How can I use the Search in BIC Process Design?
You have the possibility to use a global search in BIC Process Design. To do that, choose the menu option search in the left menu bar.
The search results depends on the current repository, stage and currently selected content language. Enter the search term into the search field and confirm by pressing the Enter key or the magnifier glass.
It is searched in the currently opened repository. The search results are displayed in a list sorted by relevance for the search term. In the top bar, the number of results is shown.
The search results thereby include all entities (diagrams and catalog items) in BIC Process Design. By clicking on the respective search result, you will be redirected to its detail page.
In order to specify and adapt your search, you can activate the checkbox Expert search. If you use an asterisk (*) in the search term, it is activated automatically. The expert search enables you to include Boolean operators, wildcards or special characters in your search query. You can find a list of all expert search possibilities in the section about the options of the search.
Moreover, you can filter the search results.
How can I search for specific content in BIC Process Design?
You can also search in BIC Process Design for specific entities. You currently have the possibility to use the search function in the diagram list, the catalog and the Governance Cockpit.
A search always depends on the selected stage and content language. The stage does not change by navigation. If you are searching in the stage Publication and English is your content language, all objects and diagrams maintained in this language and existing in the publication will be listed.
In all three functional areas, the search field is displayed in the Filter panel.
Enter the search term into the search field and confirm by pressing the Enter key or the magnifier glass.
It is searched in the currently opened repository. The search results are displayed in a list sorted by relevance for the search term. In the top bar, the number of results is shown.
Click the X icon to cancel the search and view all entries of the list again.
In case the search entry is a diagram you can open it directly with a click on the name.
What options do I have to search for specific terms?
Always keep in mind the search functions described below:
The search is not case-sensitive.
Line breaks and successive blanks are treated as one single blank.
Phrase search: If the search term is enclosed in quotation marks, the search term is not changed, e.g. “process implementation”. Here the search term must occur exactly in the searched data, and no wildcards characters are interpreted.
The following options are available for the search terms in the simple search.
Search for one word: If the search term does not contain wildcard characters, the search term will be searched at every position, e.g. a search for “Process” will find “Process model” as well. Process is virtually expanded to Process* and then used to search the content.
Search for several words: If two or more words are searched for, the words are concatenated using or. So it is sufficient, if one word exists. Here are also wildcards (*) added, e.g. process implementation is searched as process* OR implementation*.
Expert search:
In the central search, you can enable the expert search. Then you can use the following search options.
Search with special words: The search knows special words, which are interpreted, if they are part of the search term: AND, OR and NOT
AND concatenated words must both exist in the results, e.g. development AND software
OR concatenated words can appear in the results, but do not need to. It is sufficient, if one of the words exists.
A NOT concatenated search word must not exist in the results, e.g. development NOT software
Note: Do not mix up with the search for several words (see above), since wildcards are added there. This is not done, if one of the special words occurs.
You can use “!” or “-” instead of NOT (without the quotes).
Search with special characters: The search knows special characters, which are interpreted, if they are part of the search term: +, - and !
These characters are not allowed at the beginning of a search term.
If a + precedes a search word, this word must exist in the results, the first search word is optional, e.g. development +software.
If a - or a ! precedes a search word, this word must not exist in the results, e.g. development -software or development !software.
Search words with NOT, - and ! give the same results.
Search term with wildcard characters: These characters serve as placeholders in resp. at search terms to find more relevant results. By using a wildcard, the search term is expanded by an arbitrary number of characters. You can manually add wildcards to your search term. By default BIC Process Design automatically searches with wildcards at the end of every word.
The star * stands for none, one or more characters, e.g. “*process” will find “process” and every data that ends with “process”, like “default-process”
The question mark ? represents exactly one character, e.g. implement?tion
Group terms to form partial queries: The search recognizes round brackets in the sense of grouping clauses. This allows you to control the Boolean logic of a query.
For example, the query “a AND (b OR c)” will search for “a AND b OR a AND c”. If the brackets are not set, “a AND b OR c” is interpreted as “(a AND b) OR c”.
How can I filter search results?
In the central search, you can filter the search results using the filter in the right sidebar. If you have received search results, you will see the types and available attributes of the results as facets. By clicking on the facet headings, they can be expanded and collapsed.
Expand a facet to see all filter options listed that correspond to the attribute values or result types. By setting a check mark for a filter, the search results are filtered according to this attribute value or result type. Multiple filters can be set simultaneously.
Available filters can be set via the administration in the old user interface.
How can I save a search as favorite?
To make it easier to call up an often-needed search and the corresponding results, you can save the search including settings stage dependent as a favorite. These favorites will appear on your myBIC page as a tile. Proceed as follows.
Enter the desired search term in the central search. Select the star icon next to the search field to enable the Save search query function.
A dialog window open where you have to name the favorite. Then you can confirm by clicking save. Alternatively, you can cancel the process.
After saving your search, the star icon is filled. If you select it, you can remove the saved search query from your favorites again. A favored search also appears as a tile on your myBIC page. By clicking on the favorite tile you will immediately see your search results in the central search.
In the mobile view, you can find the option to save (resp. remove) a search as favorite in the context menu (three dots menu).