workflow audit trail.
You can filter the workflow list and search for workflows.
- We also added new features to the new user interface:
The initiator of a workflow is the first entry of a workflow audit trail.
All comments of the examination steps and approval given in a workflow are accessible in the audit trail of this workflow.
Depublished diagrams are stored in the audit trail of the depublishing workflow and can be retrieved in the audit trail.
Utilization of external Functional Allocation Diagrams (FAD)
When you use external FAD to model the resources of a process flow, then those activities are now utilized in the process flow. For example, the resources of the external FAD are utilized for the process flow in reports (both new and old user interface) or are displayed in the process flow view as integral resources of the process flow (only new user interface).
Extension options for Governance Workflow
Governance-Workflows can be extended for individual validations prior to publishing diagrams or catalog entries. Customers have the option to implement industry-specific validations (for example FDA 21 Part 11). Industry-specific validations are individual, thus a custom-service is required to implement those requirements. Our customizing would be glad to realize your requirements.
The following bugs have been fixed in this release
[BC-14418] - Inplace-edit shows old label content if a condition of the label exists
[BC-13282] - Catalog import does not remove attribute value
[BC-11609] - Catalog Data Transfer Service cannot export a diagram if it contains values in enum attributes which not defined in the corresponding stereotype
[PT-1392] - All existing report types are shown for each diagram type instead of only the types where a diagram type is included for
[PT-1386] - Third row for myBIC tiles will not be used anymore when there are at least 7 Favorite tiles
[PT-1372] - Misspelling on DMN loading screen in German UI language
[PT-1355] - Diagrams are also listed when clicking on Attachments mini symbol (only new user interface)
[PT-1220 | BC-14519] - Repository import performs entity postprocess on wrong entity
[PT-1206] - Table of content has in published stage different amount of pages than in common stage
[PT-1098] - Process Cost report references wrong rows
[PT-1094] - When switching languages in opened Catalog List, some languages are only changed after hovering over other elements
[PT-1075] - “No Diagram available” message is missing and leaving a blank page
[PT-1071] - Process Flow starts with step second activity
[PT-908] - Properties are not up to date when switching the content and alternative language
[PT-907] - New UI displays the repository name not in the content language, but in the alternative language
[PT-693] - Diagram manual with assignments styling issues
[PT-672 | BC-13986] - User preferences do not save toggled content / alternative
[DES-521] - Re-authentication of workflow tasks does not work with IDP
[DES-457] – When a symbol was removed from sequence flow, then the sequence flow is behind the lane
[DES-431 | DES-408 | DES-223 | DES-144 | DES-142 | DES-141 | PT-890 | PT-427 | PT-260 | PT-232 | BC-11755 | BC-13512 | BC-13778 | BC-14327 | BC-14348 | BC-14328] - Security improvements
[DES-416] - Line breaks in formatted text attribute is not working
[DES-400] - Inplace edit on a placed occurrence attribute is not saved correctly
[DES-308] - Undo “branch catalog item” in diagram damages edges connected to that catalog item
[DES-300] - Margin of diagram to border is too small in publication
[DES-278] - French and Italian translations are missing for some method objects
[DES-251] - Typo in validation hub on activity with invalid sequence flows
[DES-232 | PT-502 | BC-4225] - In BPMN, the symbols on activity for multiple instances “sequence” and “parallel” are switched (Note: To correct the visualization in existing diagrams, use “Switch symbol” on affected activity symbols and re-apply the symbol type.)
[DES-197] - Inplace edit causes a “New catalog entry” toast to show even though no entity was changed and no catalog entry was created
[DES-159 | BC-12230] - Annotation symbol splits if selection contains only the bracket
[DES-158] - Attributes details are rendered too often
[PE-951] - Role is missing in process flow list when no one is assigned
[PE-961] - When a case begins with a gateway, selection is not updated in flow
[PE-973] - DMN form fields are displayed even if it is not a rule based task
[PE-983] - Toggle button leads to a problem in ‘My Tasks’
[PE-984] - Hub is inaccesible when task’s responsible text is long
[PE-990] - Task name is partially hidden in the hub if the task name is long
[PE-1046] - First task in a flow has disabled DMN form right after case is created
[PE-1152] - Checkbox labels should do a line break if there is not enough space
[PE-1179] - Group tasks should be only shown if the task is already created
[PE-1039] - When there is more than one translation of a process, then the process is displayed duplicated in the process list
[PE-1048] - Dmn evaluation request is not sent
Version 7.0.2
The following bugs have been fixed in this release
[PE-1091] - DMN Editor window size is reduced to minimum if there are to many rows
[PE-1121] - Stackoverflow error when saving diagram with associated diagrams
[PE-1129] - Bug when merging a parallel branch within the main flow
[PT-1210] - When I publish the catalog entity the responsible person task reminder cannot be sent and the workflow will be aborted
[PT-1265] - Bug when merging a parallel branch within the main flow
Version 7.0.1
The following bugs have been fixed in this release
[DES-27] - Rectifications in release notes 7.0.0
[DES-146] - Logout without Loadbalancer does not redirect to logout page
[DES-297] - Child entity loses relationship to parent after renaming an approved catalog item
[PE-948] - Nested parallel gateway steps fail to be listed in flow
[PE-963] - Problem with Integrated Decision when dealing with an OR gateway nesting another OR gateway and a human task
[PE-991] - Join gateway won’t start following task, if a decision is a predecessor, even if this decision is done
[PE-1034] - Process flow crashed for several nested stuck loops
[PE-1055] - Process list not always shows the depublished processes properly
[PE-1060] - DMN type Date and Time fails to be evaluated
[PE-1065] - Integrated Gateway calculation fails on instances of deprecated processes when there is a new process version
[PE-1070] - Processes do not get updated, if the same role gets used in different default instances
[PE-1098] - Start Next Task fails for cases belongs to deprecated versions
[PT-697] - Nested parallel gateway steps fail to be listed in flow
[PT-961] - Process flow crashed for several nested stuck loops
[PT-992] - Security improvement
[PT-993] - Security improvement
[PT-994] - Security improvement
[PT-995] - Security improvement
[PT-1016] - Default values of text attributes are not taken over, producing attributes without values, leading to an error in domain service
Version 7.0.0
A new name and a new look for BIC Process Design!
BIC Process Design now offers you a second user interface that is easily usable on mobile devices. The new interface is available immediately and has become even easier to use. A button in the top menu allows you to switch between the old and new interface. This is still necessary at first because not all functions of the old user interface have been transferred to the new user interface yet. The choice between the user interfaces also gives you the opportunity to get used to the new interface during the transition phase. Here you can find the help of the new user interface.
Growth in the product family!
With BIC Process Execution, we have a new module in the BIC Platform product family. BIC Process Execution allows you to publish processes as executable and then actually execute these processes using BIC Process Execution. If you are interested in this paid module, please contact us. Here you can find the help of BIC Process Execution!
New features
The templates for the process manual can be downloaded in the administration. You can now modify and upload the process manuals without support from us. Our documentation provides all necessary information including examples to make individual adjustments. Please keep the standard template locally in its original state because you cannot automatically restore the standard template in the system at the moment.
The release process for catalog entries now corresponds with the release process for diagrams:
Governed catalog entries (e.g., documents) now have the option to specify a resubmission responsible who receives the resubmission notification instead of the actual person responsible.
You can also configure additional examination steps for governed catalog entries, which are run through sequentially. In each of the steps, several examiners can still be entered to each be given a task. As for the release of processes, the examination steps must be activated in the method.
The valid-from date is also considered for the release of catalog entries in the same way as for diagram releases. If you have defined this date in the future, the system will wait until this date before publishing. If you did not specify a date, the catalog entry will be published immediately after the approval and the valid-from date will be set accordingly in the publication (no writing back to the public workspace).
BIC4SAP has become part of the standard method, thus ensuring easy activation of the method components. Are you interested in BIC4SAP? Contact us!
Reports can now be generated in PDF/A-2B format. The output format must be set in the reports descriptors (administration) accordingly.
We strived forward to harmonize both methods and aligned the drop-down values of the attribute “Control effect”.
A lot of customers gave us feedback about this configuration, and we disabled it for all systems. When a user opens a diagram in publication stage the diagram will no longer be displayed in fit-to-screen mode. Users can still decide to use this mode. Customers can contact us if they wish to have this mode as default, when opening a diagram in publication stage.
To support you meeting regulatory requirements, additional user authentication can be requested when processing tasks. The user then has to confirm his identity again if, for example, a quality assurance task is being processed as part of the process release. You cannot activate the additional authentication yourself, please contact us.
An editorial release can be deactivated so that each release must go through the defined release steps and no changes can be published without approval. You cannot deactivate the editorial release yourself, please contact us.
The following bugs have been fixed in this release
[BC-11735, BC-14302, BC-14303, BC-14310, BC-14211, BC-13511] Security improvements
[BC-11288] - Downloading and generation of reports fails after refreshing access a second time
[BC-12129] - Requests of user who is member of many groups fails with „Bad Request“
[BC-12209] - Border of the free text can be moved separately
[BC-12699] - Maintaining user or user groups for risk and control attributes fails without existing person object
[BC-12778] - Catalog entry in public workspace has an empty archive page
[BC-13625] - The attribute type cannot be displayed again
[BC-13633] - Cleaning empty categories may fail during publication
[BC-13849] - Mandatory attributes assigned to entity types are not marked in catalog details view
[BC-13859] - Translation of pools in ES is wrong
[BC-13876] - Enum attribute default value is always 0 if the entity is created in the catalog
[BC-13883] - Translation of edges not possible for diagrams that has been checked in before
[BC-13965] - Focusing an annotation needs two clicks
[BC-13985] - No check-in possible on conflicting catalog administration settings
[BC-13987] - Occurrences are missing when you have >= 20 occurrences
[BC-14084] - svg renders incorrectly if choosen font is not available in render service
[BC-14196] - Error when trying to place a multivalue assignment node attribute
[BC-14201] - PDF print does not display several (slovak) special characters correctly
[BC-14230] - Typo in error message
[BC-14245] - Author cannot edit attribute values of their catalog entries
[BC-14300] - During import biccloud-document link attributes are overwritten for entities with assignments
[BC-14314] - Importing a catalog-item will not import the assigned entities as well
[BC-14413] - Wrong behavior of pasting HTML
[BC-14417] - It is possible to edit risk attributes from edit mode (temporary).
[BC-14444] - Empty field in Task View for Reviewers
[BC-14505] - Process Cost report fails depending on Excel version
Version 6.3.3
The following bugs have been fixed in this release
[BC-14344] - Error on deserialization of resubmission process instance
[BC-14398] - Error on depublication decision for older resubmissions
Version 6.3.2
The following bugs have been fixed in this release
[BC-13890] - Profile view does not resolve enum values correctly
Version 6.3.1
The following bugs have been fixed in this release
[BC-10972] - You can select all symbol types under “Switch symbol” instead of just those relevant for the diagram type
[BC-11032] - BPMN Export fails
[BC-12025] - Catalog Process Warehouse is missing entries with restricted access
[BC-13726] - When an activity has an integrated FAD, then a double click in publications opens attribute hub instead of navigating to the FAD
Version 6.3.0
New features
Attributes can now be defined as read only. For this purpose, in your method the option read only, and a default value is set for the attribute concerned. Thus, when modeling in BIC Cloud Design, the value for such attributes is already set and can no longer be changed.
You will now be forwarded directly to the allocation diagram if you select the corresponding diagram in the “occurrences” of catalog entries. This means that you no longer end up in the higher-level main diagram, but directly in the desired allocation diagram, in which the respective catalog entry is used.
The diagram type Customer Journey Map is no longer available in its beta version, but under Customer Journey Map (CJM).
The catalog entry profile report has now a smoother design. For a better overview, all tables within the report are now aligned to the left.
The following languages have been added to the list of content languages within the administration area: Polish, Finnish, Estonian, Irish, Scottish Gaelic, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese. This means you can now translate your diagrams in these languages.
When catalog entries are published, files attached to the Attachment (URL) attribute, such as Microsoft Office file formats, are given extended properties. In the areas preview and publication, the governance attributes and the identifier of the catalog entry are added to the properties of the file. For example, you can use the field function in the header or footer of a Microsoft Word document to access the values of the properties. Required preparations for using this function are explained in the corresponding chapter. If attached files were not added as PDF during the modeling process, you can optionally activate the new governance attribute Publish as PDF. As a result, the files are then only available as PDF in the preview and publication area. More information about which formats are supported can be found in the corresponding chapter.
The following bugs have been fixed in this release
[BC-6493] - Note for customers: Please use “Switch symbol” to apply fixed symbols
[BC-9897] - Search by clicking on a keyword doesn’t work
[BC-10692] - Wrong role in the email text after creating a user
[BC-10698] - Creating a matrix report of a VCD fails with a red toast
[BC-11510] - Active resubmission workflows are not canceled on republication of diagrams
[BC-11620] - When selecting a folder then configured reports are missing
[BC-12746, BC-13580] - Assignments displayed broken by using replace function
[BC-12766] - Governance attributes are missing in entity profile report
[BC-12768] - BIC Cloud freezes when using certain data sets in DMN editor
[BC-12771] - Catalog search does not find underscore separated terms
[BC-12788, BC-12994] - Encoding issues in assignment attributes
[BC-12925] - Token lifetime results in webclient stops loading with a white screen and no redirect
[BC-12983] - Checkin is not possible under some conditions
[BC-13001] - Catalog entry shows state unapproved in preview when the responsible has approved
[BC-13042] - Modification of access restriction API
[BC-13293] - Catalog import ignores last row if second row is empty
[BC-13326] - Wrong localization in email template
[BC-13530] - Corrected login mail footer
[BC-13543] - Double line in category context menu without content for Authors
[BC-13554] - Deleted user cannot be removed as deputy
[BC-13557] - Attribute hub loads read-mode when switching between two local diagrams
[BC-13565] - Typo in German language rework-task-reminder-template
[BC-11408] - Fix signature of comment-service docker image
Version 6.2.5
The following bugs have been fixed in this release
[BC-12881] - Authors can delete categories with diagrams they are not the author of
[BC-13002] - Diagram sync can create orphan associations
[BC-13036, BC-13119] - Fix vulnerability
Version 6.2.4
The following bugs have been fixed in this release
[BC-11704] - Description in search hits causes wrong content displayed after scrolling
[BC-12287] - Chips display names are truncated even though there is enough space to display the name in full.
[BC-12757] - Process warehouse report does not resolve assignment name for multi-value assignments
[BC-12802] - Performance problems in the “Profile View”
Version 6.2.3
The following bugs have been fixed in this release
[BC-12700] - Filter on roles in the user administration does not work anymore
Version 6.2.2
The following bugs have been fixed in this release
[BC-12663] - Login page not accessible if SSO is activated
Version 6.2.1
The following bugs have been fixed in this release
[BC-12649, BC-12650, BC-12651] - Minor bugfixes regarding release process
Version 6.2.0
New features
You can copy the URL of a specific catalog view via the menu bar, so that you can share it with other users. When opening the URL, the recipient sees the same catalog view with the same set filters or search results. For example, a document responsible can get a catalog view showing him a digital list with documents of his responsibility, which are expiring at a given date.
The facets of catalog entries will now display how many catalog entries have the same attribute value. For example, you can directly see how many documents are assigned to a specific scope.
A dashboard for catalog entries is now available, that enables an easier way to give you an overview of all catalog entries and their facets. You can dynamically use donut- and bar charts to analyze the object types of your catalog. For example, you can answer questions like how many different document authors exist in the catalog, who are they and how many documents are assigned per author.
The catalog export now includes the technical description of the attributes, which is hidden by default to preserve a better overview. You don’t need to maintain the technical description (attribute type ID) manually anymore in case you want to reimport a generated catalog export (Process warehouse). For example, you can now edit the excel sheet to update attributes or to provide missing translations for additional languages (target language must be set before the import). The following still applies: In case you want to maintain attribute types, which are not existing in the generated export, the technical descriptions must be added to the first row of the corresponding columns.
An additional report for catalog entries is available. Besides the attributes of the catalog entry, the profile contains all occurrences and associations with other objects so that you can fully export the information.
The scope of catalog entries will now be informed about publications via email. Similar to diagrams, user groups which are stored in the attribute “Scope” will be notified as soon as changes are available in the publication. The availability in the publication depends on the date that has been set in the “Valid from” attribute.
You can choose if you want to be directed to the details view of a catalog entry directly after its creation. This supports you in a way that you can directly maintain the catalog entry’s attributes (e.g. a description), without first manually searching for the new catalog entry in the catalog.
