
How do I add diagrams, dashboards and catalog lists to my favorites?

Favorites are used to quickly find diagrams and catalog lists, which are often edited or important for another reason. Diagrams, catalog lists and dashboards marked as favorites can be found on your myBIC page. Your personal favorites are not stored in the browser and are therefore available to you independently of the browser used. Pay attention to the stage in which you are located, because the favorites are stage-dependent. So you can favor a diagram, a catalog list and a dashboard in several stages.

Mark diagram as favorite:

Navigate to the desired diagram in the diagram list and open it by clicking on the entry. In the header will now appear the menu area, the diagram name and the favorite star.

In the header, the "Mark as favorite" button in shape of a star appears next to the name of the diagram.

If the diagram is not yet marked as a favorite in this stage, the star button is called Mark as favorite and only the outline of the star is visible. By clicking on the star, you add the diagram to your favorites.

The screenshot shows the list of favorites. The star button of a favorite is filled in.

The star is now filled. Depending on the stage in which you have added the diagram to your favorites, you will always be notified by e-mail about changes to the diagram in this stage. This also applies to indirect changes to the diagram through modified and potentially reused catalog items. For example, in the public workspace, you receive a notification if the diagram is deleted or if changes are checked in.


Only checked-in diagrams can be added to or removed from your favorites.

Mark catalog list as favorite:

Navigate to the catalog in the menu. If you have at least one catalog entry in your list, a star will appear in the header. Additionally, the stage where you can mark the catalog list as a favorite will be displayed.

In the header, the button "Mark as favorite" is displayed next to the name of the catalog list, indicated by a star icon with the stage.

If you have applied at least one filter to your catalog list and now want to save it as a favorite, a dialog window will appear. Here, you need to enter a favorite name under which you want to save the catalog list. Your favored catalog list, along with the entered name and the number of existing entries, will then be displayed on your myBIC page in your content language.

The screenshot shows the dialog window for favoring a catalog list.


Your already favored filtered catalog list will be updated when a catalog entry with corresponding filters is added or removed in the same stage.


When you navigate to the catalog from your favored catalog list, the results are displayed in the language in which the catalog list was favored. If your current language settings differ from those of the displayed catalog entries, you will get a hint.

Mark dashboard as favorite:

Navigate to Diagrams or Catalog in the menu and navigate to dashboard. When you hover over a dashboard tile, a star will appear in the top right corner of the tile. Click on the star to add the dashboard tile to your favorites.

The screenshot shows a dashboard tile, which can be added to favorites.

After clicking on the star, a dialog window will appear asking you to enter a name for the favorite.

The screenshot shows the dialog window for favoring a dashboard.

Click on Add to add the dashboard to your favorites. It will now be displayed on your myBIC page along with your other personal favorites in alphabetical order.

The screenshot shows the favored dashboards on the myBIC page.

Additionally, your favored dashboards will be sorted alphabetically and displayed at the top of the corresponding dashboard.


You can rename your personal favorites if necessary.

How do I remove a favorite?

For diagrams, navigate to Diagrams, select the desired diagram list entry, and open it with a simple click on the entry. For catalog lists, navigate to Catalog and apply filters (if used). For the dashboard, navigate to the corresponding menu entry to Dashboard.

Alternatively, you can also access the diagram favorites or the favored catalog list through the corresponding tile on your myBIC page. In the header, you will now see a filled favorite star next to the chart name or the catalog list. In the dashboard, it will appear in the favored dashboard tile.

The "Unmark as favorite" button in the shape of a star next to the name of the diagram is shown here.

Click on this star named Unmark as favorite. The diagram, the catalog list or the dashboard has then been successfully removed from your favorites and the star is now only framed.

How can I rename a personal favorite?

When you are on the myBIC page of the new user interface, you can view your personal favorites. When you open the context menu of a personal favorite, you will be offered the option to rename the favorite.

The screenshot shows the opened context menu with the option "Rename favorite".

By selecting this option, a dialogue box appears which contains an input field with the current name, a Cancel option and a Rename option.

The screenshot shows the options "Cancel" and "Rename".

To update the name, you can click in the input field and enter the desired name. If you change your mind, you can cancel the changes at any time by selecting the Cancel option. This will not save the changes you have made and the favorite will keep its original name. However, if you select the Rename favorite option again, the updated name changes will be applied to the favorite. This takes into account the change in the user’s active content language. The dialogue box is then closed and the updated name of the favorite is immediately visible on the tile.

How can I activate/deactivate notifications for favorites?

When you mark a diagram as a favorite, you will receive e-mail notifications regarding any changes made in the stage where the diagram is favored. To deactivate notifications, go to your myBIC page and open the context menu of your personal diagram favorite. Click on the option Turn notifications off to stop receiving e-mail notifications.

The screenshot shows the "Turn notifications off" option in the context menu of the personal diagram favorite.

If you want to reactivate the notifications, click on Turn notifications on in the context menu of your personal diagram favorite. This will allow you to receive e-mail notifications again about new changes in the diagram.

The screenshot shows the "Turn notifications on" option in the context menu of the personal diagram favorite.


Please note that you will not receive notifications about changes in the diagram that were made while the notifications were deactivated.

Additionally, there is an option to deactivate notifications by default when marking a diagram as a favorite. However, if you want to receive e-mail notifications about changes, you can activate this through the hint at the bottom right corner of the page.

The screenshot shows a notification about activating notifications for personal diagram favorites, which are disabled by default.


You cannot deactivate notifications for default favorites.