The myBIC page can be reached via the menu item named myBIC. The following questions arise for myBIC.
Which tiles do I see in myBIC?
Click on the entry with the same name in the menu to display myBIC.
Then you can see the following different tiles:
Start diagram: This tile is displayed, if a company-wide start diagram is set, and shows the preview of this diagram.
Default favorites: Default favorites are tiles that the administrator can create for the users in the administration area. Note that these cannot be removed independently by the user themselves. The display of the default favorites is sorted alphabetically.
Diagram: For each diagram favorite, a separate “Diagram” tile is displayed, which includes the diagram as a preview. The favorites are sorted alphabetically by name, which also form the header of the tile.
Catalog list: For each catalog list favorite, a separate “Catalog list” tile is displayed, named according to your chosen name. The favorites are sorted alphabetically by name. The number of catalog entries is displayed, and the corresponding catalog entries are listed within the tile. If there are many catalog entries, a scroll bar appears within the tile, allowing you to see all the entries. For each entry, you see the name, the icon of the entry type, and the time of the last change.
Dashboard: For each dashboard favorite, a separate “Dashboard” tile is displayed, named according to your chosen name, which includes the dashboard as a preview. The favorites are sorted alphabetically by name. The icon of the tile is assigned based on the one of the diagram or catalog in which you marked the dashboard as a favorite.
Search result: For each search favorite, a separate “Search result” tile is displayed, named by the favorite. The favorites are sorted alphabetically by name. The number of search results is displayed, and the corresponding results are listed within the tile. If there are many search results, a scroll bar appears within the tile, allowing you to see all the results. For each result, you see the name, the icon of the result type, and the time of the last change.
If no tiles are available, this is noted accordingly. However, if tiles are available, they are sorted according to the start diagram and the favorites. The favorites can be divided into default favorites and personal favorites (diagram, catalog list, dashboard, search result). The tiles are displayed in a fixed order, starting with the start diagram, followed by the default favorites, and ending with the personal favorites.
In the tiles, that represent diagrams and dashboards, you can navigate to the respective diagram or dashboard by clicking on the tile or the tile header. Moreover, you can click on a diagram or object list entry of the search results to be redirected to the respective diagram. If the objects in the search results are catalog items, you can access the detailed view in the catalog by clicking on them.
In the mobile view, you get a list instead of tiles. By clicking on a diagram or dashboard in the list entry, you will be forwarded directly. For a catalog list favorite or search favorite, all catalog entries or search results are first listed with one click and can then be opened as described above.
A diagram-specific preview is available if the diagram has been changed since version 5.3.0 and if it is in preview or publication stage. Otherwise, a preview will be displayed for the respective diagram type.
How can I remove a favorite from my myBIC page?
You can remove a favorite diagram, a favored catalog list, a favored dashboard or favored search result directly from your myBIC page. Use the menu to navigate to the myBIC page and find the tile you want to remove. Open the context menu in the header of this tile.
Select the option Remove from favorites there. The tile disappears from your myBIC page directly.
Users cannot remove default favorites that have been configured in the administration. Therefore, no context menu is displayed at these tiles. Further information can be found in the linked user documentation of the old user interface.