The displayed number of catalog entries per page has been increased from 50 to 100.
The translation mode is available for diagrams and catalog entries. The translation mode presents language dependent text attributes of all content languages, which have been set in the administration area, in a table. In the local workspace (checked out diagram) you can activate the translation mode in the menu bar to translate diagram attributes or modeling objects (catalog entries within a diagram can only be translated by editors or administrators). The translation mode can also be found in the catalog to translate catalog entries only. When translating catalog entries, these entries will directly be changed without creating duplicates or new catalog suggestions (this is for example the case when changing a catalog entry during the modeling process).
The representations of associations (sequence flow, input, output, ect.) has been optimized so they need less space at the ports. You can model now even more compact.
The visibility of watermarks in diagrams (for example in pools) can now be activated or deactivated.
Attributes within search results are now always displayed, even if the details bar for a catalog entry or diagram has been deactivated within the administration area. The administration setting to hide the details bar now only affects the diagram view.
Search facets are now sorted alphabetically, which simplifies the search and selection of the desired filter.
The diagram alternative language is now included in all SVG graphics within the preview and publication. Please note due to rendering it can come to a longer waiting period, when initially opening the SVG graphic.
The attributes of risks and controls were aligned with the attributes of BIC Cloud GRC so that the attribute names are identically.
You can connect Data Objects with documents in IT Architecture Diagram.
The following bugs have been fixed in this release
[BC-2276] - Occurrences are not displayed correctly
[BC-5355] - Local Diagram not deleted if you delete it’s public version
[BC-5984] - EDGE - Selected items in symbol filter are shown incorrectly
[BC-6150] - If a User group contains only 1 element there is label ‘1 members’ instead of e. g. ‘1 member’ or ‘1 member(s)’
[BC-6443] - Missing Tooltip for some Buttons in the Comments Hub
[BC-7597] - Suggestion list for eg. examiner of a diagram is sorted in reverse alphabetical order
[BC-7621] - Search-facet contains no result
[BC-7828] - Error while switching between Process Flows
[BC-8295] - Reloading the page while being in The Administration or Tasks View causes that you land on the start page/start diagram
[BC-8483] - When you logout there is a warning for checked out diagrams, even then there are no diagrams in the local workspace
[BC-8896] - If the usergroup name contains a lot of characters it is possible to push the more options button out of the view
[BC-8902] - ‘Validation’ button is not clickable when Occurrences view of a symbol is opened
[BC-9076] - Watermarks on lane are missing after upgrade from 5.2.2 to 5.3.4
[BC-9158] - [IE] The ‘To Do’ box in the Tasks view overlaps with the left menu
[BC-9213] - [IE] Occurrences item is not centered vertically
[BC-9372] - Longer comments in workflows get no line breaks so there is only a part of comment visible
[BC-9476] - [FIREFOX, EDGE] Some icons for Attribute chips are missing
[BC-9531] - Filter doesnt get updated properly after saving a diagram
[BC-9601] - Attachments with title are diplayed as URL in search facettes
[BC-9620] - Workflow administration looks broken, when comments get to long and contain line breaks
[BC-9762] - Titles of input fields should not be cut by an ellipsis
[BC-9852] - There are two separators to Publish button in context menu of category instead of just one for roles except Admin
[BC-9945] - when you click on reset button you see a click in the left corner above
[BC-10212] - Catalog replace dialog, needs to sort the results like other searches
[BC-10485] - ProcessFlow is not calculated correctly, when it get stucked in the same loop over and over again
[BC-10531] - Error message for empty user group in examination step is misleading
[BC-10662] - MyBIC start diagram tile shows svg preview and fallback image, moving fallback image out of tile
[BC-10706] - Workflow tasks for non existing workflows are shown, leading to a 400 Bad Request when a abort is trying (processInstance is null)
[BC-10728] - When uploading a corrupted .bpmn file a success toast is shown
[BC-10747] - Archive icon in the sub toolbar is not highlighted anymore when selecting the comparision button
[BC-10766] - Catalog report doesn’t work when it contains a touchpoint entry
[BC-10912] - BPMN Import fails for collapsed sub processes, that include a seperate process
[BC-10932] - Use of a ‘ß’ in the name of a usergroup create multiple catalog entries with the automatic creation
[BC-10963] - Mailhistory is not complete, for diagram publication inluding rework by the author
[BC-10973] - Catalog items with names containing a colon cannot be filtered by facets
[BC-10975] - I can not resize item (like activity) after layout was used
[BC-10982] - Catalog suggestions by scope does not work if the scope contains umlauts
[BC-10985] - If I create pool with lanes, so I can not see the name of choosen lane in the middle of my pool
[BC-11084] - Cannot create label on Edge which was created in old version < 5.2
[BC-11098] - switching repository with unsaved diagram
[BC-11099] - ProcessWarehouse report contains CR and LF characters
[BC-11268] - Imported keywords of an entity are concatenated/merged into a single keyword
[BC-11285] - Workflow-service fails due to a PoolExhaustedException
[BC-11302] - Catalog reloading leads to wrong view
[BC-11320] - Switching the language if you are inside the catalog view has no impact of the created report, report gets created in initial language
[BC-11321] - Switching the language if you are inside the catalog view has no impact of the sort of the catalog entries
[BC-11322] - Switching between diagrams with opened Process flow view causes an error message and incorrect modeling behavior
[BC-11331] - If the user want to change his password he will be requested to enter either his username or email address
[BC-11349] - If I have an occurence attribute on an node and the diagram and I switch from node to diagram, the node value gets displayed at the diagram
[BC-11406] - The tool tip of “Fenstergröße an Inhalt anpassen” is wrong
[BC-11437] - Attribute details are missing in search
[BC-11553] - The width of the catalog is not limited in Firefox, so that with long descriptions the menu is not in the visible area
[BC-11563] - the catalog accordion counters show wrong values after deleting an entry so a facete has no entries
[BC-11639] - An author cannot upload attachments to a document object in the catalog.
[BC-11676] - If I use content language french and I search for any objects (items) in catalog, I can not find desired objects (items)
[BC-11757] - Copying a renamed approved catalog entry results in multiple catalog suggestion
[BC-11827] - Layoutassistant does not use the correct column break configuration
[BC-11837] - When exiting the catalog details view the opened entry is still in focus but not in view
[BC-11843] - Task retrieval in workflow service can cause blocking threads and exhausted connection pool
[BC-11877] - catalog breaks if localized attributes of type boolean, assignment or link is used
[BC-11879] - When toggling content and alternative language in the catalog the search is performed in the old content language
[BC-11883] - Method allows Sequence flow between ‘event based’ and ‘end event’
[BC-11886] - Problems with vertical pools
[BC-11892] - Search: duplicate list of occurrences
[BC-11906] - Layoutassistant does not set the correct ports for joins and forks
[BC-11907] - watermarks should be escaped correctly
[BC-11912] - Workflow emails don’t work for responsible user group in french language
[BC-11933] - edge attributes are not displayed
[BC-11999] - When hovering over the description in the item bar, then the tool tip is placed wrong (edge) and format is broken (edge, chrome)
[BC-12114] - Newly created catalog entries were not visible in catalog view for several hours
[BC-12139] - Postgres container could not be backed up
[BC-12167] - MyBic: if you configure a favorite for mybic in the administration you dont see any search results in the my bic page
[BC-12170] - importing a catalog export without entity IDs causes the header to be imported as catalog entry
[BC-12177] - An author cannot edit approved catalog entries where he is set as author
[BC-12178] - Hide/show more informations on FormattedText attributes in read mode does not work correctly if you have a method with multiple formatted text attributes
[BC-12182] - Missing comments in task list for entity publication
[BC-12185] - Suggestions list for applicable documents of a diagram is sorted in reverse alphabetical order
[BC-12206] - The catalog facet filter’s “Valid from” and “Valid to” set dates are gone after refreshing the catalog
[BC-12231] - After reloading the page public workspace is always shown instead of the last workspace
[BC-12233] - Conditional formatting on boolean attribute does not show, if the value is changed
[BC-12312] - URL field from catalog entity does not work as expected, if URL contains ‘%20’ chars
Version 6.1.5
New features
[BC-10910] - Update Keycloak to newest version
[BC-11572] - SSL certificate must have a key length of at least 2048 bit
The following bugs have been fixed in this release
[BC-11680] - Open a diagram should not crash if a referenced attribute is not part of the method anymore
[BC-11697] - Move postgres backup to postgres container
Version 6.1.4
The following bugs have been fixed in this release
[BC-11599] - Set enums or numbers in diagram or entity only shows the headline not the value in read mode (formatted symbols are broken aswell)
[BC-11613] - labels of watermarks are not displayed correct - dont encode spaces
Version 6.1.3
The following bugs have been fixed in this release
[BC-11378] - In preview and publication stage, there is no comment marker anymore on nodes that received comments
[BC-11436] - Security improvements in BIC Cloud Design webclient
[BC-11519] - As a user I want the SVG to be displayed with padding after running “FitToSrceen”.
[BC-11521] - As a user I want to have the possibility to scroll to the zero point in the SVG View.
[BC-11523] - Wrong Async/Await chain implementation could lead to the token expired problem
Version 6.1.2
New features
[BC-6665] - As a user I want to see the description when hovering over an item in the iconbar
[BC-10931, BC-10967, BC-10968] - As a user, I want to use the UI in French language
[BC-10989] - As a user, I want to see the SVG image fit to screen when I navigate to a diagram
The following bugs have been fixed in this release
[BC-9320] - Importing a zip fails when browser is unable to determine the correct content-type
[BC-9519] - If I import BPMN Diagram, so I can not see the name of lines between activities on UI
[BC-10481] - Message broker crashed on production due to a docker kill because it reached the memory limit
[BC-10684] - Waypoint are not considered when importing a BPMN diagram
[BC-10866] - Reorganization of catalog entries fails after re-import of already existing entries
[BC-11010] - Document-Service should be able to handle document with no conent (0kb file size)
[BC-11103] - Empty cells in Process-Warehouse export contain control characters
[BC-11114] - Render-Service should use same getReferencedAttributes logic as webclient
[BC-11155] - Label for Gatways are lost during BPMN Import
[BC-11209] - Diagram resubmission in workflow-service fails due to non-unique responsible person
[BC-11280] - Administrators cannot revoke group tasks
[BC-11282] - “Your session has expired” toast appears although the refresh token is still valid
[BC-11287] - Catalog data transfer is getting crazy under the pressure of thousands empty lines import
[BC-11305] - SVG renders differently than Canvas, causing edges to overlap nodes and make them unreadable
[BC-11356] - When navigating to a diagram via item bar in publication, the loading time of the target diagram differs significantly from the navigation in the explorer tree
Version 6.1.1
The following bugs have been fixed in this release
[BC-11130, BC-11157] In some cases migration to version 6.1 fails.
Version 6.1.0
New features
The administrator can configure default MyBIC pages for their users. You can use diagrams or results of search queries as content for the default MyBIC pages which can be assigned to user groups. The users will see the preset content for their user group(s) on their MyBIC page.
The first column of the catalog import file can be used to identify existing catalog entries, for example by using the ENTITY_ID. When you import the file into the catalog, the update is applied to the selected content language and all attributes, which are given in the import file. You can look up the ENTITY_ID of existing catalog entries in the process warehouse report of the catalog. But you also have the option to use other attributes, for example the name of a catalog entry, to identify the intended catalog entries. BIC Cloud Design tries then to identify unique catalog entries and updates them, if there is an exact match. Please read the corresponding chapter in the user documentation before you use the catalog import to update catalog entries.
We optimized the catalog! In this view you will only see object types which are configured by the administrator as catalog entries or which have at least one entry. In addition, the amount of catalog entries for an object type displayed.
We enhanced the workflow filters! You can filter the workflow for a specific time span or search for a workflow by the name or e-mail address of a workflow participants, meaning that this user is the initiator or has a workflow task.
The multi-level depublication workflow for catalog entries is now available.
Users with an open task in the publication workflow for catalog entries are now reminded of their open task via e-mail. Your administrator can configure the reminder interval.
You can set a deputy for your workflow tasks in the task management. Your deputy sees now his deputy tasks under the menu entry “Deputy tasks” in his task management. He must actively claim a task in order to perform it. You can find further information here.
The group tasks now also show done group tasks. Each group member can now see which group task has been already performed and who performed it.
The responsible person for published catalog entries will be informed via e-mail when the catalog entries are going to be invalid.
You can set an alternative resubmission responsible for diagrams (user and user groups are available) which will receive the resubmission task instead of the diagram responsible.
You can optionally define a third examination step for the publication of diagrams. You must enable the corresponding governance attribute in the method in order to use it productively. The third examination step is handled in the same way as the first and second examination step. Please note that you must maintain a third examiner in the diagram attributes in order to be recognized by the workflow. You can also define the corresponding governance attribute as mandatory in the method in order to enforce its maintenance.
You can define mandatory attributes for diagrams in the method. Those attributes are marked with an asterisk in the attribute view in edit mode. The mandatory attributes are checked prior to the workflow start and the workflow cannot be started when they don’t have a value. The only mandatory attribute of the standard method is the Responsible in order to start a workflow. For example, when you want to have an examination step included in your workflow permanently, then you can set this attribute as mandatory in the method.
The attribute Target of events is now multi-value so that you can assign several diagrams as target.
We enhanced the search! The corresponding stage and content language of the search results are now displayed.
You can also assign a user group to the governance attribute Responsible besides an individual user. The responsibility of a process should be uniquely defined so that you can still assign just one value (one user or one user group).
When you delete an object from the sequence flow, then the predecessor and successor will be automatically linked to each other in order to restore a valid sequence flow without the need to do it manually.
The suggestion list in modeling uses the scope of the diagram to filter the results. Only results will be suggested which match the scope of the diagram or which don’t have a scope assigned at all. This new filter mechanism ensures that you use the correct catalog entries and that you don’t see irrelevant catalog entries.
Symbols of objects can be switched after you have modeled an object. You don’t have to delete the object and model it again with the new symbol. The only part of the object which changes is the representation (symbol), so that all assigned attributes, relationships, etc. are kept. You can choose between all symbol types maintained in your method and which are assigned to the used diagram type.
We advanced the layout assistant. It can be used for diagrams with vertical pools, if you have configured them in the method.
We introduce a first validation of BPMN diagrams! BIC Cloud Design validates the sequence flow of gateways, activities and events. When there are invalid sequence flows in your diagram, then the validation hub explains and points towards them. Your administrator or our Customizing can configure individual OCL rules to be validated considering your companies modeling conventions.
The mass import of BPMN diagrams is now available. The mass import can import several BPMN diagrams compressed in a ZIP-file and also creates categories, when the diagrams are embedded in a folder structure.
You will be logged out of the application after 30 minutes, when you have been inactive in BIC Cloud Design during this period.
We optimized loading times for diagrams in the preview and publication stage by introducing the SVG view to these stages. Even huge diagrams in those stages can now be opened quickly. By introducing the SVG view there will also be minor changes to the navigation, which you can find here.
The print preview is available in all stages (public workspace, preview and publication)!
We optimized the process execution! The end of a process will be identified automatically, you can choose the decision options along the process flow from a modern menu and mark performed process steps as done, so that you have an overview about the progress of the process instance.
The DMN editor is now available! You can define embedded business rules within your diagrams and reach automated decisions based on your input parameters by using self-defined decision tables. A thorough description of all functionalities can be found in the DMN chapter.
We advanced our collaboration functionalities! You can share diagrams in the public workspace with Readers via a link in order to receive feedback on the modeling status. This helps you, for example, after modeling workshops with process experts to verify the workshop results with them.
