Variant management
A variant is a direct copy of the original diagram or catalog object that can be edited as required. The variant is adopted in the maintained content languages of the original diagram or catalog object. This is helpful, for example, if a process is generally used in the company but adaptations are required in individual countries.
How can I create a diagram variant?
As an Author, Editor, and Administrator, you have the ability to create variants of checked-in diagrams in the Public workspace.
First, open the context menu for the diagram from which you intend to create a variant and select the Create variant option.
A dialog window will open, where you can adjust the name of the diagram as required. The name of the original diagram will be displayed in the input field by default.
Then, click on Create to create a variant. If you want to cancel the process, click on Cancel. After the variant is created, the diagram will be displayed as the top entry in the category you are in. To obtain an alphabetically sorted list, please refresh the page.
Once the variant has been created, you will be able to locate the attribute Variant origin in the Details panel when diagram is checked-out. This will establish a reference to the original diagram from which the variant was created.
Once a variant is created, you are automatically entered as the author in the governance attribute, depending on whether you or one of your user groups is entered as the author in the original diagram. You can then check out the variant and edit it. This also applies if you are not yet stored as a person object in the catalog. In this case, the system will automatically create an accepted person object as a catalog entry.
It is also possible to create variants of variants.
How can I compare diagram variants?
You have the option of comparing variants with each other. You can compare both the base diagram with a variant and a variant with another variant.
To do this, click on Variants in the options of the checked-in or checked-out diagram.
You can then select the stage, a diagram variant and the version for comparison. Then click on Compare to compare a diagram variant with the diagram being displayed.
If the diagram being displayed contains at least one object that is different from the diagram variant, the object is listed in one of the following sections:
Not included in displayed diagram: The object is not included in the displayed diagram.
Only included in displayed diagram: The object is included in the displayed diagram only.
Different attribute value: The object has different attribute values in the displayed diagram.
How can I highlight the differences between the diagram variants in color?
To highlight a different in the diagram variant in color, you can click on the object of the corresponding section.
Non-existent object cannot be colored in the diagram and appear only in the Not included in displayed diagram section.
The object is then highlighted in the section and in the displayed diagram. A green marker indicates Only included in displayed diagram and a yellow marker indicates Different attribute values.
If only objects have been rearranged between the displayed diagram and the diagram variant, the diagram name has been changed, or no changes have been made, you are notified that no changes were detected during the comparison.
How can I add or remove objects when comparing diagram variants?
You can add or remove objects while you are comparing a diagram variant with the displayed diagram. To do this, you must have checked out the displayed diagram.
When you move the mouse pointer over the Not included in displayed diagram section, the Add to diagram button appears. This allows you to add the object to the diagram that is included in the diagram variant but not in the diagram being displayed.
When you move the mouse pointer over the Only included in displayed diagram section, the Remove from diagram button appears. This allows you to remove the object from the diagram that is included in the displayed diagram but not in the diagram variant.
Clicking the respective button will execute the action immediately, and the change will no longer appear in the comparison. The only way to undo the action is to discard the local changes or click Undo (alternatively CTRL+Z) in the editor.
Where can I see and apply changes to attribute values between diagram variants?
To view the changes to the object’s attribute values in the displayed diagram, move the mouse pointer to the Different attribute values section. This will display the Show changes button. Click this button to view the changes.
This opens a table showing the changes made to the selected object. The left column lists the changes made, while the middle and right columns allow you to compare the differences between the displayed diagram (middle column) and the diagram variant (right column). To close the table, click Close.
If you have clicked on the Show changes button in the checked-out diagram, you will find an Update option in the displayed table. This allows you to apply the diagram variant’s attribute value to the displayed diagram. Then click Confirm to finalize the change.
If you clicked Update for the wrong attribute value, you can undo it by clicking Undo update. To discard all changes, click Cancel.
How can I create a catalog variant?
As an Author, Editor, and Administrator, you have the ability to create variants of catalog objects in the Public workspace.
First, open the context menu for the catalog objects from which you intend to create a variant and select the Create variant option.
A dialog window will open, where you can adjust the name of the catalog object as required. The name of the original catalog object will be displayed in the input field in the active content language by default.
