Useful hints

In this chapter, you find some concluding tips that facilitate the handling of BIC Process Design.

Which is the best position for the diagram?

Align your diagrams at the 0/0 position to ensure that they will be displayed optimally in the editor after checking-in.

How can I navigate the diagram more easily?

In addition to horizontal and vertical scrolling, you can move the diagram with the right mouse button in the editor of the local and public workspace. If you look at the diagram in preview or publication stage, this works by pressing the right mouse button. In addition, the navigator is available.

How can I make a multi selection?

A multi selection is possible in the modeling view of the local and public workspace. Select several elements at the same time, either by dragging with pressed mouse key over the area in which these elements are located or by holding the CTRL key and clicking on the corresponding symbols. Also note the possible shortcuts.

How can I deselect objects in a diagram?

If you have selected too many elements at the same time, you can remove individual objects from the selection by deselecting them. To do this, hold down the Shift key and click on the wrongly selected object.

How can I extend the search for specific terms?

With *, e.g. “*word”, you can extend your search to show results that include the entered term.

How can I see the description of an object?

If you have maintained a description of an object, the corresponding attribute symbol “i” is highlighted on the object. Hold the mouse over this symbol. A tooltip with the description appears as a preview. Alternatively, you can also see the description of the object by clicking on the attribute symbol or by opening the attributes tab.

How can I invoke subprocesses easily?

You have the possibility to invoke subprocesses by double-clicking on the object, if you are not in the editing mode. Alternatively, click the diagram symbol for subprocesses and variants.

How can I deposit websites in the attachments?

In the attribute-tab, you can deposit websites in the attachments by typing in the URL and confirming with the “Return”-key.

How can I shift diagrams?

Cut the desired diagram using the functionality Cut in the context menu More options in order to shift it into another category. Use the context menu entry Paste of a category to finally shift the diagram. Note, that this cutting is not possible for diagrams that are locked by another user or have never been checked in before.

Where can I exercise modeling?

In order to learn new methods and test modeling, please create a repository named “Playground“. That way, you can prevent inconsistent catalog-entries in your productive repository.

Should I always use the same browser for modeling?

After checking-out, your diagrams will be saved locally in the local storage of your browser. Therefore, you should always use the same browser.

What should I look for when translating objects?

Be aware that accepted catalog-entries cannot be changed by modelers and hence cannot be translated within the editor. Please go to the catalog and open the details to change the attributes of the object in the desired language. You can swap the set content and alternative language simply by clicking on the display at the top right of your user name. For example, the application changes from (EN/DE) to (DE/EN).

What should I look for after modeling?

Please, save your diagrams regularly and check them in, to avoid data loss and to make them available for other users. A diagram is locked for other users, if you do not check it in.

What should I consider after working with BIC Process Design?

Please do always log out at the end of a session. This will inform you about checked out diagrams. These should be checked in as far as possible in order to unlock them for other users and also to avoid data loss. Local workstations are stored in the Local Storage of your browser and will be lost if this state is deleted.

How can I unlock a diagram?

If a diagram is checked out by another user, it is locked for you. As an administrator, you have the option to unlock a diagram. To do this, select the entry Unlock diagram in the context menu of the diagram in the public workspace. If you have at least modeling rights, but not administrator rights, it is not possible to unlock the diagram. You can only contact the user who locks the diagram by clicking on the lock symbol in the editor.

How can I discard changes to the diagram?

If you have edited a diagram but do not want to check in your changes, you can “discard local changes”. Navigate to the context menu of the diagram and select the corresponding entry.