The following bugs have been fixed in this release
[BC-499] - You can’t check a diagram in if it contains a deleted catalog entry from the local workspace which has never been checked in
[BC-3263] - Misspelling: ‘Attribut Symbole’ instead of ‘Attributsymbole’ or ‘Attribut-Symbole’ in German UI Language
[BC-3861] - It is not possible to predefine entity default values if the attribute type is not localized
[BC-3977] - After check-out, edit, save, clear cache, reload, edit a diagram, there is no symbol palette
[BC-4045] - In English UI language all Formatting labels have the wrong capitalization
[BC-4575] - Position from suggestion list is wrong
[BC-5205] - Errors in usage of catalog entries
[BC-5311] - Edge Label cannot be edited via F2
[BC-5618] - BPMN Import on category
[BC-5715] - ‘Task’ instead of ‘Activity’ in filter hub
[BC-5761] - By Modelling a Diagram if you use a suggested catalog entry and before Check in the Diagram you delete this Catalog entry it will be impossible to check in your Diagram
[BC-5990] - AT_NAME is still displayed as “required” in the attributes hub
[BC-6019] - Allocation diagrams are not shown in left menu tree when stage is set to Local workspace
[BC-6362] - Renaming a diagram via the category tree fails after moving a diagram
[BC-6754] - Empty categories can be expanded but can’t be collapsed
[BC-6855] – Item bar: decomposition is not highlighted, if only Variants are maintained
[BC-7637] - Process flow is not correct when branch leads directly to an end event
[BC-7693] - Using align option on labels which are part of node makes them not selectable and it will disappear after reload graph
[BC-7986] - Can’t update the text in annotations, if you leave it empty while creating
[BC-7989] - In the Document view the document name is cut if it is long
[BC-8307] - after deleting a user you get misinformed that something went wrong
[BC-8424] - Domain-service does not generate stubs
[BC-8611] - Category after depublication of diagrams stays in publication even if its empty
[BC-8709] - After a user got the role changed via the user administration and then logs in, their former role will still be displayed in the UI (even if the former role has more permissions than the current one)
[BC-8836] - Check in via context menu does not work when no item of the tree is opened
[BC-8891] - Annotation’s text cannot be set anymore when it got changed (connected, resized, moved)
[BC-9046] - Matrix report displays entity id as object id whereas process warehouse displays occurrence id as object id, makes linking of the info impossible
[BC-9049] - Users of groups set as author are unable to edit/delete the concerned diagrams
[BC-9172] - Calendar attributes show in addition to the set date a fixed time of day from 2am
[BC-9175] - As a reader, I can list all users and user details of my tenant
[BC-9214] - [IE] There are icons from top menu bar in catalog that are not centered vertically
[BC-9307] - Annotations lose text
[BC-9311] - Entities with line break are not found in the catalogs replace form
[BC-9312] - Entities with line break are not found in the suggestion list
[BC-9321] - Print view ignores discarded changes
[BC-9423] - Depublishing a company-wide set start diagram causes an incorrect start diagram tile on MyBIC
[BC-9442] - Validation hub does not show unapproved catalog entries in occurrence attributes
[BC-9586] - User search in administration only searches in users’ email addresses
[BC-9603] - Searching approved catalog entries is case sensitive
[BC-9612] - Shared search link in emails gets cut by whitespace
[BC-9618] - [IE] If the User imports a Method a Warning Toast appears even if the Method was imported in the Background
[BC-9680] - Archive model comparison runs into time-out when archive content is too big
[BC-9692] - Diagram is not openable and freezes client
[BC-9750] - Profile content does not get updated when content language changes
[BC-9757] - The entries of the workflow list are not correctly aligned when the icon of an entry is not displayed
[BC-9771] - BPMN diagram from SAP Library cannot be imported
[BC-9789] - Publication works even if Examiner User got removed
[BC-9812] - if you refresh in a different view than the diagram view the current stage label in the sub tool bar is broken
[BC-9846] - Editor and author still have “publish” button in the repository context menu in preview and publication stage
[BC-9929] - Setting in Layout Assistant: Rename ‘Number of Symbols’ to ‘Vertical Number of Symbols’
[BC-9951] - [EDGE] After aborting the import of a method, the Client freezes until you right-click or reload the page
[BC-10026] - Unexpected port setting of layout assistant
[BC-10030] - Leaving an edited FAD by selecting another diagram in the explorer, there is no warning for losing the changes
[BC-10031] - Search of user in governance attributes is too slow with ldap connected
[BC-10067] - Diagram comparison does not have a scroll bar
[BC-10072] - Kerberos token too big for http header and rejected by proxy
[BC-10075] - Login not possible when using IE in compatible mode
[BC-10129] - If a diagram has an assigned diagram as variants that is blocked by an access restriction for me I still see the UUID
[BC-10134] - You can access a diagram although the repository has an access restriction
[BC-10135] - Suggestion box for restricting repository access shows still suggestions from the catalog instead of directly from the user management
[BC-10180] - User cannot login when he is a member of too many groups
[BC-10192] - Enumeration of repository content of access restricted repository without permission
[BC-10194] - Unauthorized deletion of document attachments
[BC-10196] - Unauthorized user may import new diagrams
[BC-10203] - Dates following German format on the tasks view are wrongly highlighted [Edge only]
[BC-10209] - Cookie attributes transmitted with insecure connection
[BC-10218] - Search for asterisk leads to wrong sorted entries
[BC-10242] - If a workflow has several steps, the date in done list will be set to 1/1/70
[BC-10246] - User with the role AUTHOR cannot edit his own catalog entry
[BC-10292] - If a vertical pool resizes while modelling at the right edge, the wrong lane ist resized causing overlay symbols
[BC-10335] - Reader can see diagrams of access restricted repositories
[BC-10360] - Updated catalog items are marked as deleted after renaming in other browsers
[BC-10361] - Download link for BPMN exports always point to the default host
[BC-10362] - User list does not show all users if there are more users than fit on one page
[BC-10396] - SVG view is broken
[BC-10398] - If (after creating a text field) no text is added, it is not possible to add some text afterwards
[BC-10400] - No effect when clicking on Activity chips in Profile view when they were shown in the Process Flow before. Can causes that diagram cannot be checked in anymore
[BC-10403] - If I use facet and choose url nothing will be shown
[BC-10404] - If I put description in activity or in diagram, I see wrong formatted text
[BC-10425] - Search does not respect switch between content and alternative language
[BC-10433] - History of examiner in done list gets overwritten by history of responsible
[BC-10495] - Diagram Matrix is broken, if custom node symbol types get used
[BC-10496] - Configuration causes that the layout assistant does not work
[BC-10519] - READERs and REVIEWERs can access to public workspace data at search and catalog view
[BC-10520] - Webclient needs to filter associations based on its visibility
[BC-10529] - Miss spelling in enumeration of control measures (method)
[BC-10539] - The visual-data is not loaded lazy and will therefore be loaded every time a diagram is accessed
[BC-10542] - Search in workflow administration is case sensitive
[BC-10583] - Wrong translation for buttons in create and rename user groups dialog in admin UI
[BC-10589] - [Firefox only] Aborting the method download in admin UI freeze the whole application until reloading the page
[BC-10618] - Typed keyword not deleted after selecting an item from the suggestions list
[BC-10622] - Selected edges disappear in publication view
[BC-10643] - If the governance users are not entered in “restricted access”, they can’t see the object in the catalog
[BC-10644] - List of possible email template contexts in the workflow-service apidoc is outdated and partly wrong
[BC-10659] - Re-Publish diagram fails if a node has been exchanged for the same entity
[BC-10662] - MyBIC Start Diagram Tile shows svg preview and fallback image, moving fallback image out of tile
[BC-10678] - When using the filter function in the matrix view, the page gets reloaded
[BC-10681] - After BPMN Import a BIC Cloud BPMN Export, input and output relation are missing
[BC-10682] - Wrong edge style for edges when importing a BPMN Export from BIC Cloud
[BC-10683] - After BPMN import watermarks on pool/lanes are missing
[BC-10685] - After BPMN import an attached event is missing
[BC-10732] - Chips leading to local diagrams are empty after check-in
[BC-10736] - Create translation for translation.missing message
[BC-10739] - Unconnected layout edge after copy and paste
[BC-10740] - Catalog Export fails if dates before 1970 are used
[BC-10743] - Exception on every message from message broker
[BC-10745] - Not completely uppercase stereotypes causes missing data in the catalog
[BC-10746] – Catalog tree for Activity with assigned subcategory for catalog should not use its index for getting the label
[BC-10756] - Shared favorites for groups with the same name (in different tenants) is not possible
[BC-10857] - As a reader the explorer can sometimes contain content from the common stage
[BC-9593, BC-9747, BC-10066, BC-10076, BC-9745, BC-10077] – Memory issues fixed
Version 6.0.2
The following bugs have been fixed in this release
[BC-6928] - As reader I should be able to open a link to a diagram in common workspace and preview
[BC-10063] - Links in e-mails are not redirected correctly
Version 6.0.1
New features
Add Bulgarian to available content languages
The following bugs have been fixed in this release
[BC-9136] - user-service does not send AMQP messages for imported users (by SAML or LDAP)
[BC-9615] - Domain Data Archive Service runs into OutOfMemory errors when archives are too big
[BC-9715] - Domain Data Transfer Service fails during export generation if the data contains big documents
[BC-9769] - migration-service cannot be accessed withouth proxy
[BC-9841] - Checkin crashes
[BC-9917] - Index update is not possible due to missing port forward of auth-service
[BC-9952] - Chips in the profile hub are wrongly formatted
[BC-9958] - Rabbit management UI is not fully functional over proxy
[BC-10017] - Big reports run out of memory
Version 6.0.0
New features
BIC Cloud Design can now be started even when you are offline! You can continue your modeling work even when being disconnected from your BIC Cloud Design service.
Your MyBIC page is there! We moved your company’s start diagram to this view and in addition, you can find your local diagrams and diagram favorites there. You can also see search results of your favorite search queries in MyBIC allowing you to have a plenty of useful information at your fingertips.
Setting a personal start diagram was replaced by MyBIC which is your new landing page.
We introduced group tasks in the workflow administration. You can claim those tasks in the group tasks view in order to perform them. The task then appears in your tasks view and your initials are displayed at the group task letting other members know that you will perform it. You cannot perform the task? Just revoke the task and other group members can take them over.
We optimized the workflow filters. You are now able to filter workflows for the state or type and you can search for specific workflows.
Administrators can configure the task reminder interval and the period for diagram resubmissions.
When the validity of a diagram is about to expire, the person responsible is informed by e-mail and gets a task with the options to extend the validity or depublish the diagram.
You can include a second examiner stage in your publication workflows. This second stage must be activated in the method, then the workflow includes the stage and the second examiner has the same functionalities as the first examiner.
You can give a title to an attachment in order to shorten the displayed name. You are also able to edit the title for URLs and uploaded documents.
Editors can replace catalog entries which are used only in attributes.
Catalog entries can initially be created and updated using an Excel spreadsheet or CSV file.
Archived versions of a catalog entry can be accessed and downloaded in order to restore older versions of the catalog entry.
Catalog entries with an access restriction are now hidden from users which are not member of the group entered in the access restriction.
Administrators can download the current method applied to the productive system.
All parts of the method can now be changed for a specific tenant using the new version of the method editor (available soon).
The e-mail address of a user can be used in different tenants on the same application server.
The search was optimized so that the last change date is given for each result. This allows you to identify changes easier. Do you want to have a change list of relevant catalog entries? You can easily search for e. g. a document of interest and mark the search query as favorite. The results appear now on your MyBIC page and you can monitor changes to the document there.
The expert search is automatically activated when you use an asterisk in your query.
The layout-assistant can be permanently activated so that your configured layout is applied as you use the mini symbol palette to place your modeling object anywhere on the modeling area. You can activate the permanent layout by holding CTRL and left-click on the “Layout” button. Please consider that a specific layout for your diagram must be set in advance by the administrator and that this feature is in a beta-state for now.
We optimized the matrix view for diagrams! It appears in a new design (including intuitive filter icons) and respects the actual sequences of the process flow.
We enhanced our BPMN import capabilities in order to import diagrams with collapsed pools, collapsed sub-processes and diagrams with vertical pools.
Values of occurrence attributes and assignment attributes (except the attribute type “Decomposition”) can be placed at the modeling object in the modeling area.
The descriptions in the attribute tab were optimized so that just the first three lines of the text are displayed in read mode. You can see the full description when you click on “Show more”.
The repositories are now sorted alphabetically.
The set content and alternative languages can be changed by clicking on the display next to the user name. This makes it easy to maintain translations in the catalog without leaving the catalog for language conversion.
On-premises customers can now configure SSO with Kerberos, if certain pre-conditions are met.
The following bugs have been fixed in this release
[BC-451] - You can’t add shadows to symbols without background color
[BC-457] - Alphabetically order of diagram creation list is not correct when content language is English and user tries to create a diagram in a category
[BC-468] - When you change the distance of a shadow the template setting will get lost
[BC-1276] - Custom attribute type names is not handled as delta
[BC-1277] - Custom attribute type names can not have empty values
[BC-3328] - After changing the name of a catalog entry it will not be sorted in the right alphabetic position in the catalog until reloading it
[BC-3749] - Format > Text > Textfield > Form Resize does not work
[BC-4417] - In certain pool constellations when you add a lane in the middle of the pool and then undo, some edges will not have their correct course
[BC-4831] - Logos in templates are not positioned equally.
[BC-5156] - Cannot customize NodeSymbolTypes
[BC-5246] - The overlay did not disappear if you click on another button which triggers the overlay
[BC-5267] - Even if you delete a diagram all symbols within the diagram remain displayed in the search results
[BC-5276] - Bitmaps cannot be copied over browser windows.
[BC-5369] - ‘Place attribute at object’ doesn’t work for Application-Symbols in BPMN diagrams
[BC-5430] - Catalog filter settings for several types get reduced to one type after a new catalog item has been added
[BC-5608] - Check out diagrams via context menu sometimes leads to a white editor for (large?) diagrams.
[BC-5635] - When I receive a mail from the favorite service, I want to get a direct link to the diagram
[BC-5695] - Applications cannot be deleted via context menu from BPMN
[BC-6024] - In publication workspace there is no button to close an allocation diagram
[BC-6087] - Diagrams still have a check in option through the context menu in offline mode
[BC-6104] - The option Open in catalog doesn’t work with activities that contain Allocation Diagrams
[BC-6165] - Users will be informed about modifications in favorite Diagrams not in their user language
[BC-6228] - After open a diagram from search results, the diagram is not marked as active within the tree view
[BC-6472] - It is not possible to change the font color in a free-form object.
[BC-6815] - Validation is missing used entities with an own lifecycle that are not yet published
[BC-6828] - Unable to cut/copy/delete application items
[BC-6928] - Reader could get access to a diagram in common workspace or preview stage
[BC-6972] - the context menu of categories and diagrams link up with each other
[BC-7025] - layouter freezes after trying to change the position of the name of an object
[BC-7135] - Link in favorite/workflow emails opens diagram in published stage, but explorer is in common stage
[BC-7172] - Checkin not possible if name of an object contains more than 1024 characters
[BC-7183] - Exception during workflow execution, caused by invalid associations in the domain model
[BC-7362] - Diagram shows rectangular shapes within activities when opened in new window
[BC-7466] - Comments are not saved if a user’s email exceeds 40 characters
[BC-7378] - As an author, my selection shall be retained when using the layout assistant
[BC-7598] - if creating a lane, while using a content language which is not maintained in the method, the lane is can not display its label anymore
[BC-7633] - Render-Service does not generate images exactly like displayed in webclient
[BC-7694] - The Association-types between Roles and Activities are not correct translated
[BC-7771] – Wrong edge style during bpmn import
[BC-7778] - Show sidebar is not possible after full screen mode
[BC-7832] - Empty space on left side appears during task list navigation
[BC-7875] - Reload in the print view leads to the checkout button beeing displayed
[BC-7876] - Lines for pages stay in the diagram after use of the print option
[BC-7906] - Explorer will not be re-sorted when changing the content language.
[BC-7935] - Error when deleting custom method
[BC-7994] - Selected diagrams not highlighted in local workspace
[BC-8046] - Assignment attributes are not replaced during the checkin if an assigned entity has changed in between checkout and checkin
[BC-8262] - When I close a FAD, I want to have the same view as before when opening the FAD
[BC-8303] - I get ‘Something went wrong’ if I go to ‘Process execution’ view (BPMN diagram type)
[BC-8405] - User with Author role may delete diagrams without being author of those diagrams
[BC-8428] - [EDGE] Allocation diagrams doesn’t get shown in the left menu
[BC-8460] - Error in layout assistant if a lane contains an unconnected node
[BC-8466] – Generated passwords to not follow default password policy
[BC-8482] - Publish button is available in context menu of repository in preview and publication stage
[BC-8487] - Wrong positioning of diagram print-settings fields under IE
[BC-8518] - Missing translation in toast of bpmn import
[BC-8612] - it’s possible to delete diagrams that you can’t see due to an access restriction if you delete the category containing the diagrams
[BC-8614] - For a checked out diagram, the first change of a text field attribute is not save-able
[BC-8628] - Deleted Governance attribute reappears when changing the Content language (without saving)
[BC-8629] - Governance suggestion list should also list users by name and not only by email
[BC-8630] - Showing user groups in the suggestion list of a Governance attribute depends on correct case sensitivity
[BC-8684] - Depublish button should not be available for catalog entries without an own responsible person
[BC-8688] - The process warehouse cannot be created when the content language is not maintained in the method[BC-8706] - Trying to change an LDAP user in the Administration causes that this user to vanish in Keycloak[BC-8708] - User cannot use the client when they got assigned to not exactly one role
[BC-8716] - The print scaling is not correctly applied from the settings to the print preview.