Then, click on Create variant to create a variant. If you want to cancel the process, click on Cancel. After the variant is created, the catalog object will be displayed as the top entry if the option Open details after creation is deactivated. To obtain an alphabetically sorted list, please refresh the page.
Once the variant has been created, you will be able to locate the attribute Variant origin in the Details when you open the catalog object. This will establish a reference to the base catalog object from which the variant was created.
Once a variant is created, you are automatically entered as the author in the governance attribute, depending on whether you or one of your user groups is entered as the author in the base catalog object. You can then edit the variant. This also applies if you are not yet stored as a person object in the catalog. In this case, the system will automatically create an accepted person object as a catalog entry.
It is also possible to create variants of variants.
Please note that Catalog variants and base catalog objects cannot be rejected if they are a catalog suggestion. However, they can be changed from an accepted catalog object back to a catalog suggestion.
What happens if the base catalog object is deleted?
When you delete a base catalog object, another dialog windows appears asking you to confirm the deletion.
Once you confirm the deletion, the base catalog object no longer exists in the catalog and can no longer be displayed in the catalog variants. However, the catalog variants still indicate that the catalog variant is a variant.
How can I compare catalog variants?
For catalog objects that have a catalog variant or are a catalog variant, all catalog variants for the selected catalog object can be compared with each other in all stages.
To view the differences between a catalog object and its variant, base, or variant sibling, first navigate to the catalog and select a catalog object that has at least one existing catalog variant. Then, go to the Options tab in the right sidebar and click on Variants.
Please note that if the option is not displayed, there is no variant for the catalog object.
After clicking on the Variants option, you can select the stage, a catalog variant, base, or variant sibling of the selected catalog object, and a version you want to compare with the active catalog object. Access to the versions varies depending on your role:
As an Administrator, Editor, or Author, you can select any stage, as well as any version of the selected catalog variant within those stages.
As a Reviewer, you can select the Preview and Publication stages, as well as any version of the selected catalog variant within those stages.
As a Reader, you can select the Publication stage as well as any version of the selected catalog variant within that stage if you have been granted access permission. Otherwise, you can only access the active version and the latest version of the catalog variant.
If there are no changes in other stages or only one variant of the catalog object exists, you cannot change the catalog variant / version for comparison.
Once you have selected the stage, catalog variant, and version for comparison, click on the Show differences button. All differences between the selected catalog variant and the active catalog object will be listed. These differences are categorized as follows:
Only included in displayed version: The attribute is available only in the active catalog object.
Not included in displayed version: The attribute is not available in the active catalog object, but only in the selected catalog variant.
Different attribute values: The attribute has different attribute values in the active catalog object compared to the selected catalog variant.
If there are no differences between the active catalog object and the selected catalog variant, you will be informed accordingly.
Only the names of the attribute types are displayed in the list. To get more detailed information about the differences, click the Compare details button. A table will then appear, showing a comparison of the differences between the listed attributes.
The left column highlights the differences by color, while the middle and right columns provide a comparison between the active catalog object (middle column) and the selected catalog variant (right column). To close the table, click Cancel.
How can I apply changes from a catalog variant to the active catalog object?
To apply changes from a catalog variant to the active catalog object, first go to the catalog and select a catalog object. Then, go to the Options tab in the right sidebar and click on Variants.
Please note that if the option is not displayed, there is no variant for the catalog object.
Next, you can select a stage, a catalog variant of the selected catalog object and a version to compare to the active catalog object, and view the differences by clicking the Show differences button. By clicking Compare details, you can open a table that clearly presents the differences in the listed attributes.
To apply attribute values from the selected catalog variant to the active catalog object, you must have at least the Author user role and be working in the public workspace. You can then click the Update button next to the attribute value you want to apply. The active catalog object will now adopt the attribute value from the selected catalog variant.
To undo the change, click the button again, which is now be labeled Undo update. Alternatively, you can cancel the process by clicking Cancel. To save your changes, click the Confirm button.
Please note that changes can only be made if the catalog object has been accepted and you or your user group have been maintained as the author of the catalog object.