[BC-8722] - Downloading reports does not work if an additional subdomain is used.
[BC-8731] - All communication with the BIC Cloud server is now encrypted by SSL / https. / The login subsystem is also using the default https port 443, so no additional port must be opened for common use.
[BC-8735] - Workflow steps are displayed twice in e-mail (depublication workflow)
[BC-8791] - FAD is not displayed in explorer
[BC-8893] - If I write complete username in any attribute field of ‘Governance’, so this user will be not found
[BC-8905] - Updating a diagram via GRC apigateway fails due to version mismatch
[BC-8906] - Missing port information in BICCloud documentation
[BC-8925] - Catalog facets dont respect multi value fields
[BC-8953] - The label of a pool has an offset when using vertical pools
[BC-8963] - There are tooltips which should not be shown when hovering over hub headlines
[BC-8964] - User name and email are wrong in favorite table, leading to notifications of the wrong user
[BC-8968] - Missing space after comma for Governance attributes on Manual report header page
[BC-8969] - The german diagram manual with assignments report continues with the numbering in two different chapters
[BC-8970] - Headline at the beginning of a page of the attachments section in Manual report is incorrect
[BC-8977] - Too long repository names and a deeper category structure occurs an unreachable context menu
[BC-8978] - If the repository tree contains a structure of categories and diagrams multiple context menus are shown
[BC-8979] - Layouting nodes in vertical pool does not work if the the modeling direction is configured to vertical
[BC-9134] - Update of users by user-service overwrites username set by SAML and LDAP
[BC-9135] - Suggestion list for users does not search by name of users
[BC-9142] - Link to comment in email does not work
[BC-9153] - Users with role “Author” can not use the suggestion list if a new entity would be created
[BC-9237] - Layoutassistant does not handle configured satellite
[BC-9241] - Catalog not working correctly if some specific languages are used
[BC-9243] - The item bar is not shown for all diagrams and entities although they should be shown in the options
[BC-9245] - Maximum size for upload should be 64 mb but is actually lower
[BC-9247] - initiator (not admin role) cannot abort a workflow if a user group is set as examiner
[BC-9371] - The title of the input field of the details in the catalog in publication and preview state are off
[BC-9437] - If I try to search for an entity on second page, so I will not get the required entity
[BC-9445] - Paperclip in profile view should not be cut due to long names
[BC-9455] - If I comment the diagram or the activity within diagram, as author I will retrieve the wrong link to the diagram.
[BC-9482] - Duplicate “task” in email templates
[BC-9496] - IE: When I navigate to the Workflow tab in the Administration I only see a small part of the view and cannot use it properly
[BC-9519] - If I import BPMN Diagram, so I can not see the name of lines between activities on UI
[BC-9533] - Not admin users cannot check in a diagram if restricted access was set
[BC-9548] - Authors are unable to start entity publication workflows
[BC-9583] - If you follow a chip in the profile you open the attributes of the entity and not those of the node
Version 5.3.4
The following bugs have been fixed in this release
[BC-8671] - Attachments to documents in “biccloud-document” are not working
[BC-8812] - Links are not working correctly (single value)
[BC-8828] - Editor autocomplete search does not use correct sort
[BC-8829] - Using multi link input field leads couses issues for uploading documents
Version 5.3.3
The following bugs have been fixed in this release
[BC-8625] - Migration for resubmission data in workflow fails in case of non-resolvable user groups
[BC-8626] - Export from 5.3.1 fails during import to 5.3.1
Version 5.3.2
The following bugs have been fixed in this release
[BC-8497] - Migration “generateResubmissionReminder” fails due to removed user table in user service
[BC-8501] - Diagrams migrated from another environment are not viewable due to invalid uuid
Version 5.3.1
The following bugs have been fixed in this release
[BC-8478] - Proxy does not start up due to duplicate route
Version 5.3.0
New features
The resubmission function reminds the responsible person of the validity period. 30 days before the set “valid to” date expires, the responsible person is asked to check the diagram. The author(s) are also informed (in CC).
Users are now reminded once a week of their open tasks in depublication workflows.
Examiners are now informed about the rejection of a publication workflow.
The editorial release for the publication of catalog entries is now available for corresponding user roles.
Administrators and editors can start the publication workflow on categories and repositories for diagrams. A separate workflow is initiated for each diagram in the category or repository.
Administrators can now monitor and manage workflows. A list of all workflows is available, which contains pending and finished workflows for diagrams and catalog entries (e.g. documents) and corresponding metadata. When workflows are running, administrators can see which user is currently assigned to an active workflow task, for example, to monitor the workflow progress. In addition, administrators can delegate active tasks to other users or abort a workflow. Further information on workflow administration and corresponding notifications can be found here.
Workflow initiators are also allowed to monitor and manage their own workflow instances. In addition to the overview of the running workflow, the initiators can delegate active tasks or abort the workflow instance.
When exporting, attached files are now considered and can of course be imported again. More over, the uploaded files can be named individually. This also applies to existing attachments: these no longer display the URL, but their original file name.
Users or user groups can now be entered in assignment attributes (for example Author in Governance) without the need to create a person or organizational unit in the catalog. If a corresponding catalog entry already exists, then the existing entry will be assigned. Otherwise, a catalog entry with data of the user or user group will be created.
Users are warned when they set an access restriction for diagrams or repositories which would exclude them.
You can now use object chips for navigation, for example, to open the details of the object.
We have extended the standard method by the diagram type “Customer Journey Map (Beta)”, so that you can model and analyze your customer experience with regard to your internal processes. Beta means that we will continue to develop this diagram type and look forward to your feedback!
The search has been improved so that the recently changed results are weighted higher. In addition, the system attributes of search results are now displayed.
The task list has been re-designed and provides more information.
In administration area, the options of catalog entries have been reworked. The current configuration is now displayed directly.
The layout assistant can now be configured in administration area so that you are able to specify the position of satellites on activities. In addition, you can define the number of satellites per row, distances, arrangement of ports, etc. How to configure the layout assistant can be found here.
The use of the layout assistant has been improved. If the user chooses a pool or activity that contains modeling objects, the embedded objects are arranged by the layout assistant. If no modeling objects are embedded, the entire diagram is layouted.
The default configuration of catalog entries in the publication stage has been changed. In this new configuration, applications, risks, controls, roles, documents and business objects are displayed in the publication catalog by default. How to change the default settings can be found here.
Virtual folders with facets are now available in the catalog to structure the catalog entries. Thanks to the innovative technology, the same catalog entry can be present in several virtual folders at the same time, without being duplicated. How to configure the new catalog in the administration area or how to use virtual folder productively can be found in our online documentation. The catalog is now accessible via the menu bar, whereby all catalog functions (e.g. creation of entries, catalog export, etc.) are still available.
The password settings are now secured by an e-mail. Passwords cannot be changed by a user from within the BIC Cloud any longer.
When a user changes his user role, this change will be recognized for the next login. The user role can be changed again at any time.
In projects, catalog entries can now be created initially via CSV import.
Vertical pools/swimlanes (for example in BPMN or EPC) can be configured in the method.
An optimized diagram view can be activated on request in read mode to achieve a minimum loading time.
The following bugs have been fixed in this release
[BC-3330] - If you click on the comment marker of a symbol, the comments are not visible
[BC-5714] - User should be informed that it should not be possible to import a diagram, if the same diagram is checked out by someone
[BC-6020] - Email you get when you got a new Task is incorrect
[BC-6025] - Toast for successful generation of an export for a repository incorrect
[BC-6164] - Authors won’t be informed in their user language about new comments
[BC-6301] - Occurrences are shown to many times
[BC-6349] - Leading “Groß” in user name breaks decoding
[BC-6471] - Entities with CatalogState = ‘NONE’ are treated like entries with status ‘SUGGESTED’ in the validations hub
[BC-6686] - Layout Assistant freezes
[BC-6811] - Client creates invalid model data
[BC-6826] - Occurrences from catalog items are not calculated correctly
[BC-6850] - To many occurrences are displayed
[BC-6990] - Link to online help is wrong in emails for favorites
[BC-7004] - Warehouse Report throws NPE
[BC-7026] - User search function does not work within the administration area
[BC-7093] - Search favorites are marked when they are not selected
[BC-7101] - Border of pools does not retain CI color
[BC-7192] - Allocation diagrams a not shown in explorer and profile
[BC-7235] - The profile is no longer updated after a single deselection.
[BC-7262] - Justified print in publication dialog header
[BC-7272] - Notification “Email successfully sent” appears even if you cancel the dialog for Password recovery
[BC-7281] - the attribute description have a line break in alternativ language on checked in diagrams
[BC-7560] - Error message after cancelling catalog reorganization dialog
[BC-7600] - Governance attributes cannot be saved in the catalog details
[BC-7641] - DiagramManual should list business objects as In-/outputs in ProcessOverview Chapter
[BC-7652] - Maintained URL in AT_ATTACHMENT are not clickable in profile view of the corresponding object
[BC-7688] - Profile of Business Objects not correct
[BC-7720] - When returning after chip navigation to another profile in search, you are redirected to the attributes instead of profile
[BC-7722] - Process warehouse is not executable certain formatting styles are applied on a node
[BC-7729] - When a link attribute is configured as multilanguage and its value is displayed for the alternative content language, the link is not functional anymore
[BC-7744] - Emails contains empty entity and diagram names if user and modelling languages are different
[BC-7789] - When a default value for an enum attribute is set and this value gets changed, there are two values in the process warehouse report viewable
[BC-7799] - Suggestion list for entities show duplicates on customer diagram
[BC-7803] - Workflow task list “completed” is empty/contains only one “translation.missing” task
[BC-7824] - Manuelly tiped in date values are not safed properly
[BC-7877] - Focus of the editor is not adapted when a FZD diagram is opened
[BC-7924] - Catalog: Process Warehouse cannot be executed in a language that is not maintained in the method.
[BC-7970] - FZD overwrites contents of EPK
[BC-7979] - Error during update from 5.1.4 to 5.2.2
[BC-8019] - Search Facets are not translated correctly
[BC-8051] - Objecttype “”Product”” is available in VCD
[BC-8112] - Wrong triggers for checking model match on Public Cloud
[BC-8238] - Wrong font is used for paging of manual report
[BC-8315] - client can create commands which do not target to ‘common’ stage
[BC-8317] - Delete local changes button deletes the whole diagram
[BC-8319] - Prozess-Warehouse export of the Showcase repository fails
[BC-8321] - In Process flow view the filter icon is there but not clickable (maybe it should be grayed out or not there instead)
Version 5.2.3
The following bugs have been fixed in this release
[BC-7120] - As a user I want to have access to referenced attachments so that I can open the information directly from the chip
Version 5.2.2
The following bugs have been fixed in this release
[BC-7543] - Entities having AssociationIds out of scope of the diagram are causing matrix view hang
Version 5.2.1
The following bugs have been fixed in this release
[BC-6753] - hideSlowBrowserMessage does not disable yellow hint if a diagram is opened via a direct link
[BC-7092] - Expert search is not stored when adding search to favorites
Version 5.2.0
New features
The process matrix report now includes the diagram type and the category path of an entry. This gives you additional options to filter and analyse your data. In addition, the process matrix report now also contains the diagram ID and object ID of an entry for better identification of the entries and to be able to combine information of different reports.
The process warehouse report now also contains the object ID in addition to the diagram ID of the entries.
Additional output formats for the manual, the process matrix and the process cost simulation are now available. You can find information about the different output formats and their configuration in this section.
Users will be reminded by e-mail about open tasks once a week until the task has been processed.
The search has been improved! Next to the simple search the expert mode is now available. Follow this link for more information about the search.
The accessibility has been improved.
The following bugs have been fixed in this release
[BC-253] - When the browser window is too small then the catalog entries’ type and name fields are not shown
[BC-470] - When you refresh the page while a repository without diagrams is opened then another repository will be opened instead of the one without diagrams
[BC-551] - Some symbols have the decomposition icons, although you can’t add a decomposition for them
[BC-567] - Time system attributes are missing seconds in English Browser language
[BC-1303] - Incorrect error toast when trying to paste a cut category into its parent category
[BC-1443] - Scrolling in the search page cancels the selection
[BC-1574] - Errors in workflow logs during the startup
[BC-2221] - Chrome: expiry dates are marked as obligatory attributes
[BC-3629] - left alignment of the description does not match with other left aligned input fields, i.e. name
[BC-3653] - The styled Description will be not displayed in the description part of each catalog entry
[BC-4078] - ‘Delete all comments’ does not work for Local workspace
[BC-5298] - By switching from a VCD-Diagram to Matrix view the process execution Icon will be Briefly displayed and then hide
[BC-5365] - The Description Background-Color makes Links not clearly visible
[BC-5607] - Time not displayed correctly in the workflow error e-mail
[BC-5951] - Publishing catalog entries without governance attributes is not possible
[BC-6028] - Wrong forwarding help button in admin of details
[BC-6045] - Edit shape doesn’t work for Activities that contain an Allocation Diagram
[BC-6047] - The Option place attribute at object doesn’t work with activities that contain an Allocation Diagram
[BC-6084] - Search filter sidebar doesn’t get shown when the sidebar is hidden in the main view
[BC-6092] - Some reports caption is wrongly capitalized
[BC-6199] - After creating a new Allocation diagram while the navigator is opened the navigator still shows the main diagram
[BC-6279] - The reason for getting a warning-Toast during the publication is not specified in the Toast if the Responsible user doesn’t exist
[BC-6295] - After searching for users in the Administration it can be unclear if the search is still active and for what was searched for
[BC-6296] - As a role other then administrator, I see a not useable “Import” menu item on the repository context menu
[BC-6300] - In german language the report is named “Manual” instead of “Handbuch”
[BC-6314] - Login is not possible if the email address is incorrectly case sensitive
[BC-6326] - After publication of an empty diagram the diagram service will return it with outdated content
[BC-6328] - In Task view the text within the circles is not placed in the center
[BC-6407] - Wrong position for initials in task view
[BC-6516] - Matrix Report is not completely in Spanish
[BC-6532] - No error Toast if the publication for Catalog-entries is aborted
[BC-6555] - Publishing of a catalog entry is possible even if necessary governance attributes are empty
[BC-6690] - Error when discarding changes on a checked out diagram
[BC-6695] - Entity workflows fail without error toast if the entity’s name is empty in any of the participant’s languages
[BC-6698] - Categories do not expand in explorer when a favorite is being opened
[BC-6804] - As an responsible Person, i am not able to see the attributes (diagrams and entities) within the publication stage
[BC-6818] - No emails are sent when a comment is created
[BC-6825] - It is not possible to use the context menu on activities when an allocation diagram is set for this activity
[BC-6844] - Reader and reviewer can’t tab to repository context menu
[BC-6845] - If you click on the diagram view directly after checking in, you get a loading overlay that won’t go away
[BC-6886] - Explorer doesn’t expand when you navigate to a diagram from the search results
Version 5.1.6
The following bugs have been fixed in this release
[BC-6804] - As an responsible Person, i am not able to see the attributes (diagrams and entities) within the publication stage
[BC-6813] - getReferencedAttributesPaths does not return correct attribute references
Version 5.1.5
The following bugs have been fixed in this release
[BC-6702] - When I try to checkin and my token is not valid anymore (i.e. too old), my diagram gets flagged as failed to checkin and I cannot checkin again
[BC-6703] - Check-In not possible after copying specific objects in the diagram
[BC-6706] - If User copy and paste two or more nodes of the same entity which is not a catalog item, it is not possible to check in
[BC-6749] - Double click on nodes does not work for source/target attributes
[BC-6757] - If you click on the diagram view button when already on the diagram view, you get a loading overlay that won’t go away
Version 5.1.4
The following bugs have been fixed in this release
[BC-6554] - No archives are generated for diagrams which get indirectly changed through entities updated within a diagram publication
Version 5.1.3
The following bugs have been fixed in this release
[BC-6288] - If Scope is maintained alongside with a decomposition, you get a context menu on double click with one entry
[BC-6444] - Executing reports on categories leads to an error or, if a report was previously executed on a diagram, returns the report of this diagram
[BC-6451] - Matrix report never includes sub categories if it is executed on category
Version 5.1.2
The following bugs have been fixed in this release
[BC-6107] - Performance of requesting specific diagrams seems to get slower the more database content is available
Version 5.1.1
The following bugs have been fixed in this release
[BC-6251] - Migration of archive does not work for old data (before March 2018)
Version 5.1.0
New features
BIC Cloud Design speaks Spanish now. The user interface, e-mails, reports and method are also available in Spanish. Just the online help for Spanish-speaking users remains in English for now.
Administrators can configure the respective archive for Public Workspace, Preview and Publication now. Archives can be activated and deactivated for each area and a retention period can also be configured for each single area. This enables you to set a suitable period for each area to retrieve the diagram versions.
The archive is now sorted by descending date, so you will always find the latest version as the first entry. The current version of the respective area is no longer displayed in the archive.
Catalog entries can be published separately from diagrams and are managed through their own approval process (analogous to diagrams). For example, you can control documents by your own responsible person. If a diagram is published in which a catalog entry with its own responsible person is used, this catalog entry must be released separately.
Reports can be easily configured in the administration area. Beyond specifying the displayed name of the report (offered in the application), you are also able to set diagram types and user roles for which specific reports are available. You are also able to set the preferred file format of the reports, namely a Word document or a PDF.
The application displays details about selected diagrams or objects, for example the attributes or the profile. You can define the set of displayed information which you want to provide. You can also disable displaying attributes to the readers in the Publication. You’ll find the configuration interface in the administration area.
The Enter key performs several functions when modeling diagrams from now on. You can end the edit mode instead of creating a line break by pressing the Enter key. Anyway, you can still force a line break if the automatic break is not sufficient to you. In order to achieve this behavior, press the Alt+Enter keys in the same way analogous to Excel. Further, we use Ctrl+Enter keys now to create the first symbol from the mini-symbol palette automatically. In this manner you can model even faster without using the mouse.
The explorer on the left side has been redesigned! The design is more lean now, because we moved the task list to the main menu. Additionally, the design of categories and diagrams maintained in the explorer is even more clearly. If you want to reset your selection, you can simply click on the repository and select the whole repository. For instance, if you want to start the process warehouse report for the whole repository.
The comparison mode for diagrams is an excellent way to compare two diagram versions. The comparison mode shows in a clear manner which versions are currently being compared. It also takes into account whether diagram attributes themselves have been changed.
The diagram validation is also available in read mode, in addition to the write mode.
You can centrally set the headers and footers for PDF within the administration area, which is the valid for the print preview. You are able to select diagram attributes, your logo (if uploaded to BIC Cloud Design) or the page number as placeholders for the headers and footers.
Authors can make presets for the print preview in the new formatting section of the diagram. This provides the users with ideal pre-settings for printing, but they are still able to adjust the output individually.
Embedded images (raster graphics) in the print preview have been improved! Previously, these were outputs in the report, but were missing in the vector-based PDF output of the print preview.
You can navigate directly from a diagram to the corresponding catalog entry with a single click. For instance, if you want to edit the object in the catalog (assuming you got the appropriate rights to do so).
You can also add modelling objects to the catalog as suggestion, which normally exist just in the diagram (such as activities).
You can also remove suggestions from the catalog without replacing their occurrences in the diagram.
As the author you can now create and edit catalog suggestions in the catalog. Accepted suggestions can still be edited by editors only. However, if you are set as author in the attributes of the respective catalogue entry, you can still edit it.
As an editor you can change catalog entries back to the previous state of a catalog suggestion. This procedure allows you to redefine a decision on the catalog entry. For example, you can remove an entry from the catalog without being forced to replace the occurrence in the diagram.
As an editor you can accept modeling objects in a diagram, so that the diagram can be published. You can accept suggestions directly in the validation mode in the diagram.
Confirmed catalog entries are not overwritten when importing diagrams, instead new catalog suggestions are generated. In version 5.1, these proposals are only created if the content of catalog entries differ in the target system.
Users created via SSO are marked in the user profile. SSO users cannot reset and change their password.
Rules defined with OCL for modeling are now checked not only during modeling, but also afterwards. Rule violations are displayed in the validation mode and can be defined in the method with appropriate notes for the modeler.
For ease of navigation, the Explorer only displays diagrams that you have access to.
The Process Warehouse report (former called Excel export) is now available as a download in the menu bar and no longer in the catalog list.
The validity period of a diagram is automatically set during publication, if no date is defined. The start date is set to the current date, making the diagram valid immediately.
Empty categories are automatically deleted, if for instance the de-publication of diagrams has emptied the category. If you already have such data in the publication, they will be removed with the next publication after the update to version 5.1.
Authors can now create allocation diagrams for activities to structure the process in a clear manner. Allocation diagrams allow you to swap modeling objects from the actual process flow to display them in allocation diagrams. These allocation diagrams are displayed in Explorer if the respective diagram is opened. Alternative representations of the process, such as the matrix, process execution, or reports, still contain the full information of the diagram.
The following bugs have been fixed in this release
[BC-962] - If you create a category inside of category the category tree will not open to show the new category
[BC-2128] - Attribute sorting for attributes from groups is not correct in the report
[BC-2207] - The styling of email templates is not applied (at least in outlook)
[BC-2222] - English: only the first word should be capitalized
[BC-2298] - Context menu of objects should depend on the ui language
[BC-2459] - Form of address is set fixed to the responible’s name in the email template, although also the initiator gets the same mail
[BC-5015] - PDF print performs wrong scaling for A5 and diagrams with large width
[BC-5098] - When printing a Pool of specific length with settings Landscape, A3 and one page, the font is wrongly scaled
[BC-5212] - Some tooltips are missing in the explorer
[BC-5297] - Overlay “Loading diagram…” is missing when you swith the view from matrix or process execution to the diagram view
[BC-5302] - Hard coded uri in ‘isValidJwtToken’
[BC-5308] - Suggestion list for Roles does not filter correct
[BC-5363] - IE11: By Diagram Export if the correspondent diagram is opened process toast remains active even if the export is finished
[BC-5366] - Attribute hub on entity selection disappear from search page and the return arrow isn’t needed here
[BC-5379] - Animation and coloring is not the same in all hubs
[BC-5423] - It’s not possible create a new node pressing ctrl + enter (or number) when the in place edit is active
[BC-5459] - Date picker for search facettes does only allow available values
[BC-5464] - Reports have wrong file details entered
[BC-5480] - After using the layouter, data store symbols will not be shown correctly
[BC-5486] - Unaccepted catalog entries will be shown with black color in suggestion lists instead of red color
[BC-5516] - When you check in a diagram while in local workspace and check it out directly in common workspace, the diagram is not loaded
[BC-5606] - Assignments are displayed as “not available” in the menu after double clicking on the node
[BC-5620] - Undo/redo produces floating edge and sometimes freezes the editor
[BC-5634] - Mails in favorite service should not send the GBTEC signature
[BC-5643] - Render service can’t open diagrams with char-return combinations
[BC-5649] - When the stage is set as local workspace there is an additional line in the repository’s context menu
[BC-5741] - Error when cutting & pasting a new diagram into a new category
[BC-5752] - Symbols with four rows of text displays only three rows
[BC-5753] - By changing an approved catalog item it is possible to make a new suggestion for not allowed items
[BC-5758] - Search field in help is not working properly
[BC-5772] - Change the repository with an unsaved diagram didn’t discard changes
[BC-5781] - Wrong focus after opening a diagram
[BC-5784] - Discard local changes on an unlocked diagram didn’t discard changes and you can edit the diagram again
[BC-5815] - Matrix view shows responsibilities in content language
[BC-5819] - Repository context menu button is not visible when you use the high contrast theme
[BC-5821] - When high constrast theme is activated the left menu headers switch back to the regular colour when you expand them
[BC-5824] - Wrong tooltips on the ‘Expand/Collapse’ buttons in the left menu
[BC-5828] - Process warehouse in catalog often fails and shows some additional wrong toasts
[BC-5835] - Additional line in attribute view for search details
[BC-5838] - Editing a catalog item will reload the page
[BC-5840] - Empty archive if you select a change from the comparing view and return to the archiv page
[BC-5842] - Entity for diagram governance attribute is considered in RACI matrix
[BC-5845] - Approval step fails, but is listed as done task after reloading the page
[BC-5943] - Only first element of multi value fields is shown on diagram/entity profile
[BC-5945] - Wrong language in BPMN export
[BC-5949] - Locale detection within SSO fails due to case sensitivity
[BC-5952] - Repository name is not visible in IE11
[BC-5961] - Fix not visible environment variable for curator cron job
[BC-5973] - Other stages can not be compared with local workspace
[BC-5974] - Missing overlay “loading diagram …” if you switch between diagrams or process flow and diagram view
[BC-5983] - Wrong forwarding for help buttons in admin area
[BC-5987] - Tabbing through diagrams and categories only highlights the collapse and expand button
[BC-6008] - Style issues on diagram validation hub
[BC-6009] - If stage hub is too narrow, the stages labels move the stage action buttons
[BC-6010] - Issues on diagram/entity profile hub
[BC-6011] - On public and preview comparison with archived diagrams, there should be a timestamp
[BC-6012] - IE11 - Scrolling is not possible for profile view
[BC-6049] - Adding images (png/jpeg/bmp) to diagrams does not work
[BC-6051] - Memory leak in ‘render-service’ for nodeCoordinates
[BC-6091] - Emails could not be sent due to a SMTPSendFailedException (530 5.7.1 Client was not authenticated)
[BC-6103] - New user (user who has not choosen a repository yet) should get redirected to the start diagrams
[BC-6106] - Pagination is messed up when you add new users to a group in the administration area
[BC-6111] - “Change to suggestion” menu item in publication should not be visible
[BC-6113] - “Create new Diagram” animations for ERD, CMMN and BPMN Conversation does not match the style of the other tiles
[BC-6127] - Report service restarts when executing a “big” report
[BC-6144] - Archive’s storage period values are always in english (not ui language)
[BC-6151] - Load diagram message persists at exit of the print view
[BC-6171] - The email body for comments is in the user language of the commenting person, not of the i.e. author
[BC-6174] - Emails to new comments are sometimes not sent to one or more participants
[BC-6189] - Repository can’t be changed if a start diagram is set through the favorites
[BC-5340] - Use a debounce for the scale factor in print preview for better user experience
[BC-5694] - Remove unnecessary cross join in edge trigger for better performance
[BC-5738] - Adjust upload limits for repository import
[BC-5852] - Update Quick Guide to newest version
[BC-5954] - Update JSG to latest version in render service
Version 5.0.5
The following bugs have been fixed in this release
[BC-4594] - Diagram Manual report contains two names
Version 5.0.4
The following bugs have been fixed in this release
[BC-5619] - Cannot load diagram after undo redo with overlapping pools or lane in lane
[BC-5803] - Check-in and -out reloads the diagram
Version 5.0.3
The following bugs have been fixed in this release
[BC-5433] - The performance when inserting or checking in a diagram decreases
Version 5.0.2
The following bugs have been fixed in this release
[BC-5175] - Incorrect state of human tasks lead to a PermissionDeniedException
[BC-5176] - An error email cannot be sent during diagram publication because the cause of the problem could not be converted into an email body
[BC-5179] - NullPointerException while requesting the tasks of a specific workflow instance
[BC-5312] - If you check a diagram out, not the last local version will be opened
[BC-5424] - An export including categories could contain data from concurrently executed exports
[BC-5446] - Can’t open diagrams with char-return combinations, leading to an error message
Version 5.0.1
The following bugs have been fixed in this release
[BC-5253] - Deleted local diagram visible
[BC-5271] - Checkin and out via context menu produces uncomplete checkin process
Version 5.0.0
New features
The interactive process execution makes it possible to work with processes - completely detached from graphical modeling notations! Depending on decisions, the process flow can be brought into tabular form with a focus on pure execution of tasks.
Initially, maintained probabilities are used for the path selection and the user can interactively change the selection.
In this view, the new activity profile helps you to get an overview of the relevant information
The Layout Assistant is available for the diagram types EPC and BPMN Collaboration! It positions the satellites of an activity in corresponding quadrants at the top right, bottom right, top left, bottom left:
The choice of the quadrant is based on the coarse positioning of the user
The sequence flow is also straightened as long as the sequence is largely modeled in a corresponding line
Connection ports of satellites are corrected, but the ports of sequence connections are not changed
The mini symbol palette now has a new quick modeling function that positions the following symbols horizontally (BPMN) or vertically (EPC) by one click and connects them to the previous object
Depending on the previous modeling direction, the system decides whether the new symbol is positioned horizontally or vertically next to the previous symbol
Filter symbols for better readability of the diagram: the new filter bar allows you to hide symbol types in the diagram (transparently displayed) and in the matrix
In the diagram, the user can thus focus on the essential desired aspects. Edges connected to the filtered symbols are also provided with a transparency
Filtering of the matrix view now also takes place in the filter tab. The columns in the table can be hidden by setting the cross
The freeform palette is now generated dynamically depending on the method: the new freeform object can have several symbols, can be maintained in several languages and can be created and maintained in the catalog:
The old freeform objects (free text, rectangles, circles, etc.) remain in your existing data and are not converted to the new freeform object - the new properties only apply to newly created freeform objects.
If the method does not allow the freeform object in the context of a diagram, it is also not available in the symbol palette
The search can be configured by the administrator:
The possible and available search facets can be set
The search can now also filter for date and selection field attributes
No more publishing with unaccepted catalog suggestions: with the help of this new rule, the publication stage is kept “clean” and the quality assurance of the respective master data must take place before the publication
The predated publication is available: the system does not publish the released diagrams until the “Valid from” date (Central European Time), if the corresponding date has been maintained. If no “Valid from” date is maintained, it will continue to be published immediately after successful completion of the publication
The former attribute bar is now the new detail bar: a lot of important information is summarized and made available there
In addition to attributes, occurrences of symbols can be analyzed
The profile has been moved here
In addition to diagram information, the profile now also displays corresponding information for the selected activity
The OCL (Object Constraint Language) is supported on the method side and is also used for validating the model: this allows you to set various modeling restrictions that help users to design valid diagrams. This is for example used in BPMN Collaboration diagrams to prevent invalid message flows
The BPMN import is now also available for BPMN export: the data exchange format according to OMG (Object Management Group) specifications can now also be imported into the BIC Cloud to generate corresponding diagrams
The new diagram type “Entity-Relationship-Diagram” is available
The Profile report is only available as part of customizing
For better readability, a high contrast scheme is available and can be activated via the user profile
The following bugs have been fixed in this release
[BC-236] - The matrix report is missing the translations for the output stereotypes if the choosen language differs from German or English
[BC-464] - If activities as catalogitems are part of a pool (of type role), the association between these two is missing in the matrix view
[BC-492] - The sequence of attributes in the catalog export depends on the entries’ order
[BC-508] - The order of analysis attributes in the catalog export does not match the frontend order
[BC-564] - No readable values in the Matrix Report of diagrams and catalog if the main language isn’t German
[BC-2206] - Graphics in reports are not displayed correctly (cut off edges)
[BC-2267] - When you publish a diagram and the author has no E-Mail adress, the initiator gets an error E-Mail
[BC-2293] - When you want to publish a diagram with opened ‘Rework’ dialogue and the comment field is empty the publication will not be started
[BC-3147] - Wrong text layout in dialog for editorial change
[BC-3415] - Suggestion list for entities in inplace editing does not find substrings
[BC-3468] - The panel for changing colors is not correct framed
[BC-3731] - After importing a local diagram, new checked-in changes are saved in the old diagram in another repository
[BC-3751] - In process cost analysis report the probability decimal places are neglected
[BC-3775] - Comments don’t work on entities without name
[BC-3814] - When a favorite has a too long name, it is not possible to open the context menu
[BC-3815] - Filling with gradient looks weird, also you can not set another fill start colour
[BC-3816] - Authors and Readers have options to edit or delete comments (but changes of them will not be saved)
[BC-3820] - The more you extend something in the explorer the more its height will increase and overlap with the logo
[BC-3825] - When you depublish a diagram it will also vanish from the list in the explorer when you are not in the Publication stage
[BC-3856] - Object loses connection to pool after reattaching it
[BC-3862] - If you rename a repository, the new name will not appear in the repository selection until you reload the page
[BC-3863] - When you check out a diagram and remove its local version then the context menu of the diagram in Public Workspace still has an active Check In menu item
[BC-3898] - diagram attributes are broken after copy and paste symbols
[BC-3949] - After you Check In a diagram in fullscreen mode and use the toolbar on top, you cannot leave full screen mode anymore
[BC-4102] - Make skew time configurable for SAML
[BC-4147] - Missing options in symbol’s context menu when no symbol was selected before
[BC-4160] - If you input some Analysis Parameter with (up & down input-buttons) that’s will be not detected as a change
[BC-4222] - BPMN import fails with participants without processes
[BC-4224] - Email value of a Person can not be removed
[BC-4229] - Reorganization dialog information is not up to date
[BC-4342] - Check in a model in offline modus does not show an error message
[BC-4384] - Suggestion list of governance attributes of the diagram disappears quickly
[BC-4418] - Back navigation from the administration area does not redirect directly to diagram editor
[BC-4419] - Add User Group Function does not show new user group directly in list
[BC-4435] - Order of attributes in process warehouse export is not the same as in the cloud
[BC-4438] - If you navigate from a diagram in publication version to the catalog, the entries can not be edited
[BC-4439] - The versions tab does not update preview if the diagram is not published
[BC-4478] - Unnecessary Connection attempts by Winston Logger
[BC-4483] - Sometimes a wrong context menu appears by clicking on an object
[BC-4501] - While a diagram is checked out when you hide the sidebar the diagram will be stretched until you select something
[BC-4518] - Changing the repository name doesn’t work when content language is not German
[BC-4524] - When you double click on a symbol and then click anywhere in the canvas the diagram’s attributes will not be shown
[BC-4529] - When you right-click on empty space in the canvas while an object is selected the context menu will refer to the selected object
[BC-4532] - When navigating from occurrences to diagram, object is selected automatically
[BC-4535] - Edit shape does not work for edges
[BC-4536] - You can not change the path of a selected edge
[BC-4537] - While hovering over an edge the yellow points will not be shown
[BC-4541] - Showing Attribute symbols can not be activated or deactivated
[BC-4542] - If you rename a Repository the new name will be not assigned
[BC-4544] - No selection from catalog suggestion list for symbol possible
[BC-4545] - When a selection contains more than one object they can not be transformed
[BC-4546] - Keywords disappear in the attributes after being created
[BC-4573] - Head and footer are not displayed correct on every page after downloading pdf/jpeg/svg via print preview
[BC-4601] - DefaultValue for an enum attribute type leads to erronous display of this attribute type in attribute view of the webclient
[BC-4633] - Suggestions are displayed on top of the input field
[BC-4665] - “Favorite was changed” email does not respect user language, seems to be always german
[BC-4668] - Its not possible to delete a user which is part of a user group
[BC-4674] - Process Warehouse report shows wrong notifications in gray toast
[BC-4675] - In German UI language the text about renaming a repository in the repositroy properties is not shown completely
[BC-4726] - After double clicking on an edge the diagram attributes will not be shown until you open the attributes of another object
[BC-4728] - Linked texts are not displayed in the description in Catalog
[BC-4743] - The Process warehouse button should work even if no Category or diagram was selected
[BC-4745] - Process warehouse report on a category has an additional empty column at the beginning
[BC-4761] - In the catalog view it is not possible to toggle the “suggested filter” when the list is empty
[BC-4816] - The suggestion list of the governance attributes shows only exact matches of the beginning characters
[BC-4821] - Adding/Removing free space into a diagram does not work
[BC-4833] - Toast when checking in after session expired shows wrong error text
[BC-4834] - Toast shows wrong error text when checkin is not possible (“Data could not be saved”)
[BC-4913] - After editing attributes and check in these changes, they are not correctly displayed if you switch the content language back and forth
[BC-4939] - It is not possible to select the start color for gradient fill in the internet explorer
[BC-4956] - Empty symbol palette is shown, forcing the user to manually switch to free form
[BC-4957] - Default values of entites are set in more than the content language
[BC-4969] - Reset of date facette in the search is translated into German as “klar” instead of “zurücksetzen”
[BC-4973] - Repositories with no name (translation missing) cannot be renamed
[BC-4979] - Titles, subtitles and buttons of editor hub should have a 54% transparency
[BC-4980] - Some editorHub tabs don’t have enter animation
[BC-4987] - If there is no suggested items in the catalog the Button “only show suggested items” is just once clickable
[BC-4988] - In the manual and manual with assignments report, page is misspelled as pagge
[BC-4998] - RACI Matrix does not update if the modeler changes the diagram
[BC-5000] - If the message connection is used only once, the raci matrix is broken
[BC-5004] - Opening a warehouse report can lead to an error about its content
[BC-5007] - Diagram which is not checked in will change state to checked in automatically after changing from local workspace to the public workspace
[BC-5014] - Description field of diagram profile should be shown as the same way as entity profile
[BC-5017] - You can’t switch edge ports if the edge is marked
[BC-5018] - If the UI language is in german in administration i’m not able to set catalog suggestions
[BC-5019] - In the Administration area some buttons are not placed correctly
[BC-5046] - DE: rename “BPMN Importieren” to “BPMN importieren”
[BC-5055] - After deleting a model its graphic view is still visible
[BC-5056] - Discard local changes doesn’t reload the diagram view
[BC-5073] - User gets no Toast for process warehouse report execution
[BC-5085] - Success toast for creating a diagram only appears when you create it through the start page
[BC-5096] - Author gets “Data could not be saved successfully” Toast if he tries to check-out a diagram he is not author of
[BC-5097] - Delete a catalog entry and then reorganize throws an empty dialog window
[BC-5107] - Some catalog icons seem to be shown incorrectly in the explorer and catalog view
[BC-5111] - Checkboxes of the matrix’s filter hub should have a cross instead of a tick
[BC-5120] - The repository’s context menu has unnecessary lines at the bottom when you are not logged in as an Administrator
[BC-5122] - You cannot copy elements from a diagramm to an other if the diagramm is checked in
[BC-5124] - Catalog export fails if entities contain attribute types within custom attribute groups
[BC-5128] - Inconsistency in the report success toast for Catalog Excel Report and Warehouse Report
[BC-5140] - If the validation dialog is triggered, you can’t check in, even when you remove the causing symbol
[BC-5146] - Rename menu items of “Matrixansicht”
[BC-5155] - If I try to rename an edge within an imported BPMN diagram the canvas freezes
[BC-5162] - Validation errors are not marked by clicking on a list entry
[BC-5166] - Two different size icons on some attributes fields labels
[BC-5167] - Progress bar is not gone when press ESC
[BC-5191] - Entries in profile view should be open on default
Version 4.1.4
New features
If you no longer lock a diagram from your local workspace in the public workspace, you will receive a message after loading the diagram.
If the last checkin of the loaded diagram in the local workspace has not been completed properly, you will be alerted to it.
The following bugs have been fixed in this release
[BC-5124] - Catalog export fails if entities contain attribute types within custom attribute groups
Version 4.1.3
The following bugs have been fixed in this release
[BC-4750] - The publication of a diagram fails because the Report Service cannot serialize a transaction during report execution
[BC-4785] - A workflow cannot be started because the SCOPE attribute contains organization units without an identifier
[BC-4788] - A publish diagram workflow results in an error because the ‘send diagram published’ step tries to send an e-mail with a ‘null’ cc address
[BC-4789] - Cannot send an error email during the depublication workflow due to passing ‘null’ as a locale
[BC-4803] - Search is not working for hyphens and spaces
[BC-4847] - If the diagram has no name filled out in the user prefered language, sending an email to that user results in an error
[BC-4851] - Some use cases inside the workflow execution will result in unexpected behavior if hollow entities are used as governance attributes
[BC-4899] - Deleting a document link may not delete the document
Version 4.1.2
The following bugs have been fixed in this release
[BC-4503] - You can not open the attribute of edges with labels after a diagram was checked in
[BC-4631] - On multiple import, graphitems of edges are not adjusted
[BC-4670] - For some diagrams, the application freezes in copy overlay
[BC-4676] - Edge stereotype missing and no attributes available
[BC-4817] - Services may restart due to memory restrictions
Version 4.1.1
The following bug has been fixed in this release
[BC-4557] - Search does not allow specification of terms without wildcard
Version 4.1.0
New features
Watermarks of pools and lanes in BPMN diagrams are no longer displayed centered initially when placing them. Instead, they are only visible from a certain pool width. Furthermore, the initial watermarks are not in the center of the pool, but at its upper edge.
Administrators can restrict access to a repository in the same way as diagrams
Administrators can allow and prevent catalog suggestions for individual object types. This allows validation during modeling and automatically validation when checking in changes to diagrams.
Both the successful start of a publication workflow and the failure of the start are notified in the application.
The export “Process warehouse” is now available for diagrams and categories
A new workflow can only be started if no (de-)publication is already running for the affected diagram.
Users can also display the RACI matrix for process overviews (VCD)
The use of a non suitable browser is signaled by a notification in the application
Occurrences of an entity can now be displayed in the attributes tab
Diagrams can now be saved in the print preview as SVG, PNG and JPEG files in addition to the PDF format
Tasks display comments from users of previous workflow steps and can be edited directly on the task card without navigating to the diagram
A workflow can now be ended in the outstanding task card of governance participants
Emails sent to governance participants during the workflow allow users to navigate directly to their task list
The manual has been modernized. Next to the new layout, the additional representation of responsibilities in the process creates a further clear analysis option.
The manual with assignments is now available for process overviews (VCD) and individual processes, such as BPMN and EPC diagrams.
[BC-4165] - Individual reports can be selected and deactivated in customizing
The following bugs have been fixed in this release
[BC-1869] - Explorer in the local workspace does not update when diagram is renamed and saved
[BC-2216] - Diagram resolution too low for large diagrams
[BC-2566] - Labels in graphics (from Reports, i.e. manual report) are misplaced
[BC-2690] - In the navigator the cursor is very imprecise when you want to change the view’s size
[BC-3865] - RACI view is not available for VCD diagrams
[BC-3867] - If you change all 3 Colors only Logo background Color is applied
[BC-3899] - If you open the print preview while the RACI Matrix is open, there are no pages in the print view
[BC-3959] - If a report fails, render service goes out of memory and instance breaks down
[BC-3961] - Save button seems to be placed too much on the right in User window
[BC-3967] - Zoombar not visible in stages preview und published
[BC-4100] - Occurrence attributes are not displayed in Matrix- or Profile-view
[BC-4103] - In search diagram attributes are not shown
[BC-4105] - Required Feld asterisk (*) is missing
[BC-4107] - Diagram can not be published with multiple examiners
[BC-4130] - Indication error catalog description
[BC-4131] - SuggestionList for Assignments does not filter correct
[BC-4132] - Catalog is not realoding when stage has been changed
[BC-4213] - If a tenant only uses SSO as login, no websocket namespace is created for this tenant.
[BC-4219] - user cannot import into root category
[BC-4220] - You’ll get an error email during publishing a diagram when an Organization unit is set as an Author
[BC-4244] - successful import toast of diagram and category does not appear
[BC-4278] - Help button should be an icon button as the other buttons in administration area
[BC-4338] - Firefox wrong position menus on graph
[BC-4340] - Catalog Search Excel Export contains all entries not only the filtered entries
[BC-4343] - Password validation on client side does not allow various special chars
[BC-4350] - It is possible to rename a user group to a name of an existing group
[BC-4351] - The description for search results is not shown sometimes
[BC-4354] - Entity Occurrences not updated when changes the selection
[BC-4355] - Select an occurrence does not select the node on the diagram
[BC-4356] - Matrix filters are not are not correctly displayed
[BC-4360] - Webclient redirects to /login instead of / which leads to problems when using SSO
[BC-4408] - Scrolling down and loading in the search will deselect the previously selected result
[BC-4434] - Help button highlighting and position
Version 4.0.2
The following bug has been fixed in this release
[BC-3965] - As a user, I want to receive personalized emails
Version 4.0.1
The following bugs have been fixed in this release
[BC-3789] - Make maxAuthenticationAge configurable
[BC-3838] - When you write a new comment, the responsible person does not receive an e-mail
[BC-3900] - Opening of diagrams fail when AttributedTextNodes do not have a formula set
[BC-3906] - Auth Service 1.8.0 release does not contain UpdateUserModel
[BC-3910] - Attributes are not persisted properly when changing diagrams
[BC-3912] - Name labels of VCD activities appear at a wrong position
Version 4.0.0
New features
Additional textattributes for objects in the editor
Export BPMN diagrams as BPMN standard
Copy, save and share configured search requests or mark them as favorite
The search is now able to interpret file contents and therefore makes it possible to search for content in these formats: PDF, DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, PPT, PPTX
Use of implicit asterisks for searching to improve the quality of the results
Have a view on details by clicking on an object’s attribute chips. For example in the attribute bar, RACI matrix and in the profile view.
Sytem attributes have become part of the catalog export
Getting automatically in the editing mode after placing a new object in the editor, enables a more efficient modeling
Customization of the method by the administrators
Local occurrences of the same type will now be suggested while modeling an object
All comments within a certain context are deletable
Assigning an organizational unit as author of a diagram gives all members of that unit the permission to write on the diagram
Set organizational units as examiner
The user-specific start diagram is deletable now
Changing a favorite diagram through a catalog entry leads to a notification
Displaying names of date attributes
Oversized names get reduced for a better handling of the explorer view
The editor is extended with a navigation bar, that gives an overview of the editor, allows to adjust the zoom level and to enter the fullscreen mode
Rejected catalog entries are deleted and replaced by a selectable substitute
The creator can be notified when a catalog suggestion is for example rejected
The matrix allows to filter by actors
Administrators are able to filter users by their roles in the user administration
Administrators are able to configure which object types get part of the catalog as suggestions
Adiminstrators are able to configure the visibility of objects type for the published catalog
Rename diagrams without checking them out
Process cost analysis is available as report
Optimized and unified dialogs for the whole application
Mark objects of the symbol palette as favorites
Optimized previews of descriptions in diagrams
Arabic as new content language
Add a label for the name to a gateway object via double clicking
Task in BPMN diagrams can be marked as call activity
New optimized symbols, including immovable labels of some symbols for a better handling
The following bugs have been fixed in this release
[BC-179] - Wrong display of connections in the manual report and the profile report (circle is missing)
[BC-189] - When there is a suggestion list below a symbol and then you pull a new symbol from the symbol palette in the editor then the suggestion list will be displayed until you chose a suggestion - You can not cancel it
[BC-196] - If the report download toast is closed manually, the info “was created” also shows a loading indicator instead of a finished indicator
[BC-200] - IE11 - ‘Show suggestions only’ button in the catalog is slightly offset upwards
[BC-203] - HUB verschiebt beim Skalieren die Buttons aus dem Bild.gif
[BC-214] - Cutting a category / diagram can not be aborted with ESC
[BC-216] - Attachment-Icon in Itembar funktioniert nur nach dem Einchecken
[BC-238] - If you change the name of a repository in different content languages, for some languages the name change is not persistant
[BC-260] - Users shall be informed about a character limit when they type in a publication reason
[BC-281] - Dialog (confirmation) is missing when deleting a local diagram under Show local element only
[BC-284] - Verwendungen im Katalog werden doppelt angezeigt und Verbindungen zu Objekten werden nicht mehr angezeigt
[BC-295] - Display error in RACI Matrix
[BC-296] - Number of users in a user group gets incremented even if no user was added to the group
[BC-308] - If two reports are running simultaneously and you hide one progress toast, the finish toast will be displayed incorrectly (with spinning icon, not check mark)
[BC-309] - Report progress toast is clickable, shows time in 12h format instead of 24h and with wrong “at” instead of “um” (in german)
[BC-329] - Wenn durch Undo/Redo die Position von Symbolen geändert wird, aktualisiert sich die Position deren entsprechender Kommentarmarker erst, wenn man mit dem Cursor über den Editor fährt
[BC-330] - Save + Check in after using the stamp mode lets the object be marked in the subsequent editing, but does not work directly as a stamp
[BC-340] - Falls Diagramm leer, wird es bei Auswahl im Seitenfenster nicht markiert
[BC-343] - Unexpected bahevior in category tree when you close and open up a category
[BC-348] - You can not open a category’s context menu when its name is too long
[BC-353] - Selecting another diagram can instead open the context menu of the currently selected diagram
[BC-374] - Attributgruppe nimmt Fallbacksprache des Contents an - sollte sich genau wie Attributnamen auch verhalten
[BC-377] - Local diagrams should be in alphabetical order in the local stage
[BC-378] - Diagonale Kanten können von ihren anliegenden Symbolen gelöst und frei bewegt werden.gif
[BC-394] - IE11 Layout changes size when adding users to group
[BC-406] - Process Interfaces are displayed in the Matrix of diagrams
[BC-411] - Dokumente werden erst dann alphabetisch sortiert, wenn der Button zur alphabetischen Sortierung nicht aktiviert ist
[BC-417] - Symbol palette is displayed in content and not UI language when switching content language while checked out a diagram
[BC-428] - Changing to preview inside of versions-tab displaces the icons
[BC-438] - IE11 - By Removing used entries in a diagram from the Catalog - In the Dialog-Window overlapp the Save button with cancel
[BC-442] - Delete a local chart whose display slows down to Home
[BC-464] - Liegen Aktivitäten, deren Stammdaten vom Katalog stammen, in einem Rollen-Pool, wird in der RACI-Matrix nicht die entsprechende Beziehung zwischen Aktivität und Rolle angezeigt
[BC-465] - When a comment in the hub is too long then you can not delete this comment until it is shortened
[BC-467] - If you rename a repository, the new name will not appear in the repository selection until you reload the page
[BC-474] - Annotation’s label is empty when a list was created
[BC-475] - There are no different previews for the different shadow types
[BC-476] - Google Chrome: Menu-Divider im Kontextmenü von Diagrammen werden teilweise nicht angezeigt
[BC-485] - IE11 Icon for repository options is not aligned
[BC-500] - In local workspace, the diagrams still have the option “Check out” in the context menu
[BC-503] - Deleting a pool which contains some objects and edges causes that the edges will not be recreated by using undo and then redo
[BC-554] - Ist ein Kommentar an einem Symbol zu lang, wird der Benutzer nicht mehr angezeigt.gif
[BC-556] - Attribute-Tab springt beim Wechsel der Aktivität oder Klick auf Info einer anderen Aktivität nicht nach oben oder zur Beschreibung.gif
[BC-557] - Symbol palette has to be UI language instead of content language
[BC-565] - Diagram type should be in UI language instead of content language
[BC-881] - There is no note about a multi selection in the attribute tab if you do a multi selection by using the selection rectangle
[BC-1062] - It is not possible to maintain a responsible person for an application STABLE
[BC-1115] - The diagram name of a decomposition/Variants is not displayed when the correspondent diagrams do not exist in the same stage
[BC-1126] - There is no hint that you can not delete a diagram that is checked out by another user
[BC-1140] - Entity comment counter doesn’t update
[BC-1311] - No scrollbar in the explorer tree when there are much entries
[BC-1373] - Copy format icon has to be in active state while the operation is performed
[BC-1394] - Empty BPMN diagrams can not be exported
[BC-1426] - While on the search page the user name and current languages are not visible
[BC-1469] - If a user exports a diagram as BPMN or ZIP, all users on the server get a notification
[BC-1470] - BPMN Export fails if the diagram contains an activity with the task type “Script”
[BC-1471] - In an exported BPMN Diagram, formatted text is shown with HTML Tags
[BC-1472] - Names of Documents are missing in exported BPMN Diagrams
[BC-1473] - Loop, parallel and sequential instance and compensation Tasks are not displayed in an exported BPMN Diagram
[BC-1475] - BPMN lanes and most of their contents don’t show up in an exported diagram when using ‘application’ pools
[BC-1476] - Edge labels do not show up in the exported BPMN diagram
[BC-1671] - counter for users in group doesn’t function properly (no user was added but counter gets one more)
[BC-1698] - Persons created in catalog in local workspace cannot be used in local workspace for governance attributes
[BC-1700] - if a keyword is not confirmed with ENTER button the entered text is not deleted when clicking in editor or pressing other buttons (e.g. TAB)
[BC-1716] - Report-Service does not respect edge formatting (for example: End Arrow Type)
[BC-1719] - The scaling in the print menu doesn’t work
[BC-1730] - When you check out a diagram and remove its local version then the diagram in Public Workspace is still treated as a checked out diagram
[BC-1732] - There is no sign of working offline when the internet connection is gone
[BC-1766] - Catalog Export ignores search term
[BC-1798] - A diagram can not be checked in by using ‘Discard local changes’ when it was not checked in before
[BC-1867] - If you duplicate a symbol (STRG + D), all changes to the new symbol will be applied to the original one
[BC-1869] - Explorer in the local workspace does not update when diagram is renamed and saved
[BC-1973] - Browser back button works not correct
[BC-1977] - User is not able to mark a favorite as start-diagram
[BC-1983] - Slider in the color picker dialog doesn’t work
[BC-1990] - If you delete the “factor” value in the print view and print the diagram, the cloud crashes
[BC-2062] - RACI Matrix can’t be created if the diagram has just been checked in
[BC-2078] - Font size of diagram names in favorites isn’t as big as the font size of diagram names in the repository explorer
[BC-2085] - Favorites cannot be deleted or changed after responsible user was changed
[BC-2094] - IE11 - Graphic error in Change role dialogue
[BC-2100] - If you discard local changes in IE11, the diagram is locked by yourself
[BC-2121] - In the context menu of a multi selection there is still ‘Edit shape’ as option
[BC-2127] - When you check in a diagram by using the context menu and when the checked in version of the diagram is opened the checked out version will not be greyed out after check in
[BC-2143] - Publish via diagram context menu does not work when diagram is newly created
[BC-2277] - You can compare Local Workspace with Local Workspace when a diagram is checked out yet
[BC-2289] - After Depublication, the diagram stays in publication stage until you reload the page
[BC-2290] - Missing ‘Compare’ tooltip on ‘Publication’ in ‘Versions’ when it is greyed out yet
[BC-2292] - The ‘Rework’-Dialogue is different when you open it by clicking on the button or by using the context menu
[BC-2293] - When you want to publish a diagram with opened ‘Rework’ dialogue and the comment field is empty the publication will not be started
[BC-2296] - Diagram types in explorer should be dependent on the ui language
[BC-2299] - Connection types (in RACI matrix) should depend on the ui language
[BC-2304] - When you make a right click on an empty space in the editor there are some options in the context menu which are not needed
[BC-2380] - The messages from Bpmn-data-transfer-service are not reaching the webclient
[BC-2402] - When a diagram name is very long its name label in the menu bar and the favorite icon overlap with the editor
[BC-2438] - After multiple reattachment, a createEntityCommand was missing
[BC-2442] - In some cases, a createEdgeCommand came before the corresponding createNodeCommand and checkin failed
[BC-2450] - Application does not load , if user has a unicode character in its name
[BC-2460] - You can’t format the text of an annotation with the formatting bar in the editor
[BC-2461] - If you click outside of the editor while the suggestion list is active, stamp mode won’t work and multiselections will no longer be visible
[BC-2465] - Missing ‘Set as start diagram’ button in Favorites when you add a diagram to the favorites while its Publication version is not opened
[BC-2468] - ‘Save’ instead of ‘Speichern’ in Add user group dialogue in German UI language
[BC-2470] - Publish button for checked out diagram if you open the preview of the diagram
[BC-2479] - If entering in a very small amout of time LOTS of chars into a label of a node the hole cloud system gets very slow and unuseable
[BC-2480] - When you open a diagram as a Reader or Reviewer thorugh the Task view the Versions tab will open (also when you are a Reader) but no version is selected. So there is a Compare button in each version
[BC-2583] - Misspelling: ‘…Textattribute…’ instead of ‘…Textattribut…’ in Attribute Placement in German UI language
[BC-2593] - You can delete the name of symbols in the editor but not in the attribute tab
[BC-2624] - Right click on canvas causes deselection when in positive coordiante values
[BC-2650] - wrong text by removing an entity by rejection in the catalog
[BC-2651] - IT Systems are included in the RACI Matrix, even if they are not responsible
[BC-2652] - When you write comment on a symbol and then delete of them while the comment marker is activated there will still be a comment marker with ‘1’ at the symbol
[BC-2659] - no german translation for the filter of raci matrix
[BC-2660] - Language settings, color settings and method upload are available for non-administrative user roles.
[BC-2661] - Locked diagram does not show locking user
[BC-2662] - Additional line in Change Role dialogue
[BC-2663] - All kinds of context menus from the editor are shown in the top teft corner of the editor
[BC-2664] - Diagrams on start page are displayed flat
[BC-2680] - The favorite buttom is displayed in the editor instead of the menu bar and because of the editor’s white background you can not see this button directly
[BC-2681] - Discard local changes dialog has no clear option buttons
[BC-2688] - After login the start diagram will not be opened but the start page instead
[BC-2694] - If the diagram name is to long, in the version view it overlaps with the local workspace
[BC-2696] - Categories can not be deleted if they contain subcategories with diagrams which reference elements in the category
[BC-2791] - A reader has a ‘Change role’ button although it does not need it because there is no role which it can switch to
[BC-2792] - By choosing a long Diagram name this creates some Problems in the home page of a repository
[BC-2794] - When we write nothing in the search panel and we start a search the system freezes up
[BC-2795] - “only” is selectable twice for search facettes
[BC-2804] - If you discard local changes the diagram is locked by yourself
[BC-2812] - If you make a lane smaller so that some symbols are placed in another lane and press undo, the symbols will still be in the other lane after undo
[BC-2828] - In Local workspace diagrams will be opened from their Public workspace state. If it was not checked in yet there will be an error and the client will freeze
[BC-2830] - Reader can find catalog entries and diagrams although they were not published
[BC-2835] - The local version of a diagram can not be opened while another version of the diagram is opened
[BC-2843] - FIREFOX - You can not copy or paste by using the buttons or CTRL+C/V
[BC-2892] - FIREFOX - Symbolpalette shifts if you hit ENTER while editing a symbol in the diagram
[BC-2928] - The time to load the name of variants depends on the size of the Diagram.
[BC-2936] - Catalog does not load all entries by scrolling
[BC-2938] - When you find a diagram in the search and open it the Pubished version of it will be opened instead of the version of the actual stage
[BC-2940] - If the main language of the browser is in Enlisch notifications are mixed by english and german
[BC-2943] - It isn’t possible to change primary and secondary color in the ci-configurations
[BC-2944] - User can be created without a set language
[BC-2970] - FIREFOX - The Compare function does not have a scrollbar
[BC-2971] - When a diagram got a ‘Rework’ label on Public workspace in the label can be seen on each other checked in diagrams and the ‘Rework’ dialogue will when publishing a diagram
[BC-2974] - When you search twice for the same keyword the Filter list will disappear and the search results counter will be assigned to 0
[BC-3032] - The Attributs of entries in search results doesn’t change by clicks on serveral entries
[BC-3066] - User should be able to share the active search trough the mail sharing button
[BC-3068] - Cutting a diagram from a repository and pasting it in another repository is apparently possible (Normally that should be not possible)
[BC-3083] - A maintained URL at a symbol is not opened on double click in read mode if no other reference is maintained
[BC-3114] - In the Catalog , by removing used entries in a diagram no replacement is requested an error message comes instead
[BC-3121] - After removing a big diagram it stays in the repository tree until reloading the page
[BC-3123] - Help button is main menu is not aligned properly
[BC-3124] - In profile view is a document twice listed
[BC-3132] - Comment input field for publications has initialy the wrong size
[BC-3135] - Profile view on narrow screens
[BC-3143] - German text for the toast after reorganizing the catalog is wrong
[BC-3149] - The bar with the formatting options for annotations is missing in IE11
[BC-3152] - no translation for store search result as favorite
[BC-3154] - Migration of bytea lobs in document-service, workflow-service, report-service fails
[BC-3157] - IE11 - Scrollbar of Compare function is missing when the hub’s width is too small
[BC-3158] - Missing scrollbar in the Attribute view when the hub’s width is too small
[BC-3159] - It can not be scrolled through comments in the hub
[BC-3170] - OutputStream is not closed if providing downloadable content
[BC-3172] - When you unlock a diagram as an admin the diagram has to be reopened to check it out
[BC-3178] - translation missing for sending a comment
[BC-3215] - The help buttons on administration panel should be round
[BC-3230] - When I copy and paste my password out of my login mail I cannot login
[BC-3236] - Wrong layout in depublication dialog
[BC-3238] - After you check in a diagram, the diagram is no longer selected in the tree
[BC-3241] - Wrong german/english tooltip for alternative and content language
[BC-3255] - If you click on a link in the description, the link gets shown twice and the menu is not fully visible
[BC-3260] - By changing the stage, there is no warning that the open diagram does not exist in this new stage
[BC-3279] - When you edit the details of a catalog entry and save the changes there is a toast without text in German UI language
[BC-3307] - When navigating to a favorite after clicking on the Home Button, tree does not switch stage
[BC-3324] - A user group can not be renamed or deleted when its name is too long
[BC-3327] - Wrong layout if you click on a changed symbol in the version tab
[BC-3329] - When a symbol is found in the search which does not contain a keyword the keyword attribute is shown very imcomplete
[BC-3331] - You can’t edit comments on diagrams
[BC-3342] - Performance of requesting domain related data decreases due to calling the necessary data step by step
[BC-3398] - IE11: Alignment and padding in administration area is not correct
[BC-3400] - Text to long in matrix filter drop down for actors depending on the width of the field
[BC-3401] - Floating label of the filter field in matrix view is not aligned correctly if an actor is selected
[BC-3402] - Up button for attributes should only be available if the user navigates within the attributes view
[BC-3406] - Filter by role in administration area is not working
[BC-3411] - Selection in matrix is not styled correctly
[BC-3414] - Esc and Cancel doesn’t work as expected on dialog “The diagram has been changed”
[BC-3419] - Centered text in symbol palette (freeform) and the distance between entries is large
[BC-3422] - The arabic language breaks the line
[BC-3428] - Unnecessary copy option the context menu of edges
[BC-3435] - Wrong labels in the context menu of the Resize feature
[BC-3440] - It’s Impossible to reset a start Diagram
[BC-3450] - When you rename a diagram by using the context menu the new name will only be shown after reloading the client or reopening the repository
[BC-3453] - Link in workflow email does not lead to the diagram but to the login screen
[BC-3457] - BPMN export is omitting lanes
[BC-3462] - When you open a diagram and switch to its ‘Public workspace’ there is still shown its local version
[BC-3463] - When you click on different symbols with the same symbol type after you added some attributes to some of them the attributes will be shown in the other symbols, too
[BC-3464] - Misspelling in check in loading screen: ‘Diagramm gets checked in…’ instead of ‘Diagram gets checked in…’
[BC-3465] - Misspelling in paste loading screen: ‘Elements gets pasted…’ instead of ‘Elements get pasted…’
[BC-3466] - Misspelling when you want to import a diagram but the format is wrong: ‘falsches Format’ instead of ‘Falsches Format’
[BC-3467] - FIREFOX - You can not set symbols as favorites
[BC-3478] - When you change the stage to Local workspace the local version of a diagram will not be shown although it has one
[BC-3479] - When a diagram is opened in its local version and change the stage the diagram still show its local version
[BC-3519] - Category title for search facettes is not displayed
[BC-3527] - Wrong diagram is selected in tree if you choose cancel in the diagram change dialog
[BC-3532] - VisualData not updated after a “409 conflict” (lock exception)
[BC-3539] - When you use the search while a diagram with not saved changed is opened then there is no dialogue about saving and the client freezes
[BC-3547] - Misspelling in the canvas’ context menu: ‘Add / Remove Free Space’ instead of ‘Add / Remove free space’
[BC-3550] - When dropping an role on the canvas and immediantly trying to create an edge that results in a choice dropdown, the canvas is not useable anymore until reload
[BC-3551] - Chips in comments are deformed
[BC-3563] - Reattaching a node, undo this and reattachinga gain leads to an error and reattachment of this node is not possible anymore
[BC-3568] - if you are in private stage the search should use common
[BC-3570] - Color Inputs are not displayed correctly in IE11
[BC-3572] - after dropping an item, the inplace edit ist started. but if you directly drop another item the edited text is not applied correct
[BC-3577] - If there is more than one ContenteditableInputFields field, only the first one will work.
[BC-3590] - Right click on canvas throws error when clipboard is empty
[BC-3597] - Direct after Login In Existing Diagrams in the Tree are not clickable
[BC-3633] - If the Diagram name is to long - In the Local workspace the Diagram context menu is not shown
[BC-3640] - typing error in comments (unter einer minute)
[BC-3649] - Domain data transfer broken for diagrams in private stage
[BC-3654] - Right Click on a pool causes deselection
[BC-3675] - A big biagram cannot be published
[BC-3702] - RACI Matrix doesn’t get updated when a pool is split into two lanes
[BC-3713] - Error when you try to cut a diagram and paste it in a Category
[BC-3785] - The sorting in the tree is not deterministic
[BC-3792] - When you Filter the Search - the Counter is not updated
[BC-3807] - Misspelling: ‘SEND’ instead of ‘SENDEN’ in German UI Language
Version 3.3.5
The following bugs have been fixed in this release
[BC-2896] - You can not publish a diagram when it is too big
[BC-2913] - Performance of requesting domain related data decreases due to not using @BatchSize for attributes
Version 3.3.5
The following bugs have been fixed in this release
[BC-3274] - Replace existing SAML-Keystore
Version 3.3.4
The following bugs have been fixed in this release
[BC-3344] - Report cannot be executed if diagram has non mappable attributeTypes
[BC-3362] - Report cannot be executed if diagram has non mappable entityTypes
[BC-3363] - Catalog export fails if domain data does not match method
[BC-3421] - PublishDiagramHistoryCtrl.findAll endpoint throws an exception
[BC-3460] - adjust apigateway to changed workflow service endpoints for archive
Version 3.3.3
The following bugs have been fixed in this release
[BC-3267] - Latest published diagrams are not in versions view
[BC-3416] - Editing labels on freeforms cause application to crash entirely
Version 3.3.2
The following bugs have been fixed in this release
[BC-3407] - Follow links via Double-Click on node works again
[BC-3410] - Abort an interaction via ESC key
Version 3.3.1
The following bugs have been fixed in this release
[BC-505] - List with locally checked out diagrams is not displayed correctly in firefox
[BC-2201] - If you add text with multiple lines to an annotation in the diagram, the text will have only one line in the properties
[BC-2458] - NodeSymbol is always set to defaultSymbol from Entity
[BC-2460] - You can’t format the text of an annotation with the formatting bar in the editor
[BC-2619] - Use a simplified object when drag & drop from symbol palette, equal to when moving an existing entity in diagram
[BC-2622] - If you start inplace edit on a node via double click, the entity gets de- and reselected, which causes a new rendering of attribute view and context palette
[BC-2624] - Right click on canvas causes deselection when in positive coordinate values
[BC-2629] - Drag & Drop out of symbol palette does not work when clicking in the (vertical) middle of the label
[BC-2653] - Custom logos are sometimes cut off when the explorer has a lot of content
[BC-2663] - FIREFOX - All kinds of context menus from the editor are shown in the top left corner of the editor
[BC-2773] - When you select something in a checked in diagram the cursor looks like a move cursor
[BC-2778] - (De-)Publishing as an editorial change is not possible - The checkbox for editorial change is missing when you want to (de-)publish a diagram as an administrator
[BC-2781] - FIREFOX - In the catalog you can not scroll through the attribute view of a symbol
[BC-2782] - The stamp function to add a symbol to a diagram can only be canceled by Esc
[BC-2785] - If we want only to change some diagram attributes we don’t have the possibility to save this changes
[BC-2786] - If you use the search functions in the catalog it isn’t possible to reject an object in the catalog
[BC-2790] - Comments on symbols are not saved
[BC-2796] - Do not reload diagram from server when switching diagram views
[BC-2802] - The text “Ergebnistyp [*]” isn’t present as topic in the left menu after searching
[BC-2803] - Empty dialog shown if you click “Reorganisieren” in the catalog
[BC-2805] - Render context menus on tree items only when clicking on the menu button
[BC-2836] - Changing the content language while a symbol is selected causes that the diagram attributes will be shown in the attribute tab but with the symbol’s attribute fields
[BC-2838] - The description attribute is displayed lower than other attribute labels when it has no value
[BC-2893] - File upload input is too short in catalog view
[BC-2898] - Occurrences are not displayed for search result items on search result page
[BC-2936] - Catalog does not load all entries by scrolling
[BC-3067] - The text formatting window of an annotation does not work correctly
Version 3.3.0
New features
The possible synchronization between the BIC Cloud and an ActiveDirectory has been further expanded.
The following bugs have been fixed
[BC-2101] - Overlapping of explorer and application Logo
Version 3.2.0
New features
SSO via SAML: The automatic login can be configured for on-premises and private cloud installations in the customer project. Users who do not yet exist in the system are created with the first login.
Version 3.1.4
The following bugs have been fixed
[BC-2702] - Performance of opening diagrams decreases with more diagrams within one repository
[BC-2603] - Search service cannot convert Strings throws exception “Execution of Rabbit message listener failed.”
[BC-2597] - java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space when creating a diagramManual
[BC-2598] - “Unable to download report for execution id” due NullPointerException
[BC-2440, BC-2441, BC-2436, BC-2439] - Complex email templates can not be uploaded into the Service without reworking them before
Version 3.1.3-1
The following bugs have been fixed
[BC-2442] - Commands sent to server are in wrong order and checkin fails
[BC-3092] - When using replaced catalog item in new diagram, checkin is not possible anymore
Version 3.1.3
The following bugs have been fixed
[BC-2569] - No paragraph between checkboxes in the attributes view if there is enough space for more than one checkbox in a row
[BC-2579] - drag & drop from images
[BC-2580] - label positioning in custom symbols
Version 3.1.2
The following bugs have been fixed
[BC-2105] - When the user clicks on a category, the list with the local diagrams and diagram types is missing
[BC-2200] - Printed PDF is always in portrait mode instead of landscape
[BC-2217] - If you follow the occurrences of an object, the object is not visible in the diagram
[BC-2270] - Comments on symbols are not displayed correctly
[BC-2308] - zoom factor on old diagrams leads to blank canvas
[BC-2312] - switch from diagram view to matrix view and back
[BC-2317] - Responsible applications are not shown in the matrix as executing column
[BC-2364] - Double clicking on activity with one decomposition does not open it
[BC-2372] - Diagrams having long names are shown as centered text in favorites panel
[BC-2437] - Copy and paste revokes catalogstates of entities
Version 3.1.1
New features
Searching for keywords: Searching for keywords is now even easier in the integrated search engine of BIC Cloud. Simply click on the desired keyword in the attribute bar of the search, so that you will see all entries that have the same keyword in their attributes.
List of all decompositions and attachments: If several decompositions and/or attachments are maintained within the attributes of an object, a list of all of them is displayed when you click onto the object. This allows a targeted navigation.
Integrated upload function in the attribute bar: You can now link documents, images etc. with objects by using the intuitive upload function in the attribute bar. Simply click on the upload arrow in the field “Attachment (URL)” or just drag the desired document into the attribute bar.
Note for expired diagrams: If the validity period of a diagram is exceeded, a warning will be displayed in the publication stage.
Optimized display of occurrences: In the list of occurrences of objects, all nodes are now enumerated. If, for example, an object is input and output of different activities at the same time, the object is displayed two times, once in each of its functions.
Extension of matrix representation: In addition to roles, the matrix representation now also contains inputs, outputs, IT-systems and risks, which are displayed in the respective column.
Performance improvement when switching views: If you change the view/representation of your diagram, no re-connection to the server is necessary anymore. In this way, when you change the view, the same information will be displayed in a different representation, even if the diagram has been changed at the same time.
Performance improvement when checking in and out: If you check your diagram in or out, no re-connection to the server is necessary anymore. In this way, when you check in or out, the same information will be displayed before and afterwards.
Display of the current role: In the upper right corner you now see your current role alongside your user name. In this way, you are able to see at one glance which rights you are currently having. There is the possibilty to change your user role.
Improvement of the attribute view: Attributes are no longer provided by a retrieval of the server, but by the diagram itself. This improves the loading speed of especially governance attributes.
Adjusting the background color: As an administrator, you can change the background color of the logo area so that it harmonizes perfectly with your logo.
Integration of links in the description field: You have the possibility to add links to your description text. Use the add link feature in the description text of the attribute field.
Expand and collapse attribute groups: Attribute groups, such as the governance attributes, can now be expanded and collapsed with a simple click.
Re-open BIC Cloud through the last visited repository: The system remembers which repository you were working on last, so you will be redirected to this repository when you log in again.
Indication for denied access: If you do not have access to a specific diagram, you now see an image in the workspace that tells you that you are not allowed to open this model.
Adjustment of the symbol for occurrence attributes: Occurrence attributes are now represented by the plugpin symbol to indicate that the attributes only apply to this specific node.
The BPMN Collaboration diagram has been extended to include the event-based gateway and data store. In addition, there are some extensions and reorganizations of object attributes.
The following bugs have been fixed in this release
[BC-178] - Header and footer are not printed
[BC-235] - Inclusive Or Gateway has no mini symbol palette
[BC-273] - Search for Keywords, Attachement URLs, Identifier, version, scope and access restriction is not working
[BC-297] - If a refinement and several variants are maintained for an activity, only links to two of the diagrams are displayed after a double-click on the activity. In addition, the IDs of the diagrams are displayed in the list instead of the names
[BC-1136] - Show properties context menu not opens the attributes view
[BC-1498] - No warning window that a diagram is not saved when you leave an unsaved diagram
[BC-1725] - IE11 - The diagram’s ‘Valid From’ and ‘Valid To’ attributes will not be saved after check in
[BC-1866] - Area to upload a new logo is very small if there is not already a logo set
[BC-1880] - When changing the role, do not always switch to “published” state.
[BC-1883] - If you try to open a checked out diagram in a new tab, it only opens a blank tab
[BC-1898] - It is not possible to open a favorite diagram by selection in the favorite list
[BC-1909] - There are some representation errors in RACI matrixes which are scrollable
[BC-1974] - Matrix view: When scrolling on many lines, the line with column headings disappears
[BC-1975] - Matrix view: Column sorting of the matrix view inconsistent
[BC-1982] - Catalog filter can not be deselected in the explorer
[BC-1983] - Slider in the color picker dialog doesn’t work
[BC-1993] - Gateways cannot create a label with F2
[BC-2009] - IE11 - On Local Workspace all diagrams are shown as selected
[BC-2055] - The search facets are not reset when searching for keywords
[BC-2072] - In IE11 you can’t set date values in the catalog
[BC-2075] - Wrong layout for the dialog to replace a catalog entry with another one in IE11
[BC-2086] - Firefox - The diagram’s ‘Valid From’ and ‘Valid To’ attributes will not be saved after check in
[BC-2092] - When you change your role to Reader you can still edit published diagrams which are checked out
[BC-2099] - email comparison to find authors etc. is case sensitive
[BC-2126] - Tabbing or clicking into description attribute causes a copy of a approved catalog entity because it is threated as change
[BC-2145] - RACI Matrix does not account for application pools without role pools
[BC-2188] - Workflow email failure “questions to the responsible person”
Version 3.1.0
New features
Performance improvement: Performance improvement when opening diagrams.
Improved comment display: Comments to objects are no longer displayed as a speech bubble at the respective object, but clearly visible in the center of the screen.
Start diagram: A user can set a diagram from his favorites as his personal start diagram so that it is opened directly at login.
Advanced search results: In addition to diagrams the search now also finds objects and provides the option of navigation via the occurrences of the objects.
Enriched Matrix: The alternative representation “Matrix” now also contains IT-systems as executing actors for BPMN and EPC diagrams.
Dynamic model comparison: A clear graphical highlight of the changes to earlier versions and the possibility to get directly to the object details is available to you.
Display of the local workspace: The “Show only local diagrams” function can now be found under “Change stage”. This further enhances the clarity of the system, especially for modelers. The function is now called “Local Workspace”.
Change the authorization role: The active role in the system can be switched if you have more rights than only “Reader”. This makes it easier for you to get into the role of other users and to view the system from the perspective of your employees.
Discard changes: Modelers can discard local changes via the context menu of the checked-in diagram.
Searching in the catalog: The search in the catalog shows the active search term permanently. This gives you a better overview of the displayed content of your catalog and you have the possibility to further restrict it.
Improved catalog display: The catalog can be unfolded and then displays all available object types as a filtering option.
Copy of formatting: The copying of a specific format is available to modelers as a functionality in the menu bar. This allows you to transfer formatting from one object to the another.
Reorganization of the catalog: If the filter is active, you can reorganize the selected object types. That means that unused (not modeled in a diagram) catalog entries are deleted. Keep in mind that decompositions are not yet considered as used in a diagram - this means that you should control persons’ objects manually, since these are not necessarily shown in the diagram but could be deposited as a governance participant.
Editing diagrams: Authors can only edit diagrams when they are maintained as authors in the model attributes. If you check in a diagram where the author has not been specified, the system will notify you.
Reminder when attempting to publish a checked-out diagram: Checked-out diagrams cannot be published, so the system tells you to check them in.
Comment when rejecting a published diagram: In case of rejection of a published diagram, a comment has to be given. In addition, the initiator receives a rework task.
Task list for releases: A list of tasks for upcoming and completed workflows is available to governance participants.
Depublication: The depublication (removal of a diagram from the publication) is now available.
E-mail delivery when publishing and depublishing: Users who have saved a diagram as a favorite or have it within their scope will be informed by e-mail when the diagram is published or depublished.
Bilingual e-mail delivery: Depending on the setting in the user details, the e-mail is sent in German or English.
Adjustment of colors and logo: In the administration area, you can set the company colors and the company logo. These settings affect all users.
Version 3.0.3
New features
Performance IE11: Various performance enhancements within the Internet Explorer 11 browser has been made.
Comments on process steps: The comment function is available not only on diagrams, but also on diagram content. Thus, the content in diagrams can be discussed more specifically.
Dynamic diagram comparison: The diagram comparison shows you your changes live. By selection in the diagram, the changes are highlighted. You can e.g. compare your local work status with the published version, or even two archived versions of the same diagram.
Multifaceted search function: The search shows your results depending on the search filters (“facets”) set. The search filters work additively - the more you activate in various categories, the less results you have left.
Version 3.0.2
New features
Watermarks: Watermarks are available in several languages and display the name of the respective object in the selected language. These are initially activated in the background of pools and lanes. You can also edit the watermarks in the formatting palette. If you rename the watermark itself in the formatting palette, it will no longer automatically display the name of the object.
Diagram display in a new tab: You can open a diagram in a new browser tab. To do this, you must click the “Open in a new window” option in the context menu of your diagram.
Change workspace: Users can change their workspace - this is done either centrally from your active repository in the context menu or on the diagram by changing the versions. That way for example a modeler can view the entire repository in the publication version, in order to see what already has been released.
Cross-model copying: The copying of diagram content can now be done across diagrams of the same type. Note that resources (such as roles, applications, risks and controls) are reused and process flow elements (such as events, activities and operators) are newly created. As a result, connections from and/or to new elements must be recreated.
Search: You can search for attributes of your diagrams. The search result page shows intelligent filtering possibilities, attributes as well as descriptions and offers the possibility to directly move to the diagram profile. The latter can be found in the lower right corner of the page.
Notifications when generating a report: During the generation of a report, the system displays a progress indicator. If you close this indicator, you will receive another message after completion, which will allow you to download the report.
New loading indicator: If you open large diagrams, you will see a loading indicator for the duration up to the display of the diagram. This indicator has been updated and the design has been optimized.
Archiving diagrams: When you publish your diagrams, PDF archive entries are created from these diagrams. The archive entries are created in the same languages in which the content is maintained in your diagram.
Version 3.0.1
New features
Attribut-bar in the catalog: When opening the catalog, the attribute-bar appears simultaneously. That way, you can see the most important information at first sight.
Filtering settings: The filtering settings in the catalog are retained while navigating in the Cloud, so that they are still active when you return to the catalog. Additionally, the dialog for creating new catalog entries is preselected with the filtered type.
Group-based authorization management: Besides the role-based authorization management, there is also the possibility to assign authorizations based on groups. In order to do so, you simply have to match your users with the appropriate group. It facilitates the authorization of users. Note, that users can be assigned to more than one group.
Dynamic tooltip: Descriptions to objects are displayed in a dynamic tooltip as soon as you place your mouse over the highlighted information symbol („i“) in the diagram.
RACI-matrix-illustration: The RACI-matrix-illustration is an alternative view of EPC- and BPMN Collaboration Diagrams. It provides an understandable overview of the responsibilities in your process.
Check-in reminder: In case you did not check in an edited diagram, you will receive a reminder to do so when leaving the site (Internet Explorer) or when logging out (Internet Explorer and Chrome). Therefore the diagram is unlocked for other users.
Mini symbol palette: A mini-symbol palette is now available for modeling. This allows you to easily create your diagrams from step to step, without having to search for the next symbol. The connections between the symbols are created automatically.
The following bugs have been fixed in this release
The output of too many download messages during the creation of the catalog export in certain constellations is now corrected.
Selections will remain active when you switch between symbols and symbol formatting.
Some improvements have been made for the Internet Explorer.